Chapter 5

Naruto walked through Konoha at a moderate pace. A white lab coat on him that doctors wear at hospitals. Why was Naruto wearing one? Well he wanted to learn medical ninjutsu because it seemed helpful.

How would Naruto be able to learn medical jutsu with such large chakra? Shit ton of shadow clones every day.

"Excuse me is Miss Yuma in?" Naruto asked the front desk lady who had no hatred for Naruto. Hell the entire hospital staff saw him as a human being. They cared for him so it made it even better working there.

"Ah Naruto-kun. Yes she is waiting for you in her office." The front desk lady said and Naruto smiled before walking off to the office waving back at the doctors and nurses working.

"Miss Yuma?" Naruto asked and he heard a come in after he knocked. He learned to knock first instead of walking in when he had walked in to find her having been changing. He was a blushing mess that day. She had teased him relentlessly. Somehow Yugao had found out and the teasing was worse.

"Naruto-kun. How are you today? Ready for your lessons?" Yuma asked and Naruto nodded before saying "I'm good. How are you? An yes I'm ready for today!" Naruto said excitedly. He had been training for a whole 3 months using a shit ton of shadow clones to become a certified first class medic ninja. Today would be his test.

"I'm doing good. Thank you for asking. Now follow me. You will be performing surgery on a man recently brought in who is injured greatly in a fight against enemy ninja. Don't worry though. I'll be right next to you." Yuma explained and comforted him and he smiled before putting on his game face.

They soon walked in and Naruto grimaced at the man before becoming serious and did a few hand signs before his chakra formed in his hands and was a green color with a bit of purple in it. Naruto had to limit the amount of else the pressure could hurt someone. He remembered when he released his chakra at full power once and it crushed someone when they were attacking him when he was 8. Naruto was extra scared to ever do so again since he was a Jounin that he killed.

"Deep breath." Naruto said to himself taking a deep breath calming himself down before focusing.

1 hour later

"All done." Naruto said and Yuma did a quick scan and smiled proudly before hugging Naruto in a hug into her impressive bust making Naruto turn red.

"Good job!! I knew you could do it!!" Yuma said and her excited yell woke the man up and he looked around and saw two people. "Head nurse Yuma? We're you the one who performed surgery on me?" He asked and she shook her head and gestured to Naruto.

"Nope. It was this man. Naruto Uzumaki. First class doctor/medical ninja now." She said with pride in her student. Naruto blushed a bit.

"Thanks for saving my life doctor uzumaki. I'm forever grateful. It's thanks to you I can go back to my family." He said and Naruto smiled and said "That's Nice, but remember. Take it easy. If I find out you didn't I'll personally make sure you come back here. Got it? Good." Naruto's face went from dead scary serious to cheerful making the man pale a bit and nod. Doctor Naruto was scary.

"Come on Naruto-kun lets go get your license." She said and Naruto nodded and waved goodbye to the man who waved back.

"You did good Naruto-kun. That man now gets to return to his family and live longer." Yuma said and Naruto nodded pleased with himself. Soon they were in Yuma's office and Naruto leaned against her desk as she looked inside her desk and pulled out a card with some fuinjutsu on it.

"As you can see there is seals on it. This is to obviously hide your full name and information till your a chunin. Don't look so shocked. I am your personal nurse and the hokage's personal nurse also." She said giggling and Naruto smiled before the license vanished in a poof of smoke.

"Sweet. So what times do I have to come in?" Naruto asked curious now that he was a full doctor. "When ever you wish, but you must come in at least 2 times a week for 2 hours at the minimum since your a ninja that isn't fully working at the hospital. The only exceptions are in this. Read it." She said handing him a book with much needed information.

"I guess I'll see ya later Yuma-sensei." Naruto said and tried to leave only for him to have Yuma grab his coat. "Nope. I need compensation for you learning from me. You are going to take me out on a date." She said grinning and Naruto blushed before accepting and walked away going to edit his schedule to find time for this date.


Naruto walked into his teams training grounds and found his team waiting for him. "Your usually on time Naruto. How come your late?" Asuma asked curious why his surrogate nephew was late.

Naruto grinned before showing his new license. Asuma had a shocked, but then proud look.

