Chapter 6: Horned Demon Wolf

Chapter 6: Horned Demon Wolf

   "Master Xiu Yin? Don't worry, this is just the morning sunshine."

  Jack's voice rang in Xiu Yin's ear, and Xiu Yin could tell that he was teasing himself a little bit, "Master's body is really poor."

  Shuyin's left eye hurts, but he covered his entire forehead with his hands. If he let them know that he also has vision in his left eye, it would really cause a big commotion.

   "It's okay, it should be a long time since I left the house!"

  Xiu Yin tried to move his hand away, but found that the vision of his left eye was not affected. This gave Xiu Yin a false alarm. If something went wrong with the "Silver Eye" in this world, he couldn't even find a place to repair it!

  He didn't know why the "Silver Pupil" produced such intense pain, which had never happened before, and Xiu Yin didn't want to become a "One-Eyed Dragon" again...

  In order to reach the Laixing mining area as soon as possible, Bill obtained the baron's permission to use the carriage of the mansion. According to Bill, half a day in a carriage from Fort Laixing to the mining area is enough.

  Unfortunately, in the rocking carriage pulled by two strong horses, Xiu Yin was undergoing a training session.


   Another wave of dizziness and retching hit the brain, and Xiu Yin discovered that "he" was actually motion sick!

   Xiu Yin kept comforting himself, thinking that this was a trial that started from the body.

  Finally tormented to the place, he quickly jumped off the carriage, squatted aside and vomited heavily.

   "Master Xiu Yin hasn't changed at all!" Bill sighed, looking at the filth all over the floor.

  Jack didn't take it seriously. For him, as long as Xiu Yin didn't hinder them from hunting monsters, it was fine.

"It's Jack and Bill who are here, alas, you've come!" At the gate of the mining area, the person in charge here was also a middle-aged man, and he saw very happy expressions on the faces of the two of them.

   "Hey, there is also Master Xiu Yin, hello master! Master is such a rare visitor, this is your first time here!"

  Xiu Yin could tell that this middle-aged man was very good at talking and also very capable, otherwise his father would not have entrusted him with the work of the mining area.

  At this time, Xiu Yin also showed a smile on his face and said, "My father and I are very happy to see you, Uncle Reiner, in peace!"

   "Haha, thank you, young master and master!"

  Reiner is also very capable, and after a few words, he went straight to the theme of Warcraft this time.

"It's two sharp-horned demon wolves. I found them already in the mine when construction started this morning. In order to prevent them from entering the deepest part of the mine, the second gate of the mine has been closed. They are now trapped at the gate after!"

  The sharp-horned demon wolf, Xiu Yin remembered seeing it in the book, usually moves in the mountains and forests of the Haider Plain, and rarely appears in human-traveled places.

   "Then the question is, why did the demon wolf come here?" Xiu Yin wondered in his heart.

  But a thick voice interrupted Xiu Yin's contemplation, "Leave it to the two of us, just deal with two mere sharp-horned demon wolves!"

  Both Jack and Bill have physical strength of level 11, and the spirit power level of the sharp-horned demon wolf generally does not exceed level 3, so for them, it is very easy to deal with the demon wolf. But for ordinary people without soul power, demon wolves are still very threatening. Their sharp claws can easily tear apart skin that is not protected by soul power.

   "But father seems to be a little anxious..." Xiu Yin suddenly felt that the matter would not be as simple as it appeared on the surface, especially as Shuk specially emphasized that it should be resolved as soon as possible.

  But in this situation, he, a half-wielding magician with only level 1 soul power, can't do anything, at least in the eyes of Jack and Bill.

  Bill took out a bunch of iron-like parts from his luggage, and under Xiu Yin's curious eyes, Bill quickly assembled these parts into a crossbow.

   "It turned out to be a crossbow!"

Xiu Yin exclaimed in his heart, "he" has such a powerful weapon in his memory, and the price of a fine crossbow is even more expensive than a set of steel armor, especially if it is made by a dwarf master The price of bows and crossbows will double even more.

   Obviously, the crossbow that Bill has already assembled is relatively average in workmanship, which will affect the accuracy of the crossbow.


  The crossbow strings vibrated, and Bill shot a crossbow bolt towards an open space. The landing position of the crossbow bolt was not much different from Bill's expected position, so it should be considered a good crossbow.

Bill wiped his crossbow. He was also very careful with such high-value weapons, and at the same time he was talking to himself, "Hey, Lord Baron is willing to take out such equipment this time. The Horned Demon Wolf is a bit overrated!"

  Jack on the side unloaded his backpack, with a round shield in his left hand, a long sword in his right hand, and a pair of standard warrior equipment.

   "Master Xiu Yin, just watch from a distance later, the two magic wolves can be dealt with in just an instant!"

  Jack motioned Xiuyin to get back, and he moved his hands holding the shield and weapon a few times, and struck the shield with the long sword to make a "clang bang" sound, looking confident.

   "Reiner, when I count to three, you will open the gate of the mine!" Jack said to Reiner with great momentum, and then turned back to Bill, "Bill, are you ready?"

"No problem, as long as the magic wolf appears, I guarantee that this crossbow can easily penetrate its body." Bill has also mastered the attack point of the crossbow. Within a few steps of the distance, there are hundreds of shots.

  Jack was in front, and Bill was about ten steps behind him. The two kept this formation and walked towards the mine gate. They were also old partners who had cooperated for more than ten years.

   "Xiu Yin, you need to stay far away!"

When Jack walked to the gate of the mine, he didn't forget to remind Xiuyin, but Xiuyin followed Bill a dozen steps behind for the purpose of training himself, and he was also highly focused. He could launch a fire at any time A fireball.

"It's hard to get such a precious opportunity. If you two steal all the wild monsters, I won't be able to upgrade my experience!"

Xiuyin didn't take Jack's warning to heart, a faint blush appeared in his palm, and he could release a fireball at any time that could cause damage to targets within twenty steps. He is not that very cowardly "Xuyin" .

"one two Three!"

As Jack counted to three, Leiner suddenly pushed the joystick upwards, and a huge mechanical roar sounded. It was Xiu Yin who saw a huge smoking machine driving a complex gear set to rotate, and at the same time, the mine pit The big iron gate began to slowly open upward amidst bursts of metal knocking.

  Xiu Yin noticed a yellow glow starting to light up on Jack standing in front of the gate of the mine, "That's the glow of soul energy!" Xiu Yin murmured enviously to himself.

  When the gate was halfway up, a pair of green eyes suddenly appeared in the dark mine pit.

   "It's the Horned Demon Wolf, kill it!"

  Jack in front of the door shouted loudly, swung his round shield forward, raised his long sword, and stabbed in the direction of the pair of green eyes.