Chapter 37: Earl's House

  Chapter 37 The Earl's Mansion

In front of the gate of Earl Fell's majestic castle, there were already a large number of carriages parked. Just looking at these more ornately decorated carriage hoods, Huin knew that many noble people had already settled in the castle, such as those who came from the royal capital. people have been here.

  Captain Kassel led Baron Shook to the front of the castle. His duties were also completed, and he needed to return to the city gate to continue to stand guard.

   After saying goodbye to the Baron, Cassel did not forget to invite Jack and Bill to have a few drinks with him when they had time before leaving.

   Beside the many ornately decorated carriages, the two carriages of Baron Shook looked very shabby, but he didn't seem to care, just let the driver choose a corner to park.

"Jack, Bill, you two go free, and Huin and I will contact you when we return." The earl's castle is not enough to enter the level of Jack and Bill, so Baron Shuk let them go temporarily Rest elsewhere, before parting, he added, "Drink slowly when drinking with that Cassel, you two old fellows should pay attention to your health!"

  Shuyin noticed four heavily armed warriors standing in front of the gate of the Earl's Castle. Two of them were wearing light armor, with a small round shield hanging on their left arms, and a long sword at their waists. They were standard royal infantry suits.

The other person is also wearing a standard suit of light helmet, round shield and long sword, but he has a longbow and quiver on his back; the last person is wearing heavy armor, with a double-edged battle ax stuck diagonally behind his back , the aura of a tough guy all over his body made Xiu Yin feel that his thin body is really not suitable for being a warrior. If facing such an opponent, can the small round shield block the attack of an axe...

  Shu Yin followed his father's right hand obliquely behind his father, a step slower than his father, which is the etiquette of this era. If they are just ordinary subordinates, they should follow two to three diagonally behind the lord at this time. This is a respect for the lord, and it also shows the prestige of the nobility.

The four guards in front of the castle gate had already seen Shuke and Xiuyin father and son. When they approached, the four of them stood at attention quickly, clenched their right fists at Shuke, stretched out their right arms, and then pressed their right fists to the heart This is the military salute of Starlight Kingdom.

   "Welcome, Lord Baron!" The four shouted at the same time.

   "Hmm." Shuk responded and stepped into the gate of the castle.

  Following behind Shuke, Xiu Yin found that his father's strutting figure was still full of style.

  Although the family has been in decline, as a nobleman with a good family history, he wears a tunic and wears a gold laurel crown that symbolizes the baronial position, so that Shuk still exudes some calm and prestige.

   "It turns out that Master Shuk has arrived, welcome!"

  Just entering the gate of the castle, in front of the path full of gardens on both sides, a voice came up first.

   "Your Excellency Lynn Cove!" Shuk shook hands with the person who greeted him with a smile.

  Linen Cove, the steward of Earl Fell, is also the military staff officer of the Haider Dominion. Although he is not a nobleman, his status is extraordinary in the entire Haider Dominion.

   "Ha, Master Xiu Yin, your performance two months ago was really eye-catching. I look forward to your wonderful performance this time." Lynn Cove smiled at Xiu Yin.

   "My lord, it's just a fluke." Xiu Yin also returned a smile, he always felt that Lynn Cove was not as simple as he appeared on the outside.

Lynn Cove looked away from Xiu Yin and said to Shu Ke, "Tomorrow noon will be held a large-scale open-air banquet in the martial arts arena in the castle, and this time the event will last until night, so please invite Master Shu Ke today Go to rest first, especially Young Master Xiu Yin needs to recharge his spirits."

  Shuke said with a smile, "Please trouble your Excellency!"

   "Gu Lisi, take these two distinguished guests to the guest room to rest."

Following Lin Enkov's greeting, a maid quickly walked over from the other direction of the garden path, and bowed deeply to Shuke and Xiu Yin, "My lords, please follow me ."

   "Then Master Shuk, see you tomorrow..."

  Looking at the back of the maid in front of him, Xiuyin suddenly remembered Ianna who was staying alone in the baron's mansion at this time, "It would be great if I could bring Ianna with me every time I came out."

  Although the idea was good, Xiu Yin knew that it was not realistic. In this world, especially in the aristocratic class, the so-called knightly glory and noble blood are extremely important. If it is known that there is a young master who hangs with the maid every day in the Neumann family, it is estimated that Shuk will immediately Drive Xiu Yin out of the mansion.

  Of course, Shuk regards Ianna as his own daughter. Although Ianna is not as wealthy as other noble daughters in the family, neither Shuk, Xiu Yin, nor even Lin Ke has ever treated her badly.

Because "his" memory has been integrated into Xiu Yin's memory, Xiu Yin now has a special feeling for Ianna, and this feeling is definitely not friendship, so sometimes Xiu Yin can't control himself He always wanted to go up and touch Ianna, of course, if he didn't, Xiu Yin was afraid that Ianna would think that he was different from before.

   "My lords, this is it."

  After going around the corners of several corridors like a maze in the huge Earl's mansion, the maid stopped in front of the door of a guest room.

"If there is anything you can do to ring the bell in the room, my name is Gu Lisi, and I am very happy to serve the two adults." Although Gu Lisi with long hair is still somewhat pretty, but in the eyes of Xiu Yin Eianna, who is wearing a maid outfit, is even more exciting.

  The guest room is very large, with two separate bedrooms, and the toilet and bathroom are also very complete. The guest room is also decorated with a lot of luxury goods. The carpet in front of the coffee table alone is made of the fur of the priceless Komodo giant.

   "The Earl's family is really rich!" Seeing these decorations in the room, Xiu Yin couldn't help admiring.

"These things are nothing more than external things. Xiu Yin, now you must focus on cultivating soul power. After you have absolute power, you will look down on these things even more." Forgot to admonish Xiu Yin.

   "Yes, remember father's teaching!" Xiu Yin immediately responded with a serious face.

Xiu Ke was very satisfied with Xiu Yin's serious expression, and Shu Ke wanted to try his best to make up for Xiu Yin's childhood, which was not taken care of carefully, "Especially at tomorrow's big banquet, Xiu Yin, when the time comes, words and deeds must be appropriate. Think twice before acting, rather slow than wrong!"

"Yes, if there will still be the last battle tomorrow, I think I will get a very good ranking!" Huin said very toughly, his confidence came from the small crossbow on his left arm, This is his trump card.

   Not long after she was in the room, Gu Lisi pushed the dining car and knocked on the door of the room, "My lord, dinner is here."

For a simple dinner for two, the food served in Earl Fell's mansion turned out to be five dishes and two soups. It was very rich, gorgeous, and extravagant, but after a few mouthfuls of food, Xiuyin found that the fish and meat were not as good as Ianna's. The baked fries are delicious.

  (end of this chapter)