Chapter 1

Hiruzen Sarutobi stared at the large scroll and a single small scroll sitting on his desk. It was the two scroll given to him by Minato the week before the Kyuubi attacked. He was wondering what was inside them, but had a suspicion what it was. The other was the words of his parents to him. He wondered how Naruto would react to it.

"JIJI!! Neko-chan said you wanted to see me!?" He asked with excitement. He usually was the one to visit his Jiji, but when the rare times he was summoned he was given awesome things. Like free ramen coupons, an apartment and some other things.

Though many giggled at the name one of the more fearsome anbu agents got. Not many had the balls to calls someone who could turn you into pieces before you realized it that and get away with it.

'Your lucky your so adorable Naruto-kun!! Wait... no!! I can't be thinking like that!! He's kushina-sensei's son, but he's also a genin now... age never stopped ninja before. An we're only a decade apart... note to self. Speak to Hayate-nii later.' Said purple haired Neko masked anbu thought to herself as her cheeks tinted red under her mask as she glared daggers at her fellow anbu agents.

"Yes. But anyway just to be sure you said you learned about the Kyuubi from Mizuki yesterday right?" Hiruzen asked and Naruto nodded before scratching his neck feeling he was forgetting something. He just couldn't remember. Hiruzen's eyes narrowed.

"Naruto-kun how long have you been scratching your neck like that? What are the five main villages? What is the first hokage famous for?" Hiruzen asked quickly and Naruto tried to think and remember, but he couldn't. He knew the answers he knew that, but just couldn't remember.

"I know it, but I don't remember. What was it!?" Naruto asked himself out loud and Hiruzen knocked Naruto out quickly using a shunshin to appear behind him and neck chop him knocking him out. Hiruzen removed the blondes jacket and shirt quickly and channeled chakra to the blondes neck are as a large seal lit up on the blondes back starting from his neck to his middle back and formed a large circle.

"Who ever did this shall pay!!" Hiruzen all, but growled out in rage. He immediately knew what all the seals were. Using his chakra he managed to remove the seals in the order needed or they would kill Naruto. Soon the seals on Naruto were gone beside the seal for the Kyuubi.

Naruto soon woke up feeling better then ever, but he had decided to look to the right where a mirror lay and suddenly screamed so loud everyone in the village heard him. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME!?"

Naruto looked different so much. His hair having lengthened to fall to his mid back with jaw length bangs. It now also had red at the tips mixing together to form orange, but there was also some black strands mixed in also, but still blended together well. His eyes having darkened. He grew now matching his clsssmate Shino in the height department. Shino was the tallest.

His face now lost the baby fat and had a more mature and his whisker marks now a bit more visible. His body having gained a bit more muscle, but not by much.

Overall his fan club would grow from three to many.

"Jiji... what happened to me?" Naruto asked, but then said "Also could I get some clothes? I may like sleeping naked, but I'm not a nudist." Naruto said as he grabbed a blanket from nowhere covering himself.

Neko has to resist taking the genin to her house and into her room and then ravaging him. 'Down girl!!' Her thoughts didn't stop the blood going down her nose at the moment.

Naruto soon had on a pair of black pants and a black shirt. A bit tight, but still better then being a nudist in public.

"Now Naruto-kun... you had seals put on you by someone. Do you remember ever seeing a man like this before you started scratching your neck?" Hiruzen said then asked showing a picture to Naruto who nodded and Hiruzen growled.

"I see. Now would you like to know about the seals you had on you or not know?" Hiruzen asked and Naruto thought to himself as he sat on the couch with his hand on his knee as he leaned into it. "I want to know Jiji." Naruto said seriously.

"Very well. You had quite a few seals placed on you. 8 chakra seals on each of the 8 inner gates. A knowledge seal preventing you from remembering anything important. A personality seal that changed your personality. A paralysis seal so that if you ever left the village boundary you would have your body freeze and stop working unless let out. A death seal so that if they ever wished they could end your life. Then finally a bloodline seal that sealed all bloodlines away." Hiruzen said as Naruto went wide eye more and more as his jaw gaped.

"Why?" Naruto asked with tears in his eyes. "Why would this man do this to me?" Naruto asked in tears. Neko couldn't help it and appeared and hugged the 13 year old.

"Naruto-kun. That man is named Danzo Shimura. He is a Warhawk. He wants for Konoha to achieve greatness, but goes about it in the dark. If he had his way you would have been raised as weapon for him to use to take over the elemental nation. But don't worry. Soon you won't have to worry about that man ever again." Hiruzen said and Naruto nodded before he soon fell asleep mentally tired. Neko held the blonde as he slept.

"Neko-chan I have a mission for you and it involves Naruto-kun. I want you to train him for the two months before team selections. Make him on par with his classmates at the least and make sure he gains the knowledge he needs. You are to train him as Yugao Uzuki. Also give him this. Tell him it's to remain a secret until he's chunin. An in this scroll is everything they owned. This missions is an official A-Rank mission pay every 2 weeks." Hiruzen said and Neko nodded happily before vanishing after grabbing both scrolls and many anbu pouted having wanted to train him.

