Chapter 1: Slaughter Gang

Chapter 1: Slaughter Gang

There was a certain level of prudence that I believed myself to possess. I believed myself cold hearted and willing to simply wait until I was strong enough to steamroll these donkeyfuckers. 


I would not stand by that any longer. I had never realized the joy of righteous rage, I had loved anger. Loved making my problems other people's problems. Get shot in Tarkov and lose a weapons case, punch a hole in my wall. 

Rage is the key to infinite. 

It is the flow state, when you are angry you are ready. Your mind is clear as if a fog has been lifted and disconnected from your body. You know what needs to be done, and do not think. 

You simply do. 

I did it. 

I hope that in my shoes you would have too. 

Let me start from the beginning. Brockton bay is a shithole, it's the worst city I've ever seen. The fucking buildings are delapedated and homeless travel in roving hordes like they're fucking zombies. All gas station bathrooms are locked. If you're not getting the picture at this point I can't help you. 

Still when you are gifted the power of a god nothing feels like it can keep you down. Confidence fills you like a fire in your chest that needs to be pushed out. Your steps get so sure that you feel like your sliding across the world like a fucking figure skater or some elegant fuckin runway model.

Each step is like flying, and even as the depression tries to get you down your majesty burns within your chest. Five great balls of sunfire that I twisted to my purposes. 

There's a saying, you don't know what you don't know. I wanted to know everything so I must first be able to understand more of what I grasp. By improving my basic level of knowledge and intelligence I should theoretically—hopefully—be able to see the truth. Whatever that truth may be. 

My first power is super mathematics a weak version of the number man 

My second power allows the viewing of cause and effect out to the third degree. IE: when something happens I see what happened, what caused that to happen, and what will happen as a result of that action out to about three steps in both directions. Some are innocuous like kicking a rock.

P1:This man's father kicked a rock when he was young and he picked up the habbit.

P2: His girlfriend just broke up with him and he's angry.

P3: He see's the rock while walking.

Real Time: His shoe impacts against the rock

F1: The Rock flies off into the crowd. 

F2: The rock smashes into a puddle splashing someone's boots.

F3: The person stares down and grumbles. 

It's like that for everything. Still there are some actions that are more important, more wide ranging. For example a rail thin piss stained homeless man stabbing a needle into a pretty young girl's arms and injecting. That same girl was taken to a merchant's stash house. Her being raped, and the third frame of her being prostituted. 

It was so visceral. Seeing the actual real suffering of this real beautiful girl in front of me. Seeing her future, seeing the fear flash in her eyes as the man stabbed the needle into her. Another charge was already collapsing, but it wasn't enough so a second followed. 

My wrist rose as I saw the effects of my cause, I did not stop. It did not matter that I would be labeled a villain for this. If I did nothing I was worse than a villain, I would be a fucking bitch. 

"Cleave." I intoned and the world split. Like a hot knife through butter the man's body split. Straight down the middle even as the girl collapsed in a seizure. The fact she survived a dose that large in the first place was a miracle. Even so it did not stop my actions. 

Blood pooled around her, stained her clothes and hair. I knelt one arm going under her knees, the other cradling her head against my chest. I tried to stop her from breaking anything, or smashing her head into the concrete more. 

I needed to get her to a hospital so I reached for my last charge to create something like a strength power. Or a speed power maybe something like One Step Mile that lets me teleport. Before I could fuck everything up I changed the focus of the power. 

Instead of enhancing me it would heal, but that ended up being too complicated. Not for the charge, but for me. I didn't know how the human body worked enough to make a power, I understand the powerhouse of the cell that's it! So I just did something a little different, but with a similar effect.

Temporal Reversion a striker power that for every 1 second of contact it rewinds the target's body in time that long. They keep memories of course, but the needle mark slowly mended and she stopped seizing. When she seemed ready I set her down gently, and god that's embarrassing! 

Her eyes watched me even as I lowered my head to my chin and booked it into the nearest ally. Flipping up my hood I tried to not be seen by cameras even as I put my head at the mathematically best angle to hide the most features. I didn't look at the mans corpse more than once. 

His end satisfied me. 

His death brought a wide smile to my lips so I walked towards the Archer's Bridge. I was already a villain, killing a few dozen homeless monsters wouldn't make it any worse. The only good merchant is a dead merchant, after the merchants the Nazi's after the nazi's the rape-dragon.

They were the weakest, a gang he could cut his teeth on. My senses expanded like a soap bubble superimposed on reality. I could sense within exactly 1 mile in every direction. See the twisting nascent buds of non-triggered shards, but no powers. 

Still my powers aren't shardbased meaning they can grow through training. As such I tried something, instead of a bubble I created a single sonar pulse. It was like tasting the fucking rainbow as I felt the FORCE REDIRECTION AND MULTIPLICATION FIELD-BARRIER, and CAR MAKER. 

They tasted like purple and motor oil respectively, and I turned immediately in their direction. Their heads on a spike would hopefully send the right message. Oh, and they probably have some killer fuckin bud. 

I stuttered in my step—this wasn't 2024 where the fuck could I buy a pipe? 

Oh, yeah super powers I'll just make something like Momo Yaoyarozu's creation, then a blueprint power and an engineering thinker power to supplement any Tinker powers I get.

"Later Alexander!" I reminded myself as I eyed the single concrete wall between me and both of those powers. One was moving erratically bouncing on top of the other, but as cause and effect was made known to me I sighed. 

Killing them would start a gang war.

"Then I suppose I just have to win it." I murmured as I calculated the exact amount of force needed to instantly kill the duo. My power flared out and caressed the violet and shit-yellow flames as I took a spark.

Another flame started within my soul and I felt the power even as I flicked my wrist sending a blade of force flying forward. Stone shattered with a scream and as the dust made way for visibility I flicked it again, but stopped myself. 

Was it worth turning her into a subordinate?

Her head rolled as I walked deeper into the scene of the crime, not a drop of blood covering me. 

Rewinding time is the best way to remove stains after all. 

Walking past the corpses I pushed open a door. It was a Hallway one that I walked first left, finding a bathroom then right finding a large garage. Entering I felt my new Tinker power rev up even as I to the full extent of Power Manipulator improved her ability. 

Cracking my fingers I studied the invisitank, and a single drug-runners van with an invisibility module. In about forty minutes I turned the drug-van into something I would not mind sleeping in. 

Smooth as butter, almost clean with a mattress in the back and the strongest air conditioning possible. Oh, and of course an invisible auto-turret on the roof. If you can strap an AK to your car, you strap an AK to your car. It's just that fuckin simple. 

Total Loot: 

60,000 Dollars Cash in a safe I welded onto the van roof.

2 Pounds of Marijuana

Enough rolling papers, and machine


2 dope fucking pistols I put in the glove box. 

1 working cell phone even if it smelled like piss.