Part 3

"Ok, but first... put some clothes on." Naruto said and continued on "No one will see your nude form, but me!" Naruto's possessive tone sent a pleasurable shiver down her spine.

"Ok, but I need clothes for that." Kurami said and Naruto stared at her blankly and blinked before staring at her with a pair of rinnegan eyes.

"Creation of All Things!" Naruto said in a deep and powerful voice that made Kurami glad for self restraint. She waited several years, she could wait a few more hours.

Suddenly in Naruto's hand was a nice outfit which Kurami slowly put on after putting on the panties and bra given to her.

"Wait... how did you know my sizes?" Kurami asked confused and Naruto smirked with his normal blue eyes back. "Ha! You think I, Naruto, student of Jiraiya the Toad Sennin would not know your sizes with just a glance?" This made Kurami sweat drop.

'Of course he would say that.' She thought before sighing. Why wouldn't he know her sizes? If anything it made her happy that he knew them. For some odd reason.

"Good, now let's go and find a nice place to eat." Naruto cheered once she was fully dressed and grabbed her hand and left his home closing the door behind him and locking it.

"Before we go." Kurami said and made a very familiar hand sign and in a poof of smoke appeared another her, but in a chibi Fox form that went on Naruto's head and fell asleep. Like the fox form of her usually did most the time when out.

"Now we're good. So where do you want to go?" She asked and Naruto smiled at her. "It's all entirely up to you where you want to go my dear." Naruto said as he held her hand with his and she immediately knew where she wanted to go. She always wanted to taste their food and now she can!

So she dragged him where she wanted to go and Naruto easily followed her ignoring the looks sent their way, well most of them, he glared at the males as they stared at his girl. His glare made them run away. Kurami did the same thing to females who stared at her man.

"Yes! No line!" She said excitedly and dragged him into... Ichiraku Ramen. Naruto blinked at that. This girl was definitely after his heart 100%.

"What can I get ya... Naruto my boy!" Teuchi Ichiraku said happily and with surprising skill lept over the counter and hugged the blonde haired mortal deity.

"So glad to see you finally out your home. Now who's this lovely lady?" Teuchi asked and Naruto chuckled.

"This is Kurami. She's my date. An yeah, I'm finally out and about again." Naruto said as he smiled making Teuchi smile in return glad his surrogate grandson/son was out.

"That's good. Now come on, 50% off today for you and your lovely date!" Teuchi said and handed them two menus before going to start his cooking.

Meanwhile while the two looked at the menus watching from a spot hidden from their sight was a black haired female with pale eyes was Hinata Hyūga. She was stalking Naruto like she always does.

'How dare that slut try to steal what's mine! Naruto-kun is mine! Mine! How dare she try to steal him from me!' Hinata thought angrily as she nearly crushed the weak wall the was hiding behind.

"Alright! We'll have two Uzumaki specials!" Kurami said excitedly and Teuchi immediately got to work on the Uzumaki special. Two of every single ramen on the menu, which was a lot.

The new couple chatted casually about cool things they could do to their enemies that made The Ramen God Teuchi proud of them. Oh how he remembered his time of fighting. He should spar with Naruto to get back in shape!

(Ramen God Teuchi is only matched by Naruto!)

"Here you go! Two Uzumaki specials!" Teuchi said proudly as he and his shadow clones placed down 4 of each type of ramen before the couple who greedily ate their food, but with manners.

"Thanks again Teuchi! I'll make sure to come spar later!" Naruto waved goodbye as he left the money sitting on the counter, but a very large tip of 25% of the meal cost.

So for the next several hours Naruto and Kurami went around. Shopping. Exploring. Killing things in the forbidden forest. An then they did a little light sparing of taijutsu only in training grounds 44.

"That was nice." Naruto said as he and Kurami walked through a nice park where the moonlite shone on the couple.

They stopped in front of a stone. The stone that held the names of everyone that died in the fourth great ninja war. Naruto ran his finger over a certain name. Neji Hyūga.

'Thank you Neji for saving me from Hinata.' Naruto thought before standing up and then noticing how the moonlight truly brought out the beauty of his date.

"Kurami, I love you." Naruto said before he leaned down and captured her lips with his own in a gentle, but loving kiss. Soon they broke apart. "An I love you Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Otsutsuki." Kurami said before kissing him again, but this time wrapping her arms around his neck, which resulted in him wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him as they deepened the kiss.

Soon they broke apart with both panting with their eyes filled with lust and desire, but most importantly, Love.

"Let's go home, I have a special treat for you." Kurami said huskily. Naruto nodded excitedly and then both started walking home together.

Meanwhile a certain Hyūga watched in anger before following them. Tonight was the night she would make Naruto's hers.