Chapter 44: A battlefield without gunpowder

  Chapter 44 Battlefield without gunpowder smoke

   "Master's childhood!?" Kilok touched his nose, no matter how Master Xiao En said, it sounded like he was bragging about himself!

When Sean saw Kilok's actions, he could guess what he was thinking, "Don't underestimate my childhood, I already got the 'Soul Tower' when I was twelve years old... Oh, it's now the Master Guild's The qualifications of an official magician certified by the predecessor, and ranked second among the same generation in the Starlight Kingdom."

   "Is the master the second among his peers?" Kilok was a little surprised that someone as strong as Master Xiao En actually ranked second, "Then who is the first?"

  The natural curiosity of human beings makes Kierok want to know who that person is.

   "Ahem, of course it is Jessica, the chief mage of the royal court."

   "It turned out to be her..."

  When Kilok was surprised by Master Xiao En's answer, there was also a more intense confrontation in the martial arts arena.

   "Continue to break through their sword and shield! Let these guys in the south know how powerful we are!"




   In the end, there is a certain gap in strength. The sword, shield and spear of the blue team on the road were under the onslaught of the red team, and they lost another group in less than a while.

  Now there are only three people left on the blue team's top road, bow and arrow (remnant arrow 1), spear, sword and shield.

  Middle Road: Leo (remnant arrow 1), Xiuyin (remnant demon 3), Hans, Charlotte.


  The top lane of the red side: sword shield, long spear, long spear, bow and arrow (remnant arrow 1).

  Middle Road: Sword Shield, Galio, Araki Masa (2 broken arrows).

  Number of passers: 0 for the blue side, 1 for the red side.


"Brother Hans, come on, just stay here for a while!" Xiu Yin said behind Hans, now it is a matter of time before the road is broken, Xiu Yin and Leo must follow the plan at the beginning The red team's top lane caused enough damage.

Xiu Yin's gaze quickly scanned the situation on the entire martial arts arena. There are still seven people on the blue side and seven people on the red side, but the red side has already passed one person. Although the situation is still within Xiu Yin's expected range , but this side is already in jeopardy, and there can be no more mistakes.

   Bang bang bang!

  Hans fired three consecutive shots at the shield in the front row of the red side, trying to hold back the opponent as much as possible.

Hans' offensive was a bit violent, and Galio was unwilling to take any risks. After all, he suffered a loss two months ago, which resulted in the weapon being knocked out. According to the rules of the game, it is not allowed to pick up a dropped weapon, so it was With the scene where he and Xiu Yin punched at the end.

   Xiuyin and Leo had to eliminate each other before the sword and shield on the road were broken through, otherwise the rookie spear on the road would not be able to survive a round at all.


   Before Shuin could make a shot here, Araki shot an arrow again.


  A red dot was printed on the helmet of the last bow and arrow on the road, and he was eliminated!

  The blue team has one less player on the field, which becomes six players, and the red team still has seven players!


  Shuyin once again greeted Leo, this time Xiuyin's chosen target was Araki Masa.

Araki Masa's archery skills are really good. He can shoot arrows without missing a beat with a direct attack. He still has one arrow left in his hand. If the blue team is eliminated by one person, Xiu Yin knows how to pass the game. Difficulty will become VERYHARD...

   "Use that trick!" Huin whispered to Leo, Leo nodded, and silently drew his bow behind Huin.


Time was running out, and the "he" in Xiu Yin's heart was too eager to win, so Xiu Yin couldn't care less at this time. Behind Hans Kuan Kuan, he raised his right palm upwards, almost instantaneously, a ball The fireball appeared instantly in Xiu Yin's palm.

Xiu Yin's hand is already very hidden, but Master Hu En, who has been paying attention to Xiu Yin from the beginning, was originally holding a glass and sipping Haider's specialty fruit wine, but when he saw Xiu Yin behind Hans showing In this scene, he sprayed all the fruit wine from his throat back into the cup.

   "Instant Magic!"

  Shu Yin's move surprised Master Huen. Although the fireball technique is only a basic magic, and Huen can do it instantly, how big is Xiu Yin? How much spiritual power do you have?

