Chapter 1: An accident and the ability to turn back time


it's so painful!

Am i going to die?

Shi jian could smell the strench of blood in his nose and mouth.

He tried to move his fingers, but there was no reaction. He tried

to move his neck,but there was no reacion. In te end, he use all

of his strength to open his eyes a little.

In his blurr vision,

he saw a truck overloaded with gravel! Beside the truck, there

was a old man in his 70s or 80s and a beautiful women in her 30s

lying motienless in a pool of of blood. There were many passerby

on both sides of the road, and there were mouthing something to the

old and women's bodies. but shi jian could not hear anyrhing.

He could not hear anything!

The old man Aunt Fanqia were dead. He was so seriously injured.....

... He will not survive!

Shi jian felt his heart aching when he saw his crush, Xu Fanqia

face covered in blood.

His neighbor, Xu Fanqia, was a kinfd women. she saw the old man's

legs were not good, and she helped him cross the road. But it was a

red light, and the driver of the truck drove past them. Shi jian saw

Xu Fanqia was in danger and quickly ran over to pull her away.

But he not make it in time, and he lost his life.


He had never felt so regretful before!

If Shi jian had noticed the trucj had gone

out of control and rushed over to save the old man,

the 3 of them might stoll be alive.

But now.... was too late

Shi jian eyelids were getting heavier. He could not bear

to look at the deformed bodies of Xu Fanqia and the old man.

He closed his eyes and waited for death to come!


It was like a thunder!A soul-shattering sound of thunder!

The next mvement, Shi jian vision blurred, and he jumped

out from his darkness.

Shi jian felt his strength returning to his body, and his

sight and hearing to normal.

He was stunned for a while and looked around. He realized he

was standing perfectly fine, and he had returned to the trafiic

light at the intersection. Around him was a long line of cars, vans,

and taxis.Cars, vans, and taxis passed by im at top speed, andthe people on the streets were in hurry.

"Sir, let me help you cross the road."

"No thank you, young lady. You can go."

"My house is just across the street. Come, let me help you."

Shi jian looked towards the direcion of the voice and saw

Xu Fanqia witth smile on her face. She also saw Shi jian

and smiled brightly. "Xiao jian, you have just returned?

Have you gone to play with your classmates? "Besides her was

the old man who had just died.

The old man looked at Shi jian and immediatly covered his mouth

and coughed.

"Ah...yes...I jist got back."Shi jian looked around and could not react for a long time.

What happened? I am not dead? Aunt Fanqia was not dead? The old man was also not dead?

Shi jian stretched out his hand in a daze. He clenched his fist and opened it again. There was no blood or injury.

Was I dreaming just now? No car accident? Was it all an illusion?

As soon as the red light went off, the yellow light came on. After a slight pause, the green light hung on the opposite side. The pedestrians waiting for the green light at the intersection began to cross the road one after another. The old man was the slowest among the pedestrians. He was walking slowly with the help of his walking stick. Xu Fanqia was carefully supporting the old man to cross the road with him.

So familiar!

What a familiar scene!

Suddenly, Shi jian heard a loud engine noise, and he turned to look. A large truck was driving towards him from the left side of the road. The back of the truck was filled with gravel and gravel, and there was even a big bump on the back of the truck. The truck was not moving very fast. It was at most 40 to 50 miles per hour, and it was moving towards the intersection!

Shi jian rubbed his eyes and was shocked. Isn't this the scene before Aunt Fanqia and the old man got into the car accident?

How did this happen? Did time go backwards? This was not an illusion?

At this critical moment, Shi jian did not think too much and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Move aside! There is a car! "

Everyone in the vicinity was startled and quickly looked around.

"What car?"

"Where is the car?"

Xu Fanqia saw the truck and turned to Shi jian. "What are you shouting for? There is a red light there. "

The old man did not think much of it. The truck was on the right turning lane, and it will not affect them.

But Shi jian knew this truck, which had killed the three of them, will not stop. He ran and shouted: "Aunt Fanqia! Move aside! Move aside! "

Xu Fanqia stopped and laughed: "Xiao jian, what's wrong with you today? That car is not … … "

Before Xu Fanqia could finish, the huge truck had stopped at the stop line, but it did not slow down!

Whoosh! Under everyone's shocked gazes, the truck crossed the red light!!



"It is going to hit someone!"

Screams rang out incessantly around them!

