Chapter 9: Changes in exposed crisis silver pupils

Chapter 9: Changes in exposed crisis silver pupils

  Under the dim light of the mine pit, Xiuyin stared at the strange stone in his hand, he was puzzled, especially the liquid inside the stone looked like blood.

   "This is not a soul crystal, and this kind of stone will not be produced in this mine. What is it?"

   Xiuyin clutched his head and searched through all the memories of "him", but found no information about this stone, which instead made his body feel more and more fatigued.

   "Well, I am...why sleepy..."


  Xiu Yin felt extremely tired and had no strength all over his body, so he tilted his head and fell to the side, and the red stone in his hand rolled down to the ground in front of him.

"I'm going to sleep…"

  Xiu Yin felt that his consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, and his eyelids seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, until he didn't even have the strength to keep his eyes open, and he fell into a deep sleep.

   However, the moment Xiu Yin closed his eyes, he seemed to feel a beam of white light emanating from his left eye and falling on the red mysterious stone.


   "Master Xiu Yin, are you awake?"

  Shu Yin just moved a little after opening his eyes, and Ianna's concerned voice came from his ear.


  Xiu Yin turned his head to look, and found that Ianna was lying on his bedside, with a haggard face. Xiu Yin knew that she must be here to take care of him and he had not had a good rest.

   "Master, you are awake. Doctor Fore said that you are too tired to wake up after rest, but you have been in a coma for two whole days..."

   "Really? I should have been in the mine before." Xiu Yin felt that he didn't have enough strength to speak, and his body was so weak.

   "Uncles Bill and Jack brought you back from the mine. Could it be that you were in danger in the mine? Both of them were injured. Fortunately, you are alright, young master!"

  Xiuyin remembered that when he set off, Shuke specially told the operation to be kept secret, and he could not mention the monsters that appeared in the Lessing Mine to anyone again.

   "Well, maybe I'm too tired." Xiu Yin said.

Seeing the sincere concern on Ianna's face, especially when she saw that her eyes even had obvious dark circles, Xiu Yin couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch her face with some pity. When he touched the soft skin, Ianna blushed and pressed his hand back to the bed.

   "Master, you must be hungry, I'll go get a hot bowl of porridge!" Yianna walked out of the room blushing without waiting for Xiu Yin to respond.

Xiu Yin rubbed his hands, remembering the smooth feeling when he touched Ianna's face just now, and said to himself, "Ianna is such a nice girl..."

   "But did something happen at home?"

  Shu Yin looked in the direction of the door with doubts. When Ianna pushed the door to go out just now, as soon as the door opened, there seemed to be a rather noisy sound from downstairs.

  Xiuyin wanted to sit up, but found that the fatigue in his body was still there, and his strength was pitifully weak, "Well... this body is really not ordinary weak!"

   After struggling for a few times, Xiu Yin sat up panting heavily. He felt that something had happened at home. Usually, very few people came to visit the baron's mansion.

   "Master, the porridge is ready."

   Not long after, Ianna returned to the room with a bowl of steaming porridge.

   "Master, why are you sitting up? Come and lean on the bedside, and let me feed you."

  Xiu Yin was actually very moved at this time, and felt a little blissful in his heart, "Eating and being fed by beautiful women, this is really a precious life!"

  Of course Xiu Yin also knows that if he wants to live this kind of life, he must continue to strengthen his own strength, at least not to lose to Lin Ke in inheriting the title.

When a mouthful of porridge was fed into Xiu Yin's mouth, Xiu Yin felt that it was really delicious, at least he hadn't eaten this kind of food that was common in the original world for a long time, so he couldn't help but praised, "Ianna's craftsmanship is awesome what!"

  Ianna just smiled lightly, and didn't make a sound. After spoonful after spoonful of feeding, Xiuyin finally felt that his body had regained some strength, at least he could stand up and walk.

  After thanking Ianna for her careful care, Xiu Yin asked, "By the way, Ianna, what happened down there, sounds a bit messy?"

  Yianna put away the empty porridge bowl on the dinner plate and replied, "It seems that there are people from the church in the meeting hall. I don't know the specifics about exorcism blessings and blessings."

   "Church? Why did the church come here?" Xiu Yin couldn't help becoming nervous, with some secret surprise in his heart, "Could it be for me?"

When Yianna was about to leave the room, Brick suddenly asked Xiu Yin softly with a puzzled expression, "But...Young Master, you always said you didn't like porridge before, but this time you drank the whole bowl of porridge? "

  Hearing Ianna's question, there was a sudden "boom" in Xiu Yin's head, as if the bomb he least wanted to explode had exploded.

   Thinking of Ianna saying that the people from the church are downstairs, "Could it be that Ianna came to test me?"

  Cold sweat was already seeping from Xiu Yin's back.

   "Calm down, calm down, if her identity is exposed, Yianna doesn't need to care about herself so much. That's right, calm down..."

  Xiu Yin's mind was spinning rapidly, coupled with his self-cultivation as an actor, he calmed down in an instant.

   "Ah, ah, that's because I slept for too long and woke up too hungry, and the more Ianna's hot porridge, the more I want to drink it!"

  Xiu Yin slapped his head and realized that "I" probably don't like porridge. In the past, Ianna would prepare desserts. But he also pretended to take advantage of the situation, at least he felt that he was explaining why he drank so much porridge with a very natural expression.

   "Oh. Then young master, I'll go down first, you can take a good rest." Ianna responded lightly, she didn't seem to care about the porridge, she pushed the door and walked out.


  Xiu Yin heaved a sigh of relief. He felt that the situation just now was even more dangerous than when he faced the sharp-horned demon wolf. Cold sweat had soaked his back!

   "It's really dangerous!"

   Xiu Yin reminded himself that he must be extremely careful in the future. This is already the second time. Fortunately, Yianna is just a simple girl. If she is a caring person, she will definitely find something strange about Xiu Yin.

  A person's behavior may change suddenly, but things like habits don't change suddenly.

   "I can't drink porridge anymore..."

   This made Xiu Yin more painful. During the days when he came here, he was not used to these western-like diets, but today he managed to drink the delicious porridge, which almost exposed himself.

   "By the way, where is that mysterious stone!?"

  Shuyin suddenly remembered a mysterious stone that he found in the soil after he killed the sharp-horned demon wolf. Where is it now?

   "No, not here, not here, not here yet!"

He groped on his body, except for the soul spar that Shuke gave him, there was nothing else; he didn't find it on the bed, he didn't see it in the room, he didn't find it on the bookshelf, even in the corner Not in the bag with the water bag that Ianna prepared for him!

   "Where did it go? Could it be taken away by my father? Could it be the last..."

  Xiu Yin deeply felt that the stone definitely had a secret, and he suddenly remembered that at the last moment, he seemed to see a ray of light emitting from the silver pupil of his left eye towards the mysterious stone.

   Hastily walked to the mirror, looked at his left eye in the mirror, Xiu Yin couldn't help but said in surprise, "Could it really be about the silver pupil!"

   The "silver pupils" should have been a bit grayish-white, but in the mirror, Xiu Yin found that the silver pupils had turned a little whiter.

   "To be precise, it's more silvery..."