"Well done Naruto. Your now officially a first class doctor and medical ninja." Asuma said which soon shocked the other two genin in team 10. "Say Asuma-sensei can we get a C-Rank mission today? I believe we are strong enough and our teamwork is top notch." Naruto asked and then explained and Asuma thought about it.

'Let's see. Shino is roughly low chunin. Mid-chunin if he turns off the gravity seals Naruto applied to him. Shikamaru is mid-chunin without the seals. Naruto is probably mid-jounin without his seals and high-jounin with his sharingan and anbu Lvl with his mangekyo. I guess we can handle a C-Rank and maybe even a B-Rank.' Asuma thought to himself.

"Alright. In celebration of your passing we will get a C-Rank mission." Asuma said and the three genin smiled at each other before following after Asuma.

The three walked through town at a nice pace. Naruto grinned at some of the peoples shocked faces. The Jounin or someone had clearly spread the news while he was with his team.

"Guess someone spread it out." Naruto said with a smile on his face. "Troublesome." "..." was his fellow genin's reply. Asuma just grinned.

"Hokage-sama were here for a C-Rank mission. I believe my team is ready for it." Asuma said using formality that Naruto seemed to lack even in the presence of his superiors. Of course Naruto knew how to use it, but didn't. Everyone knew that. Naruto knew time and space.

It was at this point that Iruka would have normally pointed out that they weren't ready, but this team was different. They had borderline perfect teamwork. They complemented each other most the time. Their powers were all over low chunin at full and there was two Jounin lvl ninja on the team.

"Iruka-kun can you hand me number 27." Hiruzen asked and Iruka nodded before giving it to Hiruzen who opened it and nodded and handed it to Asuma who read it and seemed to sigh softly before telling his team to pack for 2 weeks and meet at the gate in 30 mins. The three soon left. Shikamaru and Shino in shunshin's and Naruto in shunpo.

30 mins later

"Now don't take it wrong, but it's protocol for first C-Ranks. Show me your bags." Asuma said and the three summoned their bags from seals. Shino and Shikamaru were taught basic seals by Naruto. He was an Uzumaki. He would not have idiots in his team who couldn't even use sealing scrolls or make them.

After spending a bit going through everything his team had they soon left.

"Asuma-sensei what exactly is our mission?" Naruto asked in what everyone called "mission mode". At the moment they were in the land of fire, but Naruto and Asuma both knew there was missing nin and bandit camps hidden all around the elemental nations.

"I don't want to put this off any longer so I'll be frank. We're taking on a bandit extermination mission. In a town 2 hours out at our current speeds is the town of the Kama. It's a known city where many people are known to fall in love with each other or realize it. This town is very peaceful and kind. It's said to be blessed by Kama the god of love. Some bandits have been kidnapping females of different ages and doing unknown things to them. They sent us a mission request to find them and eliminate the bandits." Asuma explained and the three genin gained sour expressions.

While the three knew they would have to take a life soon they didn't expect it to be this soon. Naruto knows he has killed a man before, but he didn't do it on purpose so it would be his second kills, but first willing kill.

Two Hours Later

"Excuse me sir." Asuma asked to a man around 27. "Can you tell us which way the mayors office is? We're here about the bandits." Asuma explained and the man gained a happy look and pointed to the mayors office.

Naruto could sense relief, happiness, hope and other emotions. But the first three being the most prominent ones. Soon the four arrived at the mayors office and were quickly let in.

"Naruto, Shino, Shikamaru let me handle the talking for now." Asuma said and team 10 nodded.

"Welcome Asuma Sarutobi. I expected a team of chunin, but with you here it's fine." The mayor said obviously pleased to have such a famous jounin.

"Thank you. So for long has this been going on?" Asuma asked. It was basic requirement. While this was going on Naruto locked onto the mayors emotions and felt things he didn't like.

Greed, evil, hate, lust and many other emotions. He would need to leave a clone behind as they leave and make sure it gathers needed information.

"It's gone on for 1 month. We thought it was a wild animal, but we never found any remains till 1 week ago the bandits came and took girls publicly before leaving. We soon sent a request to hopefully get rid of the bandits." The mayor said and Naruto inwardly growled.

