Chapter 32: magic truth

  Chapter 32 The True Solution of Magic

  It was already afternoon when I returned to Lexingburg. As usual, Ianna appeared in front of Xiu Yin just after pushing the door of the baron's mansion.

   "Master Xiu Yin, you are back!"

  Hearing Yianna's voice, Xiu Yin felt a burst of warmth in his heart. Although he was no longer the former "Shu Yin", this was Xiu Yin's home anyway.

   "Well, I'm back."

  At the same time as Xiu Yin responded, he reached out to touch Ianna's face, but she avoided it with a slight step back. This is what "he" has always wanted to do, but since Ianna was fourteen years old, "he" has not been allowed to touch her body at will.

  Yanna's face was ruddy, but she was not angry, "If the young master has nothing else to do, I'll go prepare dinner."

   Before Xiu Yin returned, Yianna walked towards the restaurant. Xiu Yin felt that Ianna seemed to want to care about him but was deliberately avoiding it. After thinking about it, Xiu Yin thought it was all because "he" always had endless reveries in his mind after seeing Ianna's more and more mature body...

  Going back to his room on the second floor, since there was no more secrets, Xiuyin didn't lock the door again, and he didn't want any more things that would deepen Yianna's misunderstanding, as if he was really doing bad things in the house.

  When Xiu Yin walked to the table and took out the magic scroll from his arms, his hands trembled a little more than when he took out the mysterious red stone last time.

   Mastering new magic is really the lifelong pursuit of a magician.

As Xiu Yin became more and more nervous, the magic scroll was gradually unfolded on the table. When a beautiful magic engraved pattern was completely displayed in front of Xiu Yin, Xiu Yin felt his heart beating at a normal speed twice as much.

   is a magical engraving shaped like a flower. On the magic scroll is a three-dimensional relief, emitting a trace of magic waves from above.

Xiu Yin's right hand trembled and stretched out above the magic engraving. He wanted to know that in the magic engraving, the magic that was sleeping in the seal, as long as he urged the magic engraving under his right hand, the magic in the seal would move with a wave of mental fluctuations. way directly into his brain.

  As for the method of activating the magic engraving, it has been recorded in his books.

   "That's it, concentrate and release your soul power on the magic engraving..."

As Xiu Yin continued to gather soul power in the palm of his right hand, some faint blushes began to appear on his palm. Xiu Yin's current soul power is less than level 3, and when his soul power reaches level 3 After the first level, when he uses his soul power, he will produce an obvious soul glow that is exclusively for soul power.

  Some bright radiance also began to appear on the flower-like magic engraving, which resonated with the soul power on Xiu Yin's palm.

  Xiu Yin felt as if a door appeared in his mind. When the magic imprint under his palm emitted a stronger radiance, there was a "creak" sound, and the door slowly opened.

  A spiritual torrent carrying a large amount of magical information rushed directly into Xiu Yin's brain.

   "This, what is this?"

  Shuyin inexplicably read the extra memory in his brain.

The record is indeed a magic, and when Xiu Yin read the beginning, he had a smile that was brighter than the flower on the scroll. It mentioned magic of the fire attribute, and Xiu Yin himself , is the soul power of the natural fire attribute.

   But the good times didn't last long. When Xiu Yin read the back of the extra memory in his mind, his face was surprised at first, and then even became a little excited, but in the end his face gradually became ugly.

  In the magic engraving, the first half is indeed a record about fire attribute magic, and it is an advanced magic!

  But in the second half, the record is not the release method of this magic, but a description like a note. To be precise, it records the prediction of a very powerful magic attribute by a senior mage who sealed this magic.

  Among Xiu Yin's knowledge, the great scholar Mafa created the soul crystal theory more than a hundred years ago, and the theory about the attributes of soul power was gradually perfected afterwards.

  There are six attributes of soul power that people master.

  Fire and water, wind and earth, light and darkness, the six attributes are incompatible with each other, which supports the simple theoretical system of the theory of soul mechanics in this continent.

  Under this theoretical system, the attribute of soul power is fixed from the moment a person is born, except for some special inheritances from special families, the attribute of soul power is random at birth. For example, the mother has the soul power of the fire attribute, and Xiu Yin happens to be also the fire attribute, but the father has the soul power of the earth attribute, and the half brother has the soul power of the water attribute.

  For a mage who wants to practice spiritual power, it doesn't mean that the soul power born with fire attribute can only learn to release fire attribute magic, and can also use spiritual power to control magic of other attributes. However, if one releases elemental magic that is different from one's own soul power, the effect will be greatly reduced; if one releases elemental magic that is incompatible with one's own soul power, the effect will be negligible.

  So whether you are a warrior or a mage, it is the most basic truth to practice tricks or magic corresponding to your own soul power attribute.

  But all of this became possible in the content recorded on the scroll in Xiu Yin's hand.

The senior mage who recorded these contents started a lot of crazy imagination about the world of magic elements, and the elemental magic of the fire attribute mentioned before, in the arrogant records of this senior mage, he even thought that the elements of fire and water Magic can be used together!

   However, after reading the following content, it is obvious that the research of this senior mage is not going well, and he thinks that there is still an element missing.

"If the two opposing attributes can be fused together, this is definitely a taboo force, a force that can make gods and demons fear. However, there seems to be one element attribute missing. If it is three If there is an element attribute..."

   This is the end of the content recorded in the entire scroll, but Xiu Yin can tell that the records in this scroll are not complete. The senior mage must have some clues, but the last content was intentionally deleted!

This is absolutely not deleted by the senior mage himself. If that is the case, he would not need to keep this scroll, but what if it was interrupted due to external factors in the middle of the description... The deleted part was recorded again. what?

   These Xiuyin are no longer known, but the content in the scroll undoubtedly expands Xiuyin's understanding of the magical world.

   "A power that is enough to make gods and demons fear..."

  Shu Yin looked at the flower-like engraving that had disappeared on the scroll, and showed a smile that seemed to be proud but also self-deprecating.

   Preliminarily determine the system of the novel

  (end of this chapter)