Chapter 13: Worried for Him

Adrian's worry for Noah grew when he followed him out of the restaurant, only to find him nowhere in sight. With his mood dampened, Adrian decided to head home, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Noah.

Realizing that Noah didn't seem fine, Adrian made up his mind to call him. However, despite multiple attempts, Noah didn't answer any of his calls. He even tried reaching out after freshening up but still received no response.

Concerned and unable to get through to Noah, Adrian recalled that Noah had mentioned his friend's accident. He assumed that Noah might be busy attending to his friend and stopped calling, thinking he would contact him when he had the chance.

The next day, Adrian had a busy morning with early meetings. It wasn't until the afternoon that he finally had the chance to check on Noah. As he walked towards Noah's desk, hoping to find him there, he was surprised to see it empty. Seeking answers, he approached Emily, Noah's colleague.

"Where is Noah?" Adrian asked, trying to hide his growing anxiety.

"He's on leave," Emily replied. Adrian's concern heightened upon hearing this unexpected news. He sensed that something might be wrong. Adrian intended to call him in the morning, but it had slipped his mind amidst his busy schedule.

"Why is he on leave?" Adrian asked again, feeling a sense of urgency. Emily became nervous, noticing the change in Adrian's expression.

"I received a call this morning when Noah didn't come to the office. It was his friend, and he said that Noah is in the hospital. He…" Emily began explaining, but before she could finish, Adrian was already rushing out of there.

Adrian was filled with urgency and fear as he walked towards the elevator, desperately attempting to call Noah again. "Pick up the phone, goddamn it," he muttered in frustration.

Mike intercepted him on the way.

"Boss, what's going on?" Mike asked, concerned and curious.

"Get the car"

Adrian, too distressed to explain, ordered him to get the car and promptly entered the elevator. Mike immediately arranged for the car as Adrian continued to call Noah repeatedly.

Adrian's frustration and worry were palpable as he couldn't reach Noah. He appeared consumed by the fear that something serious had happened to Noah

On the way down, Adrian kept making frantic calls to Noah, his frustration evident. Mike could sense that something serious had happened, as he had never seen Adrian so agitated before.

"Boss, where to?" the driver asked as Adrian and Mike got into the car. It was at that moment that Adrian realized he had forgotten to ask Emily which hospital Noah was in.

Just as the worry began to escalate, there was a glimmer of hope as someone finally answered Noah's phone. Adrian's heart raced, hoping to hear Noah's voice on the other end.

"Noah?" Adrian rushed in asking. However, it wasn't Noah who replied, but someone else who delivered unsettling news. "Sorry, Noah can't answer the call," the person on the line informed him.

The wave of worry and frustration intensified within Adrian. He needed to know where Noah was and how he could reach him. "Where is Noah? Which hospital?" Adrian inquired, his voice becoming cold and serious.

Noah's friend shared the name of the hospital, and Adrian quickly hung up the call. He relayed the hospital name to the driver, urging him to hurry.

Throughout the drive, Adrian's mind was consumed with concern for Noah. Every passing moment felt like an eternity, and he desperately hoped that Noah would be okay. The uncertainty and fear gnawed at him as they made their way to the hospital.

Once they arrived, Adrian rushed inside, his heart pounding with anxiety. He made his way to the front desk, asking about Noah's condition and room number. The receptionist directed him to the room where Noah was being treated.

Adrian's steps quickened as he approached the room. He hesitated for a moment, gathering his emotions, before finally pushing the door open. Inside, he saw Noah lying on the bed, looking pale and weak.

Rushing to Noah's side, Adrian gently held his hand.


Adrian's heart felt like it was being tightly squeezed, the worry and guilt overwhelming him as he stood by Noah's bedside.

"He just had medicine and was asleep."

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence, and Adrian and Mike turned to see a young boy entering the room. He approached them with a warm smile.

"I'm Oliver, Noah's friend," he introduced himself. Adrian nodded, grateful to meet someone who knew about Noah's well-being.

"What happened to Noah? Why is he in this state?" Adrian asked with genuine concern and panic in his voice.

"He had an allergic reaction," Oliver explained, placing a bag of food on the table. The news shocked Adrian; he couldn't believe that just yesterday Noah had been fine. He felt a pang of guilt, realizing that he might have missed something.

"How did this happen?" Adrian inquired, trying to piece together what had triggered Noah's allergic reaction.

Oliver looked at Adrian and confirmed, "You are Adrian, right? His boss." Adrian nodded, feeling slightly uncomfortable that Noah's friend knew about their relationship, but he didn't object.

"Noah has a strong allergy to garlic, so he rarely eats food from outside," Oliver explained. Adrian was taken aback by this revelation. He felt guilty for not paying closer attention to Noah's dietary needs and health.

Just then, Adrian saw Noah opening his eyes, and he leaned in quickly.


Noah blinked a few times before recognizing Adrian's presence.

"Boss?" Noah's surprise was evident in his voice as he looked at Adrian.

Adrian's concern deepened as he gently held Noah's hand. "How are you feeling now?" he asked, his voice filled with care.

"I'm feeling better," Noah replied softly, feeling slightly awkward as he noticed Mike and Oliver's presence in the room. He looked around, feeling a bit nervous with the added attention.

Oliver smiled warmly, trying to ease the tension in the room.

"I have brought you food," Oliver said, reaching for the food tray. Adrian helped Noah straighten his body, making sure he was comfortable.

"Do you want some water?" Adrian asked, concerned about Noah's well-being. Noah shook his head, declining the offer with a weak smile.

Just then, Mike's phone rang, drawing everyone's attention. Mike quickly checked the caller ID and looked at Adrian.

"Boss..." Mike began, but Adrian interrupted firmly, "Go and handle it."

This surprised Mike, as it was a rare instance of Adrian putting work aside. He had been working with Adrian for almost ten years, and it was the first time he had seen his boss prioritize something other than work. Mike couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to the situation between Adrian and Noah that he didn't know about.

Adrian noticed Mike standing still and prompted him, "Why are you still here?"

Quickly regaining his composure, Mike nodded and left the room. As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel intrigued and curious about the connection between Noah and his boss.

Oliver set the food tray on the bed and began arranging the food. Adrian felt slightly uncomfortable with Oliver's involvement, so he swiftly reached for the tray, taking over the task.

"Thank you," he said, wanting to handle things himself for Noah's sake.

Noah was surprised to see Adrian being so attentive, while Oliver looked on in confusion.

"You've probably been here since yesterday. Why don't you go home and rest? I'll look after Noah," Adrian suggested as he settled down beside Noah's bed with the food tray.

"Yeah, you've been here since yesterday. Go home. I'll call you later," Noah added, not wanting Oliver to feel awkward in Adrian's presence.

Oliver hesitated but could sense the understanding between Noah and Adrian. "Are you sure?" he asked, concerned.

"Yeah, don't worry," Noah reassured him with a comforting look. Oliver understood the situation, as Noah had shared everything about his relationship with Adrian. With a nod of understanding, Oliver decided to leave, giving them some privacy.

Noah appreciated Oliver's understanding and care.

As they were left alone, Noah's heart was filled with warmth.

Noah's cheeks flushed slightly, and he glanced at Adrian.