He could feel the mans emotions and knew he was lying. Naruto used hand signals to ask Asuma to ask if he knew anything about the disappearances.

"Do you know anything about the disappearances?" Asuma asked humoring Naruto. He knew Naruto was fully serious. "No. Sadly. I don't know anything about it." He said and Naruto growled before slamming his hands on the mans desk as his sharingan appeared and captured the man in a genjutsu.

"You will tell us everything you know now!" Naruto demanded and the man robotically said "Very well. The bandit leader is actually my friend. We set it up so I would become the mayor so he could get more girls to kidnap and have fun with." He said and the entire team 10 growled.

"How dare you low life." He growled. He took a deep breath and turned to his team. "Act like we never found out. He will think he spaced out once were in position." Naruto said with the others nodding in understanding.

"Ah Mayor-san?" Asuma asked playing the curious Jounin. "Ah sorry Asuma-San I seemed to have spaced out. Please go remove the bandits and bring the girls back. I'll have your pay ready once you return." He said thinking they wouldn't return as his friend was a low A-Rank ninja with fire and rock techniques.

"Yes. Come along team." Asuma said and they walked out. "Your sensing ability is truly a god send Naruto. Now do you know where the bandit camp is?" He asked and Naruto hummed before making his way out the mayors office and jumped to the top of it and stood completely still and extended his range to the max.

"They are roughly 3 miles that way." Naruto pointed out in the direction before jumping off in the direction with his team following his pace he set so Shino and Shikamaru could keep up.

"Stop." Asuma said as they got in sight of the camp. "Shikamaru, Shino, Naruto. Drop your weights. No holding back. Don't be distrust. You can react once the mission is done." Asuma ordered. This wasn't lazy, but cool Asuma. This was no shit and serious Asuma.

"Yes sensei." The three genin said before two of them made a ram seal and one didn't before seals on their body glowed purple and soon vanished again. "Good. Now go!" Asuma ordered and the three genin vanished to different points with Asuma taking the one point left. East, North, West and South. Shikamaru, Naruto, Shino and Asuma in that order.

"Go." Asuma said from the com around his neck to the others who soon started the slaughter of bandits.

Naruto was using his sword slashing through bandits before they even realized they were dead. He had his blade covered in Amaterasu flames. He would need a new one soon.

Naruto soon finished his section, but soon had to dodge a fire ball and saw a man that made him see red.

"YOU!!" Naruto yelled as the man grinned.

Meanwhile with Shikamaru

Shikamaru was cleaning his way through the bandits with his shadows and kunai. Shikamaru had to dodge a kunai though once he killed the bandits and saw a ninja. He recognized him from the bingo book Asuma hooked them onto with a subscription to get the new ones every month.

"Kanto Juto. Mid C-Rank ninja. Originally a genin from the grass village, but soon left after poisoning his team." Shikamaru said and the man grinned before charging Shikamaru who blocked with his kunai.

Shikamaru dodged the mans earth spear he sent and had to dodge a kunai and seal-less-ly summoned his shadows which caught the kunai and Shikamaru charged the man and went for a kick and as he predicted the man went to block giving Shikamaru's shadow the time to stab the man in the shoulder with a kunai losing function in his arm.

Shikamaru soon used earth release earth wall and then fire style fireball jutsu burning the man who jumped out the fire with burn marks.

"DIE!!" Kanto yelled as he jumped towards Shikamaru before suddenly a shadow shot forward and caught the mans neck and Shikamaru had them wrap around his limbs before slashing the mans head off to claim his bounty and sealed it up along with the body.

Shikamaru took a deep breath and hurled before heading to meet his team.

With Shino

Shino has been draining his share of bandits dry of chakra killing them. He was suddenly dodged a sword thanks to his bugs warning him and saw a man he recognized from the bingo book.

"Joto Santo. Mid-Chunin Lvl ninja. Wanted for killing the two chunin on his former team via sword through their hearts." Shino said and the man grinned before charging at Shino who used a kunai to block the mans sword slash.

Shino kicked at the mans feet and went for a punch, but the man named Joto used his hand to push off of Shino who rolled back using the pushes momentum and jumped onto the tree near him using chakra walking.

