Chapter 7: Civil Servant Entry Test

Next day.

Early in the morning.

Shin jian was sitting on the sofa and preparing to go out.

Xu Fanqia acted like she was the one going for the exam. She was slightly nervous: "Xiao jian , take note of the time you take to answer the questions. If you don't know how to answer the questions, just try to guess. I heard that the exam time is very tight. Oh, did you bring the black pencil? Remember to bring a spare pencil. Where's the eraser? Where's the 2B pencil? Did you get the exam permit? Don't forget anything. " Xu Fanqia wiped the wrinkles on Shin jian 's T-shirt and took a wet rag. She rolled up his trousers and squatted down to wipe the dirt off his shoes.

Shin jian pushed her away: "No, no. I will wipe it myself. I will wipe it myself."

Xu Fanqia wiped Shin jian 's shoes carefully and said gently: "The exam will start at 9 am. You should continue to study."

Xu Fanqia was treating him better and better. She was treating him like his own sister.

At this time, Shin jian 's mother came out from the kitchen with a bag. "I had brought some fruits for you. If you are hungry or thirsty, you can have some."

There were mineral water, pears, and apples in the bag. Xu Fanqia stood up and took the bag from her mother: "Sister Luan, give me these. I will be going to the exam hall with Xiao jian later. I will bring him to a restaurant for lunch after the exam. I will not be coming back. The exam hall is too far from our house, and there is still the second exam in the afternoon."

Shin jian 's mother was stunned: "Don't you have work today?"

Xu Fanqia replied: "I had applied for a day off."

Shin jian 's mother said: "I don't want to disturb your work. I will accompany him."

Shin jian replied: "That's right. Aunt Fanqia , you don't need to go."

"You are such a sloppy boy." Xu Fanqia laughed and pinched Shin jian 's cheeks. "I will be worried if I don't go with you. Sister Luan, stay at home and rest. It is hot outside, and your blood pressure is too high. Don't act up again."

"Err … …" Shin jian 's mother was very familiar with Xu Fanqia and did not treat her like an outsider. "Fanqia, thank you. Shin jing, do your best for the exam."

Shin jian nodded: "Ok."

Beijing No. 15 High School.

Turning from the intersection of Zixin Road, he could see a long red silk school board from afar — Beijing's various levels of government civil servant recruitment examination venue, 15th Middle School. Outside the gate there was a small blackboard with the words "Please show your admission ticket when entering and exiting" and "Calmly and calmly take the examination, test your actual level". The entrance of the school was crowded with people of all ages, men and women. Some parents had sent their sons, some wives had sent their husbands, and there was even a family of more than ten people who had come to cheer for their children. It was very lively.

Children were the hope of their parents. If they could become civil servants, it would undoubtedly be something to be proud of, and they would have a stable life.

After alighting from the taxi, they stood at the entrance of the examination venue.

Suddenly, everyone turned to look at Xu Fanqia .

Xu Fanqia was too beautiful. Wherever she goes, people would look at her. But she ignored the stares from the people around her and said to Shin jian : "Don't be nervous. Do your best. If you can pass the exam, I will treat you to a sumptuous meal. You can choose any Chinese or Western cuisine. Oh, did you hear what I said in the car? You must look at your watch at all times. The exam is only 2 hours, and you must use your time wisely."

Shin jian smiled and took out his mobile phone for her: "I have noted it down. We are not allowed to bring our phones inside. Keep it with you."

Suddenly, someone called Xu Fanqia 's name from behind. Shin jian turned and saw Mrs. Xu bringing Xiao Dong to take the exam.

"Fanqia is here too? You are here to send Xiao Dong? " Mrs. Xu was different from the other parents. She was very relaxed and seemed to have confidence in Xiao Dong. "Later, Xiao jian and Xiao Dong will be taking the exam. Let's go to the teahouse next door. It's been a while since I chatted with you." Mrs. Xu looked at Shin jian and said: "Do your best." Although she said this, she did not expect Shin jian to pass the written exam. Her son had taken the exam twice. How could he pass the first time?

Xiao Dong did not care about Shin jian and asked Xu Fanqia : "Sister Xu, why are you here with him?" He could not understand why Xu Fanqia was so nice to Shin jian and his family.

Shin jian thought to himself. If you don't want to come with me, why would you come with me? In your dreams!

Xu Fanqia 's attitude towards Xiao Dong was different from how she treated Shin jian . Xu Fanqia gave Shin jian a small pouch. "I had asked for this. Bring it to the examination venue. It will increase your luck." Shin jian nodded. Xu Fanqia said.

Shin jian could feel Xu Fanqia 's concern and nodded. He turned around and walked towards the school's gate.

There were 3 buildings in the school. The west building was the exam venue.

After entering the first floor, Shin jian noticed Xiao Dong was not far from him. He turned and asked: "Did you really get full marks for the National Examinations? You only got a few logical questions wrong? "Both of them had a conflict before, and Shin jian did not care about what he said.

Xiao Dong looked at Shin jian with a straight face and asked: "You are not convinced?"

Shin jian sneered: "What do you have to convince me?"

Xiao Dong snorted: "You still want to take the Civil Servant exam? Maybe in your next life! If you are not convinced, then let's have a competition. Let's see who can enter the government service! "

Shin jian got angry: "Fine. Let's have a competition."

Xiao Dong laughed and ignored Shin jian . He quickened his pace towards the exam venue. Shin jian was well prepared for this exam. He was confident that he would get the highest marks in the quiz. How could he lose to Shin jian , who was taking this exam for the first time?

Shin jian looked at Xiao Dong's back. He did not look for his exam venue first. He followed behind Xiao Dong, who was about 7 to 8 meters away. Shin jian stared at Xiao Dong's back until Xiao Dong turned a corner and entered a classroom. Shin jian remembered Xiao Dong's exam venue and looked at his seat. It was in the middle of the second row, not far from the door.

Xiao Dong saw Shin jian from the classroom and frowned: "What are you doing?"

Shin jian smiled: "Nothing. I am just looking at where you are sitting."

"What does where I sit have to do with you?" Xiao Dong glanced at Shin jian : "We are not in the same exam venue. Are you going to copy my answers?"

Shin jian shrugged his shoulders: "That might not be the case. You better be careful with your answers."

"You are crazy." Xiao Dong lowered his head and started to arrange his exam tools.

After leaving the classroom, Shin jian started to look for his exam venue 026. It was the room two classrooms away from Xiao Dong.

After entering the exam venue, Shin jian counted the seats and found his seat. It was the third table by the wall.

The invigilator had arrived and was looking at all the candidates. He seemed to be checking if they had brought any cheating tools.

A young man by the window was wiping his sweat.

A woman in the first row was running on her feet.

A man at the corner of the last row was rubbing his eyes and face.

Shin jian could feel the tension in the classroom. He looked at the half-filled classroom and took a deep breath. He calmed himself down and clenched his fists. He was mumbling in his heart. "This day is finally here. Phew … I hope this test will be simple. Please!"