Next Morning

Naruto woke up the next morning feeling an unexpected warmth and reached out for it and grabbed it only to hear a moan. He did it again and hear another moan and it was finally then did his mind catchup and realize what he just did. His face burned beet red as he opened his eyes and saw the Neko anbu laying in his bed without her mask which was sitting on his nightstand as her face was red.

"I'm sorry!!" Naruto said as he bowed on his knees as she giggled. "It's ok Naruto-kun." She said with an  unspoken 'you can do it whenever you wish' said in her head only.

"Now. Hokage-sama said to give this to you and that it is to keep a secret till your a chunin. Everything they owned is in that scroll. His words not mine." Neko said and Naruto nodded before sitting criss cross on his bed and opened the scroll and it was two letters addressed to him.

Dear Naruto

This is your father. Now your probably wondering why the old monkey never gave you this before right? Well simple I gave him instructions not to tell you anything about it till your a genin.

My name is Minato Namikaze. The fourth hokage. Now if I'm not here that means I probably died sealing the Kyuubi into you. I don't know if there was another way, but there probably wasn't beside making a jinchuriki, but know this I probably only did it because I could trust you to master nine tails power. Also try to form a bond with the beast. I know it may be evil and hate humans, but can you blame it, he or she? Anyway can you blame it when humans have hunted the 9 bijuu down to control their power. Forced to be controlled many times. I don't think I would like humans very much. So try to be understanding.

Now I have some information that's heavily guarded in the village by many. Very few know this. I'm not a pure Namikaze. I am Minato Namikaze Senju. Son of Tsunade Senju, Jiraiya Namikaze and Orochimaru. How is it possible I have three fathers? Well it's a bit embarrassing to say, but the three got together and well you should know the birds and bees.

Anyway due to that I am the son of the three sannin. Neither of the two males knew this because Tsunade soon left for a little over a year and a half. She returned with a Namikaze child who's parents died. I was adopted by Jiraiya. Ironic huh? Father adopting his own child. It's kinda funny in a sad way. I found out since all hokage's are required to go through blood checks to check backgrounds. An finding out my mother I confronted her. It took a while, but I eventually forgave her, but never forgot.

So yeah. I also found out the wood release bloodline is present in every other 4 generations. So for example it passed through Hashirama's child, their child and then their child and it's now an dominant active gene in you.

Now for some parental instincts to kick in!!

Naruto noticed fried tears on the paper showing his father had been crying. Fresh tear marks were there from Naruto. Neko hugged her secret crush.

Anyway don't drink. A little on the sides is fine, but drinking a bunch shouldn't be done. Find a few nice girls you can love as you are no doubt in the C.R.A. or rather known as the Clan Restoration Act.

Don't spend all your money in one place, though it's impossible with the money your mother and I own combined that you now own. Ha. You possibly own over 50% of Konoha.

You see despite being a ninja your mother and I bought quite a bit of things just in case you didn't want to be a ninja. Ha. If you didn't want to be a ninja it would be surprising since it's in your blood, but your mother and I wouldn't care and would love you matter your profession.

Also make a few friends. I know you probably won't have many friends and that's my fault, but if you can find a few true friends then that's all you will need. Try the clan children. Their your age.

Also be responsible in general and have fun in life. One last thing. Just know despite whatever you hear just know your mother and I love you more then anything in this world, hell I fainted hearing I'm gonna be a father and took 2 weeks to put a baby crib together.

Love Minato Namikaze

P.S. You may or may not be engaged to three people. Yugao Uzuki, Anko Miterashi and Kasumi Kaguya.

P.P.S. They may be older then you, but give them a chance.

P.P.P.S. Last one. I promise. In the giant scroll is all documents related to your brith and your mother's and I's marriage certificate. All of its ironclad. If the civilian council or elders ever give you issues just go to the fire daimyo. He will make sure nothing happens and is on your side also. He is a kind and helpful man who will help those in need. Plus your marrying his daughter. Love you!

Naruto broke down crying again, but preserved to go through his mother's part. Was also covered in tear marks.

Dear Naruto-Sochi

Right now your probably thinking how cool and badass your kaa-chan is right? If not then you better start.

Anyway time to get serious. I don't have any parental stuff since your father covered it. That jackass!! I'll just have to beat him up for it!!

Anyway. Like your father I hold a deep secret. While not the child of three I also have a rich heritage. My full name is Kushina Uzumaki Uchiha. My mother was the daughter of Madara Uchiha. Usher was injured and managed to get to Uzisho where she was taken in by the main clan and soon fell in love with my father and thus I was born.

So yeah. Eventually I was brought to Konoha. If you want to know everything look through my diary's. I wrote everything in them about my life and your father did the same. Both are protected by a bloodline seal so only someone related to us directly can read them. Aka you and Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

Anyway I trust you with everything as I know you can handle it as your our, but most importantly my son. So abandon your fear and push forth Naruto. Don't hesitate for a single second.

Love your mother

Kushina Uzumaki

The most beautiful and Adams kunoichi alive or dead!!

P.S. You better treat those girls right or I'll rise from the dead and beat the respect into you!!