Xu Fanqia was stunned and panicked. The first thing she did after she regained her senses was to pull the old man. "Quick! Run! "

"Miss, just run! Don't worry about me! "The old man pushed Xu Fanqia.

But it was too late. The truck was just inches away from them.

4 meters … …

3 meters … …

Xu Fanqia and the old man were in despair!

Just when everyone thought they were going to die on the spot, Shi jian, who knew the truck would cross the red light, ran behind them. Using the momentum, Shu jian grabbed Xu Fanqia and the old man's waist and continued to run forward. He shouted and threw both of them out of the truck!

"Ah! We are finished! "

"Someone is dead!"

Many of the more timid ones closed their eyes.

Swoosh! The truck almost brushed past Shi Jian's back!

The old man slid half of his body on the ground and slid towards the north!

Xu Fanqia was also sent flying by Shi jian's slap and rolled on the ground!

Shi jian was the one who fell the hardest. He was lying on the road, enduring the pain in his waist and legs!

Time seemed to stop at this moment, and cheers could be heard from the streets!

"They are still alive! They are still alive! "

"Good job, young man!"

"Clap … clap … clap …" Someone started clapping, and the passersby started clapping for Shi jian.

Screech! The culprit's truck only stopped in the middle of the road a dozen meters away. The window was rolled down a little, and a drunken head poked out. After a few seconds of silence, the truck's engine roared, and it sped away again.

"He ran away!"

"Hurry up and write down his license plate number!"

"Yes! Call the police! "

The old man on the ground was helped up by the traffic warden. He saw Shi jian lying on the ground motionlessly and quickly asked: "Young man, how are you? How are you? "

Xu Fanqia covered her arm and got up. She did not even bother to wear her high heels and ran over to Shi jian. She squatted down and shook him: "Xiao jian! Xiao jian! What's wrong with you? Say something! Don't scare me, ok? Wake up! Sob! Sob! Don't scare me! "Xu Fanqia could not stop her tears." It's all my fault! I didn't listen to you and dodge! Sob! Sob! Wake up! If anything happens to you, how am I going to answer to your mother?! Wake up! Sob! "

Shi jian heaved a sigh of relief and turned his head. "I'm fine … … just … … fell … … hard … … …."

Xu Fanqia's arms stopped moving and hugged Dong Xuebing. "You scared me! You scared me! "

Huh? Shi jian had never had such close contact with this beautiful neighbor before, and his body stiffened.

The old man's eyes were also red. "I'm glad you are fine! I'm glad you are fine! "

All three of them had some scrapes on their arms and legs. Luckily, they were not injured. The traffic lights were about to change, and Shi jian and the rest helped each other to the side road on the other side of the road.

"Thank you … Thank you … We are not related, and you are still risking your life … What can I say? You are still young, and you still have a long way to go. I have lived for almost 80 years, and I was diagnosed with lung cancer a while ago. I don't have many days left to live. If you sacrifice your life for me, I will be in deep trouble. Luckily, you are fine." From his accent, this old man should be from Beijing. From his mannerisms and mannerisms, he should be an educated old man.

Shi jian rubbed his arm and panted. "Don't mention it."

Xu Fanqia's eyes were red as she helped Shi jian adjust his collar. She moved her lips but did not say anything.

"My surname is Hu. You can call me Grandpa Hu. Miss, young man, how should I address you?"

"I am Shi jian, and she is Xu Fanqia."

Grandpa Hu said. "Give me your contact details. I will visit you two some day to thank you."

Xu Fanqia wiped the dirt off Shi jian's face. "You don't need to thank me. It's all because of Xiao jian that we are still standing here."

"I need to thank you all."

Grandpa Hu kept asking him. In the end, Shi jian thought for a while and took out a 10 cent note from his pocket. He wrote a 139 IP number on the white edge of the note.

After a while, the Traffic Police arrived, and Xu Fanqia and the old man told them what happened.

Shi jian's mind was not on this. His mind was filled with questions.

The three of them were killed by a truck. Why did they return to the time when they were waiting for the traffic lights?

If the three of them were hallucinations, then why was the hallucination the same as reality? The conversation before Xu Fanqia helped the old man cross the road, and the truck's rampage. Other than the end result, everything was the same. Was this also a hallucination? But if it was not a hallucination, then how could he return to the time before?

There was no explanation!

Could there really be something so surreal in this world?

Shi jian thought to himself: Go back! Go back! Go back! Go back! BACK!

Shi jian tried a few times but to no avail. He smiled helplessly. How can superpowers exist?