Altias tale

Damn this Prince, he was comforting to hold. However being tricked to think he was just an innocent cub who couldn't talk? I wanted to grwol at him, actually I think I was growling because the look he was making was one of intrigue and surprise. I was still holding the little trickester and as much as I wanted to put him down for some reason I couldn't. I felt as if there was a string tying me to him. All I wanted was to continue to hold him even though I knew now that he was not as he appeared to be. I think he knew it too because he was quiet for the rest of the way.

Altia led me to a beautiful area that was surrounded by purple and blue trees and what looked like that same moss that was illuminating the cave walls on the way in. The area looked homey, there were imprints in the grass that showed where they slept. There was a rock over hang that held several deep gashes in it, I guess this is where they sharpened their horns? Off by the side I saw those same venus looking flytrap plants and they were chewing on... bones... yea those were bones. I guess when they were done eating their prey they gave those things the bones to eat. How very efficient. I couldn't help thinking.

"You can set me down now if you want too that is." Shadows voice filtered into my thoughts teasingly. I tried not to make a face but I failed and both he and Altia started laughing. I sat him down and then looked over at Altia. "You know you could have told me that he could talk and wasn't just a regular cub." I grumbled at her while pointing at the little trickester. "How even old is he? Why does it sound like he is older than he looks?! I mean it says cub next to his stats for Pete's sake!" I let lose my inner thoughts now that I knew we were alone and could talk freely. "Most importantly, why does it feel like we are connected?" Here I tried to say it softly however I'm starting to find out the hard way that Fox Deer had excellent hearing. He chuckled while Altia sighed.

"You may want to sit down for this, it ties into your other questions that you've yet to ask. I already know by the way what you've been wanting to ask me since we had our chat by the lake. I guess I should start back at the point when I told you about that strange intruder."

Sitting down I leaned my back against the rock making myself comfortable while Shadow layed down beside me. I was still angry with him but I couldn't help it, I reached out to put my hand on his back to scratch him. The damned guy was too cute and way too fluffy not to pet. Seeing this Altia smiled gently while pacing for a few moments before laying down herself.

"So the intruder had caused us to break into factions of light and dark, but the dark ones didn't have a leader yet. I was the Queen already of the Fox Deer before we split into two, and my mate who disagreed with me on how things should be, actually went over to the dark side and became their leader. However it was a short reign, he was overthrown by another buck who felt as if the queens mate was only trying to be the leader to trick the dark ones. You see we even trick each other its in our nature, and so it was hard for them to believe his intentions. The buck who took over wanted to prove his worth even more by trying to get rid of me and my cub as well. I had to hide him and leave for a while and time the upcoming trial you Hellcats had in order to transform and blend in to try and hunt him down myself. However I knew I couldn't do it alone and I was going to try and trick a few of you to help me kill him. However he somehow knew what my mimicked form looked like and came after me himself along with a quarter of his herd. That was the day you found me. I had thought I had injured him and he had camouflaged himself to blend into the grass in the rocks. I didn't know he was actually luring me into a trap. While my focus was on him he had his warriors sneak up behind me where they waited for me to spring his elemental spike trap. He got me good I'm not going to lie, and your timely response to my distress is what saved my life. You didn't see him but he was in front of you when you grabbed me, I kicked out at him to stop him from knocking us both out of the air. You know what happened after that. After you healed me I could feel him coming, and I had been observing you and knew you knew something was coming as well. I owed you my life so I offered to carry you to get you to safety but it wasn't until you got on that I felt it. You had been bleased by our God, which meant you had been favored like my son. Only the chosen ones would be bleased by our God so I brought you to my home." She tilted her head ever so slightly to look at me seriously. "I do not know why you have such a connection to my son, I can only think it's due to your blessing. All I do know is that for as long as I live I'm in your debt."

I couldn't even begin to unpack her story. It was true she did answer my questions I had from the lake, however now to know the whole situation I wondered what happens now. My fellow Hellcats and I were in the middle of a conflict with a species until now I was supposed to be hunting to prove my worth. It had already been a few days since the trial of life started. I still had around.... wait. I didn't know how many days were in a month in this world. Deb how many days do I have left until the month time limit is up?

[Quest : Trial of life (26 days left)]

Okay so that's not too long. Maybe we could help each other out, I still needed to hunt a Fox Deer, but I had no idea which ones were from the other faction. I did not want to accidentally hunt one of her warriors either.

"I think we can help each other out, but only if you agree Altia. I would be hunting your kind still but if you let me I could help you get rid of your dark ones faction for good. Hopefully." Her whole body seemed to perk up with intrest, I tried my best not to smile but her reaction was pretty cute. She gave me a small glare in return but then she too smiled.

"Alright then I'm listening, what is your plan?"