Chapter 22: Basic Magic - Fireball

  Chapter 22 Basic Magic—Fireball

  Seeing this, Xiu Yin hastily touched his back with his hand, and a few beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

  Shuyin cursed fiercely in his heart, only then did he realize that he had handed over the crossbow to the dwarf Moffitt for transformation!

   "Uncle Jack, there is no crossbow!" Huin told Jack, who had already stopped the car, the somewhat unfortunate news.

   There were several demon wolves in front of the carriage, and Jack knew that it was useless to rush over. The demon wolves possessed soul power that ordinary horses did not have, and they could easily tear apart the horse's flesh just by sweeping out their sharp claws.

   "Then young master, I hope your magic can work at critical moments!"

  Jack jumped out of the carriage after saying something to Xiu Yin, and when he walked to the front of the carriage, these demon wolves gradually surrounded him.

   Bang Bang!

  Jack tapped the long sword in his right hand on the shield in his left hand, trying to attract the wolf's attention with the sound it made.

   "These **** beasts, Master Xiu Yin, be careful!" Jack found that although most of the magic wolves were attracted by him, there were still three magic wolves bypassing him and approaching the carriage.

  The demon wolves may be relying on their superiority in numbers. After one of the demon wolves raised its head and let out a howl, several demon wolves that had already surrounded Jack quickly rushed into the circle.

   Although Jack's leg injury has healed, Jack did not choose to move, but chose to stay where he was.

   When the demon wolves rushed up, Jack raised his shield as high as possible, and his right hand holding the long sword trembled nervously. He was not afraid of himself, but worried about Master Xiu Yin in the carriage.

As a veteran, Jack has enough combat experience, especially when he is surrounded, he doesn't panic. The shield in his left hand defends against the attack of the magic wolf on one side, and the long sword in his right quickly sweeps towards a wolf in mid-air. The magic wolf.

Xiuyin only saw Jack being surrounded here, and he was a little worried at first, but when he saw a yellow glow glowing from Jack's body, and as the long sword in his hand swept away, a magic wolf choked in the air After letting out a final wail, it fell to the ground motionless, and it was dead.


Xiu Yin couldn't help but praised. Although Jack was old, his movements were still fast under the blessing of physical strength, especially the posture of holding a shield in his left hand and dancing a sword in his right hand was very cool, which made Xiu Yin envious , He really has a big heart that wants to be a fighter.

  But at this time, Xiu Yin had to solve a big crisis first, that is, the three sharp-horned demon wolves were very close to the carriage. They didn't seem to be interested in horses, and the six eyes that looked green in the night were staring at Xiu Yin.

   But from Xiu Yin's point of view, they were staring at his chest, which contained the mysterious blood-red stone.

  Xiu Yin covered his chest again, he had already determined that these demon wolves were attracted by the red stone, just like the two in the mine last time.

   It's just that Xiu Yin didn't have time to think about this matter at this moment, he needed to divide his attention into his palms, and he needed to concentrate his mental strength.

Xiu Yin's current mental power is only level 2. When activating his soul power, there was only a faint red glow of soul energy on his palm. As Xiu Yin's spiritual power continued to condense, it finally floated in his palm. A fireball of acceptable size was released, and this fireball consumed more than half of Xiu Yin's soul power.

   "Come on baby, let me try the power of this elementary magic - fireball!"

This is the first time that Xiu Yin has consumed most of his soul power to release a fireball. If such a fireball with high soul power can't deal with a sharp-horned wolf, Xiu Yin feels that this mage's path will be useless. It is necessary to go on.

  The demon wolves seemed to be a little afraid of the floating fireball in Xiu Yin's hand. Perhaps most creatures were naturally afraid of fire, so the three demon wolves all retreated a little distance.

  Xiu Yin was not in a hurry to throw the fireball out. He had seen the speed of the demon wolf. If he handed over the only attack method in his hand and then failed, he felt that he would be torn apart by the wolf's minions in the next moment.

The three demon wolves have been staring at Xiu Yin's chest, which seems to have a great temptation for them. Under this temptation, one of the three demon wolves bent its hind legs and put all its limbs on the ground With a kick, he flew towards Xiu Yin.

   "The opportunity is here!"

  This is the moment that Xiu Yin was waiting for. If it wasn't for the lack of exercise in this body, Xiu Yin would choose to jump to a higher height than the wolf to fight back.

But considering the actual situation, Xiu Yin had to wait for the moment when the demon wolf flew towards him, moved his left foot to the side, and at the same time, his body also tilted slightly to the left, holding the floating fireball in his right hand towards the wolf's head Press up.


Under the control of Xiuyin's mental power, the fireball itself has forward force, coupled with the small explosion produced after colliding with the wolf's head, the thin body of the wolf draws a beautiful arc and falls under the moonlight. flew out.

   There were still some flames swaying and burning on the body of the demon wolf, and Xiu Yin could already clearly smell a smell of burnt flesh.

  Xiu Yin saw the burnt corpse of the demon wolf, with a smile on his face, "The power is not bad, even if Lin Ke gets hit from the front with this kind of fireball, he will be seriously injured immediately!"

But just when Xiu Yin was a little pleased with the power of the fireball technique in his heart, the remaining two demon wolves did not feel the slightest fear because of the death of their companions. Instead, they bared their sharp fangs and let out bursts of Wild murmur.

   "Too bad!"

  Xiu Yin secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong, so he quickly condensed his soul power on his right hand again, and when he was about to release the fireball technique, two demon wolves rushed towards him at the same time.

Facing the attacks of two demon wolves at the same time this time, Xiucai repeated his old tricks, relying on his advantage of being able to cast spells quickly, almost instantly, another fireball appeared on his right hand, and of course a similar fireball appeared on this fireball. It is a circle smaller than the volume, and the color of the flame is a little bit dimmer.

Still waiting for the demonic wolf to approach in mid-air, but this time Xiuyin was much more dangerous. The two demonic wolves swooped left and right so that Xiuyin could only choose one direction to dodge. Xiuyin gritted his teeth, this time he Choose to dodge right.


  The fireball was successfully pressed by Xiu Yin to the side of one of the demon wolves, and a flame burst out quickly.


  Shu Yin had tried his best to dodge backwards, but he was still caught by another demon wolf on his left arm. When his clothes were torn apart, several streaks of blood splashed into the air.


Xiu Yin cried out in pain, if it wasn't for his quick dodge, a large piece of flesh might have been missing from his left arm, but right now there was still blood on his left arm, which made Xiu Yin feel so painful no.

What made Xiu Yin even more desperate was that due to the lack of power of the fireball, the demon wolf hit by him only rolled on the ground before standing up again, and the fur on its side was completely burned off. , with black burnt objects stuck to it.

This burned demon wolf was obviously completely aroused wildness. Xiuyin saw that its saliva began to drip from its bared mouth. It didn't give Xiuyin time to react and think, relying on its thick With a powerful leap on his hind legs, he rushed towards Xiu Yin again!

   Xiu Yin shouted in panic, "I, Xiu Yin, won't just hang up like this!"

  It seemed to be a response to Xiu Yin's cry, just when Xiu Yin could clearly see the pair of green eyes of the demon wolf, and the distance between him and the demon wolf was less than half a meter.


  Xiu Yin heard a voice roaring in the air.

  The next moment, Xiu Yin's terrified face turned into surprise. He clearly saw an arrow penetrating from the demon wolf's right ear and shooting out from the left ear...

  (end of this chapter