Naruto broke down crying fully as he latched onto Neko for support and cried his eyes out. Soon he stopped with the occasional sniffle. She handed him a cloth to clean his face up. When he was done his eyes visible were now the mangekyo sharingan. How? Well the sadness and lost of a close one as a bond between mother and son is sacred. More so then father and son.

(Just the outside part. The middle will be when he gets his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan)

"Sooo since your unmasked what's your name?" Naruto asked embarrassingly and she smirked seductively and teasingly before leaning forward real close with their noses touching and said "Uzuki Yugao." She then stole Naruto's first kiss. She wrapped her hands around his neck and depended the kiss by using his gasp as a means to shove her tongue in and keep it going.

Soon she broke the kiss off smiling. "It's nice to officially meet you Naruto-kun. Just know I'm the alpha female." She said before laying her head on his shoulder and relaxed, but not before leaving a love bite on his neck.

"Now. Hokage-sama has me as your personal instructor for the next two months in order to catch up to your classmates at the minimum. I will have no slacking and any disobedience will result in punishment. Now stop channeling chakra to your eyes as it can't be revealed your an Uchiha for now." Yugao said and the commanded and Naruto did so. Soon his vision returned to normal.

"Now. Let's go get you some new clothes. I won't settle for his monstrosity." Yugao said and immediately dragged Naruto off as Naruto managed to lock the apartment after hiding the scroll with a shadow clone which soon poofed showing Naruto the memory who soon realized how quick he could progress his training.

Naruto was soon dragged to a store called the rising dragon's. Naruto was surprised when the man at the counter stared at him with kind eyes.

"Ah Neko-san how can I help you today?" The man asked kindly. "Naruto-kun here needs new clothes as you can see and proper equipment. Can you grab a basic Jounin set and 10 practice kits of fuinjutsu. I'll help him with his clothes. Naruto-kun this is Dustin Higurashi the owner. Dustin-San this is Naruto Uzumaki my temporary student for two months." Neko said before dragging Naruto off while Dustin chuckled after shaking Naruto's hand.

It took 1 hour due to Yugao channeling some of her inner girl for clothes shopping and ended up getting a ton of outfits while reassuring him this wouldn't even affect 0.0001% of his bank account. An Naruto had enough clothes to put clothes on a small village.

Naruto had a bunch of civilian outfits that were all different and for different occasions.

His ninja outfit consisted of black ninja sandals, black pants with a tone of pockets, silver bandages wrapped around the ankle to half way to the knee. Two silver colored belts with black designs on it. A black shirt with short sleeves. A red coat with black flames licking at the bottom and long and large sleeves. His headband having been replaced with black cloth that was longer then normal.

All in all Naruto looked good. Yugao was practically salivating at how good her future husband looked.

"You look good Naruto-kun." Yugao said honestly and Naruto blushed and turned away remembering the kiss they shared. "Awww your embarrasses how cute." She said giggling before leading Naruto back to the counter.

"Well I'll be. You look great kid. If you ever need anything ninja wise feel free to stop by. I ain't gonna deny you services." Dustin said and Naruto thanked him before him and Yugao vanished back to Naruto's apartment.

"Now pack your things Naruto-kun cause your moving to somewhere else." Yugao said and helped Naruto put everything in sealing scrolls she had bought at the rising dragons.

The two soon left the apartment after having everything. They walked into a ninja district after being let in after showing id's. Yugao's was her anbu one, but still good.

"Naruto-kun meet Ryu Kazuma. He is the owner of the shinobi district and the one your buying an apartment from." She said and Naruto bowed to the man who showed the same curtsy as well as he could in his old age.

"Welcome Naruto-san. What kind of apartment would you like? Any specifics?" Ryu asked kindly. "Umm do you have one with a master bedroom, a guest room, a study room, two bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a laundry room?" Naruto asked kindly and curious and the man hummed before opening a book and skimming through it before stopping on it with his finger and pulled out a paper from the same book.

"Indeed I do. Your lucky. I'm pretty sure tomorrow some Jounin was gonna buy it. But this one has 2 guest rooms instead of 1. Will that work?" He asked and Naruto nodded before the man slid Naruto a paper.

"Fill this out please." Ryu requested before he sipped some of his coffee. 20 mins later Naruto discreetly using his sharingan read the paper and terms and agreements and handed it back after signing the needed areas and filling in information.

"Your apartment is on the top floor and is number 375. Here is your key. Put a drop of blood on it and insert a little of your chakra into it. This will make sure only you can enter the apartment." Ryu explained and Naruto thanked the man and bowed before heading off. When Naruto and Yugao passed room 371 they heard a loud shout of youth and Naruto shuddered.

"Here you are Naruto-kun. My apartment is 231. So if you ever want to come over for any reason feel free to. I'll see you tomorrow at training grounds 42 at 7am sharp. Don't be late." Yugao said and then lifted her mask a little and kissed Naruto on the cheek then vanished in a shunshin. Naruto blushed before going into his apartment and organizing everything.

"This is sure to be an interesting way things go isn't it?" Naruto asked himself out loud.