Shino then used the fire ball technique to distract the man which worked he rolled out the way into a earth spear prepared by a bug clone he made. The man managed to angle it so his leg was hit instead of his stomach and cursed before pulling it out, but that was long enough for Shino's bug clone to burst into bugs and drain the man of his chakra.

"Can I at least know my defeaters name?" He asked and Shino stoically said "Shino Aburame." He then used his kunai and chopped the mans head off. Shino sealed the mans head and body away and then puked before heading off to meet his team.

With Asuma

Asuma had finished his section and suddenly had to dodge a punch aimed for his head. He turned around to see a man he had the displeasure of meeting again.

"Ragna Rama to what do I owe the pleasure?" Asuma asked sarcastically to the high B-Rank ninja from Iwa shown by the slashed out mark in his forehead. Ragna grinned and yelled "DIE LEAF BASTARD!!" He charged at Asuma with his coat covered in rock.

Asuma brought out his trench knives which were soon covered in wind chakra and slashed at the man removing a bit of rock, but not fully hitting the skin.

Asuma soon rolled out the way of a punch to his chest and went for a leg sweep which the man jumped and tried to stomp Asuma's leg with a now rock covered leg, but Asuma managed to blast himself away with chakra by using to much chakra.

"My turn." Asuma said before going in and slashed at the mans chest with one arm and the other slashed the mans arm off as he used more wind chakra making a larger blade.

"Ahhh!!" The man yelled out as his leg was soon cut off. "You win leaf bastard, but know this. Whoever took the north section is probably dead as our secret weapon Kanaki is there. A mid A-Rank ninja. See ya in hell with your bastard of a genin Asuma Sarutobi!" The man Ragna said spitting in Asuma's face who sliced the mans head off and quickly sealed it away along with the body before rushing towards Naruto. He was about to make a shadow clone to meet the other two when a large explosion went off.

"Naruto!!" Asuma yelled before taking off to arrive at the scene of Naruto having a kunai in his leg and one in his right arm and the enemy Kanaki having a large yellow chakra arrow in his gut and a sword covered in black flames in his head as it melted.

Asuma soon noticed the pieces of wood grown from the ground and realized some serious stuff happened.

Flash Back To Naruto's Fight

"YOU!" Naruto yelled out with anger at the man and he charged recklessly at the man with his flame covered sword. Kanaki dodged the sword slash barely, but felt the heat of the wings.

"I know you from somewhere kid?" He asked curious. He thinks he would remember someone with such colorful hair.

"Yes!! Near the leaf village 5 years ago you attacked two children trying to kidnap one Kasumi Kaguya. You injured her before running off as ninja soon arrived at the scene." Naruto said as the man gained an understanding look.

"Oh I remember you now. Good times. Now nothing personal kid, but you gotta die." Kanaki said before he summoned red fire spears around him and threw them at Naruto who dodged via rolling on the ground and went for a slash only for a wall of fire to appear out the mans mouth causing Naruto to use chakra to shoot himself into the air and send a water blast out his mouth at Kanaki who summoned fire again summoning steam.

"Very clever kid. I'll give you that, but I'm an A-Rank ninja with experience while your no doubt a fresh genin, but still an impressive one, but still you will lose to me kid." Kanaki said before spinning around with his two kunai covered in fire to try to hold the black flamed sword back.

The two kunai were soon melted through by the sword's black flames as the red ones were consumed.

"Tell me kid. What is that black fire? It's hotter then my flames and mine are stronger then most flames beside the Nibi's or other fire related bijuu." Kanaki said and Naruto growled, but soon smirked. "My flames are from the goddess of fire and the universe herself. Amaterasu as they are named after the goddess herself. Now feel divine wrath!!" Naruto yelled out as he charged at the man. Naruto swing his sword, but the man blocked with fire covered kunai again, but this time kicked Naruto in the chest at speeds Naruto had a hard time seeing without his sharingan on.

Naruto soon activated his sharingan and charged at the man again having unlit his sword having activated his mangekyo momentarily. His eyes soon turned back to three tomoe form.

Naruto and the man both went for taijutsu attacks meant to break bones with each attack. Naruto was using the Uzumaki clan style that his mother edited to mix with the Uchiha clan style for offense and defense.