  Sean immediately recalled in his mind the age when he could cast spells instantly, eighteen years old!

   There are many reasons for being able to cast spells quickly. In Sean's profound knowledge base, the only reason he can think of that can explain Xiu Yin's display of this skill is that he is born with a very high affinity for the fire element.

   "Does this little guy really hold the key to change the possibility?" Sean was already very interested in Xiu Yin.

   Standing in the field, Xiu Yin didn't know what Master Xiao En was thinking at this moment. At this moment, Xiu Yin set up his standard posture of "throwing a grenade".

  From the ankle to the thigh, then to the waist, and finally the arms were fully extended. With the strength of his whole body, Xiu Yin threw the fireball out.

  The target this time is Araki Masa.

   "Hmph, small tricks!"

  This kind of long-distance fireball is much slower than the bow and arrow, and it is impossible for Xiu Yin to control the trajectory of the fireball at a long distance. Araki just took a few steps back, and he could easily get out of the way.

  But just after Araki retreated a few steps, his expression suddenly changed, because at this moment, a feathered arrow flew out from behind Xiu Yin, and its attack position was the position Araki was about to retreat to.

  It turned out that Xiuyin's fireball technique was just to push Araki back to the position where Leo's bow and arrow would attack!


Under this kind of crisis, Araki just let out a cold snort, and saw that he suddenly fell backwards directly by virtue of the inertia when he retreated, and at the moment when he was about to fall, he put his right hand on the ground, and his whole body Using his arm as a fulcrum, he actually rotated half a circle in mid-air, which is equivalent to moving his body back one step!

   At this time, the feathered arrow shot by Leo also fell at the same time.


  The feather arrow just landed in front of Araki Masa, and it missed!


   There was a round of applause on the VIP platform at this time, and it was obvious that Araki Masa's action had attracted the favor of most of the guests.

  However, Kilok's eyes turned to Xiuyin, "It's really hard to imagine that this is a tactic formulated by underage children..."

Kilok also picked up his glass and took a sip of fruit wine. Although Araki's appearance was good enough, in Kilok's view, Shuyin, who used his mind to fight, was even better. Since then, he has been grinning happily all the time!

   "That's right, Masa Araki, I introduced you here for nothing!" Galio thought that under this series of offensives, Masa Araki might be in danger, but he didn't expect Masa Araki to show very impressive strength.

  At this time, Araki was also a little annoyed. He pulled up the last arrow and aimed at the long spear of the blue side on the road.

  Because of the diagonal relationship, Araki can find a very good angle, and if the sword and shield in front are to protect the spear, it will inevitably show flaws. In any case, the defeat of the blue top road is already set!

   "To be punished!"

At this time, Xiushi found that Araki was already aiming at the road, and now Leo's arrows were zero, and he had no support function, and only the sword, shield and spear were left on the road. If they were eliminated again, their blue team would lose this round. Completely lost.

  So unwilling!

  Whether it is Xiu Yin or the former "he", the children in the south have been losing for a long time in the Marquis Fair game, and they are eager for a victory.

  So when they looked at Xiu Yin with expectant eyes from behind the huge canvas, Xiu Yin also made up his mind to win.

  But now, Xiu Yin knew that Araki would not miss.

   "Is it going to end..."

   Xiuyin suddenly felt hopeless. This feeling was the same as when he just walked out of the university campus and held his university diploma with joy, but kept bumping into walls at job fairs.

  Obviously I tried my best to do it again, but why did I still fail? In that case, what is the point of working hard, it is better not to work hard.

   No, not right!

   Xiu Yin's fighting spirit would not be extinguished easily, so he participated in more than a hundred interviews, and finally found the actor job he had longed for.

  If you believe in the future, you will have the future. If you give up the future, you will not even have the present.


   This line of green subtitles unexpectedly appeared in the lower left corner of Xiuyin's field of vision.

   "Perhaps, this line of subtitles may have already appeared, but I have been focusing on the situation in the field so I didn't pay attention to the lower left corner of my vision..."

  Shuyin only knew that when the so-called Alice system was activated, a green crosshair would appear in the center of his field of vision when he was using the mechanical crossbow.

   "Could it be that you want me to use a mechanical crossbow?"

