Chapter 21: Troublesome Speech?

One day....

5 days....

10 days....

Shin jian had started working at the General affairs department 

for some days.HE become more familier with work there, but he felt 

the chance of being promoted was slim.There are to many unspoken rules

at his workplace.He was new at still does not know manny of these rules

at work.Almost every day,he go to use the power "BACK" to rectify 

his mistakes.Furthermore, Guo shunjie was purposly making things difficult 

for him, and Gou panwei had asked Shin jian to do his task for him.

The past few days,Shin jian was suffering at work.


Dark clouds covered the sky, and it was drizzling.

Shin jian reached the office and kept his umbrella. He opened the

office door: "Good moring sis chang, Tan zhi, Zhuang Zhi."

Tan limei scolded: "jian zhi, you are late today. Did you go on

a date last night?"

changjuan was putting onher makeup as usual. She turned to Shin jian:

"Xiao jian,you have girlfriend? who is your girlfriend?"

"Shin jian laughed:"Stop making fun at me.Which girl would like me?"

Gou shunjie knocked his desk a few times with his pen. Xiao jian, you are

 just in time.Here do this."Shin jian lost count of the number of task 

given to him by Gou shunjie in the past two weeks.

Gou panwei also waved to him:"Xaio jian,after your done with your task 

come and help me."

Shin jian gritted his teeth.These tewo bastards....

In the morninng,Shin jian delivered a few documents and returned to

his desk.He was thinking about his prospects in this office.

Suddenly he thought of an idea. He desided to apply to be a member of

the communist party pf China (CPC).Since Shin jian's goal was to enter

central bureau, then becoming a member of the CPC is essential. Once he

he was the member of the CPC,he would be able to build up his porfolio 

and increase his chances of promotion.


Shin jian went online to search for information and fil in his application form.

Shin jian was able to complete his application form before the end of

the say,Looking at the almost 10,000 words application letter,he felt

proud of himself.He was amazed at what he could do when he focusse all his energy

into it.When he was writing his thesis at Univercity,he could write about

5,000 words over 10 days.But now,it was for his promotion, and he was motiwated

"Jian XHi,what are you writting the whole afternoon?"Zhung zhi, who was

seated opposite Shin jian asked.

Shin jian waved his applicatiion form:"Aplication to the CPC."

Zhuang zhi scrached his head:"You are joining the CPC?"

"Oh,you also went to the CPC?"Tan limei overheard their conversation.

She smiled:"I have submitted my application one year ago and had just

become a party activist.I am still learning to about the party's programmes

and submitting periodiacal reports.I think i should be able to become a

probationary party member the year after next."

I think i got to wait for 4 years,"Shin jian laughed.He knew the application process

to be a CPC member would be very long.Even 3 years was considered short."Oh, i should

pass my application form to the party branch. Who is the secreatary?

Tan Limei replied: "You can submit to Li Qing, Director Li. He oversees all the applications."

Li Qing, General Affairs Department's Deputy Director, and General Affairs Office's Chief. He had a close relationship with Deputy Chief Zhou, and he let Deputy Chief Zhou take charge of the office. He only visits the office once in a while and let Deputy Chief Zhou handles all the work. Shin jian had only met him 3 to 4 times from afar.

Actually, Li Qing should be addressed as Chief Li as he was the head of this General Affairs Office. But 'Chief' does not sound better than the Director. His rank was Deputy Director. So, everyone addressed him as Director Li. This was one of the unspoken rules in the government sector. The lower levels must address the higher-ups with the best sounding titles.

Suddenly, the office became quiet.

Shin jian looked up from his desk. Speaking of the devil, Deputy Director Li had entered the office.

"Director Li."

"Good afternoon, Director Li."

Everyone stood up and greeted Director Li.

"Hi, carry on with your work." Li Qing waved his hand, gesturing them to return to their work.

Li Qing was very skinny. Like bamboo. The feeling he gave others was cheerful and friendly, unlike Zhou Changchun. Zhou Changchun had a pretentious smile, whereas Li Qing seems more sincere. Li Qing's family was poor. His daughter had Leukaemia or some other illness. He was in financial difficulties. There were rumors that Tan Limei had wanted to help him raise funds for his daughter's medical treatment, but Li Qing stopped it for some unknown reasons.

The other end of the main office, Zhou Changchun walked out of his room. "Chief."

Li Qing, in his 40s, walked over and patted Zhou Changchun's arm: "Old Zhou, you must take care of your health.:

Zhou Changchun straightened his back and replied: "Thank you Chief for your concerns. I am fine."

Zhou Changchun was the one person who addressed Li Qing as Chief.

Shin jian had asked his senior Tan Limei about this. There was a lot more to the way Zhou Changchun address Li Qing as 'Chief". This was not a mistake. It was to show that he was grateful to Li Qing for letting him oversee the office. If he addressed Li Qing as 'Director' like the rest of the people, it would show that he was arrogant and had taken over Li Qing's role as Chief. This was to imply to Li Qing that he was still the person in charge of General Affairs Office and Zhou Changchun had not forgotten that.

There were too many of such complicated rules there.

Shin jian was still learning about these unspoken rules.

After a while, Li Qing walked past Shin jian, and Shin jian immediately passed his application form to him. Shin jian said some "fake, exaggerated claims" about how much he wanted to enter the CPC, while Li Qing flipped through the pages of the application form. He gave Shin jian some encouraging words and suddenly remembered something. He turned around and pass a document to Zhou Changchun.

"What's this?" Zhou Changchun took the document from him.

Li Qing rubbed his temple: "Bureau Chief Yang is going to the City's Bureau office for a meeting. This is the contents of what he is going to say. Put in some effort and write a good speech for Bureau Chief Yang. Don't mess it up like the previous time. Old Zhou, I will leave this task to you. Don't let Bureau Chief Yang thinks that our General Affairs Office are all useless."

"This... Yes….. We….. We will do this well." Zhou Changchun reluctantly replied.

Shin jian looked around. When everyone heard that they have to write a speech for Bureau Chief Yang, everyone's face changed.


What's happening?

Only Shin jian and Zhuang Zhi who did not know what was going on were confused.

What's so difficult about writing a speech?