Naruto raised both his hands to block a spin kick from the man and then aimed for a knee kick to the mans gut which landed and grinned before throwing a kunai to the mans arm which hit making the man smirk as he pulled it out and closed the wound with fire.

"I'll admit you are definitely good for a genin kid. What's your name?" Kanaki asked curious. He could tell this would either be his last battle or one he would remember for the end of his life and even in hell.

"Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Uchiha Senju. Your executioner!!" Naruto yelled as he charged again, but this time channeling chakra as he and Kanaki went blow for blow all equal this time.

Naruto getting fed up with this changed his eyes to his mangekyo form and said "DIE!!" A large amount of black flames appeared where the man was as Naruto's eye bled. Naruto soon went wide eye as the man broke into red fire before being extinguished by his black flames. Naruto soon summoned his yellow Susano'o rib cage with a head and arms, but no skin or armor.

It was just in time to as a large group of kunai was following after hitting the rib cage of the Susano'o.

"Dam kid. How many surprises you got left?" Kanaki asked with some of his skin burning with black flames. He chopped those pieces off instantly without a care.

"Enough!! I'm done playing games!!" Naruto growled out before he forced his Susano'o to grow to the next lvl as his body hurt from the physical pain of the Susano'o, but pushed three before a crossbow formed and shot an arrow of yellow chakra.

"Heh. Guess you win kid." Kanaki said before chucking blood up. "Go far kid. I know you will. Don't disappoint me when I see you in hell!!" He yelled before a sword covered in black flames was thrown in his head by Naruto.

The man didn't realize he had been held down by wooden tendrils on his legs by Naruto. He wasn't very proficient in wood release yet, but his Jiji reassured him he would have a teacher for it after or before the final exam of the chunin exams.

Naruto wasn't even aware that Kanaki had thrown two kunai into his arm and leg earlier in his rage before his Susano'o had appeared. Maybe that was why he felt an itch?

Flashback over

This was the scene Asuma arrived onto as the yellow arrow and flames vanished as did Naruto's Susano'o.

"Burn in hell bastard." Naruto said before grunting as he removed the kunai from his arm and leg and started healing them. He didn't want to wait long so he bit himself as his wounds hissed as steam showed his high speed regeneration.

"Naruto! Are you ok?" Asuma asked and Naruto grinned before puking. Asuma patted his back. Naruto still grinned. "I am now Asuma-sensei. I finally got revenge. You see Kanaki had attacked me and Kasumi once when we were 9. Kasumi was injured for a whole 3 months till she fully healed, but was sore for a long time. This was the bastard. I'm glad he's dead now." Naruto said and Asuma grinned before patting Naruto on the back.

Now Asuma wasn't one to encourage revenge, but in this case it worked out well for Naruto so it was fine with him and Naruto was fine now so all was good.

"Asuma-sensei. Can you carry me? I may or may not have pushed my Susano'o beyond what I could handle so my body hurts despite being mostly healed. Also kidnapped girls are below the storage room." Naruto said before falling asleep as Asuma chuckled. "Rest easy kid. You deserve it."

Asuma soon arrived to two worried teammates.

"Asuma-sensei is Naruto ok?" Shikamaru asked. Asuma nodded before explaining. The group soon freed the girls before giving them blankets and soon led them back to the village.

Naruto had woken up sometimes about 2/3's of the way back to the village and had started walking with them. The girls were extremely thankful for the group saving them and had offered anything they could do to repay them, but Naruto said it was fine.

When they arrived they saw the mayor and Naruto grinned before walking up to the mayor and said "Hello Mayor-san. Do you want to tell the girls how you were working with the bandits to get them captured? If not then to bad." Naruto said and the mayor tried to run, but naruto had tripped him and the entire village soon started beating the mayor up. Especially the females.

"We can't thank you enough leaf ninja." The new temporary mayor said they said it was fine before leaving as they waved goodbye to the village.

The group soon arrived back at the village known as Konoha and reported to the hokage who slyly said he was proud as he could not share favoritism and was glad Naruto killed the man.

"You all have a week off." Hiruzen said before dismissing team 10.