  Shu Yin's right hand subconsciously touched the small mechanical crossbow still fixed on his left arm.

   "No! Using a mechanical crossbow here is a foul!"

  But following Xiu Yin's thoughts, his vision began to change, and there was an extra "X"... two crossed arrows?

  One arrow is from bottom right to top left, and the other is from bottom left to top right.

"What's the meaning?"

  While Xiu Yin was wondering in his mind, the shape of the "X" began to flatten, and it was clearly pointing to two positions in his vision.

  The two arrows point to the spear on the road and the sword and shield on the opposite road.

  The position of the arrow tail in the field of vision is... myself and Araki Masa!

  Seeing that Araki had fully pulled the string at this time, Huin looked at his right hand, and he suddenly raised his head.

   "I see! This is just too creative!"

  While Xiu Yin was extremely excited, he immediately put into action the prompts in his vision, and a fireball still instantly condensed on his right hand.

   This fireball carries enough heat, it is Xiu Yin's passion burning.



  One side is the shuttle of arrows in the air, and the other side is the flying of fireballs in the sky.

Under the expression of Araki's surprised "O" mouth, the feathered arrow he shot actually got into a fireball flying obliquely, and the wooden arrow immediately ignited. Before Fang Shanglu speared, he lost the shape of the arrow, and the trajectory was deflected so ridiculously that it was impossible to hit any target.

  However, under the amazed eyes of almost everyone, Xiuyin's fireball did not end its journey, but hit the shield of the red square sword and shield.


  The wooden shield was immediately ignited!


  The red youth holding the shield was obviously frightened, and the hand holding the shield trembled.


  The wooden shield landed on the bluestone ground of the martial arts arena.

  He quickly stamped out the flames on the shield with his feet, but according to the rules of the game, he could no longer pick up the shield that was dropped!

  Many people are stunned.

   "This, this is a coincidence..." Kilok said to himself.

   "Maybe, but this is a key with possibilities!" Master Xiao En felt that he hadn't been as happy as he is today for a long time.

   "Go, attack!" Only Xiu Yin has not forgotten the meaning of this game, he and "he" want this victory.

  Perhaps it was to prove that "he" is not a good-for-nothing half-baked mage master!

  The sword and shield lost their shield. Under the attack of two people, they were injured twice soon and were eliminated from the competition.

  Going on the road has become: spear, sword and shield VS spear, spear, bow and arrow (remnant arrow 1).

When the spear lost the shield of the sword and shield, it was like a target; but the sword and shield faced the attack of two spears at the same time, and finally couldn't bear the pressure, so when the sword and shield were out and the two spears were eliminated one after another, In the end it turned out to be a spear VS bow and arrow.

  Although the trembling arrow hit the spear's leg, it was a pity that one non-fatal damage was not enough to eliminate the spear.

  A bow and arrow with zero residual arrows no longer needs to resist anything.

  So when the blue team's spear passed the easternmost side of the road, the number of people passing by the red and blue sides became one to one.

   There was warm applause from the VIP stage.


  Marquis Fell also applauded, finally allowing him to see the **** side of the teenagers in the Haider Dominion.

  There has been no war for a long time in the mainland under the joint check and balance of the "Qiyao Family". Although most young people can show off their might with the title of knight, the Marquis of Fair always feels that something is missing.

  Young people who have never experienced war can't appreciate the cruelty of war at all. Most young people just think that they can gallop on the battlefield just by wearing handsome armor, which is wrong.

   This battle game is very old, but it is very connotative. This is a battlefield without gunpowder, but it can show most aspects of war to the fullest.

   Now, there are only seven people in the middle lane left in the entire martial arts arena, four people from the blue side are facing three people from the red side.

   But in fact, the two bows and arrows are no longer offensive.

   "Does the battle that really determines the outcome begin..." Master Xiao En looked at Xiu Yin very meaningfully. In his hand, he indeed held a key of possibility.

   Forming such a scene is exactly as Xiu Yin expected, and he still has the last fireball in his hand to use.

   Definitely win this time!

   "Alice, I really love you this time!" Xiuyin's heart had already begun to swell a little. In this situation, it was equivalent to the three of them fighting against two opponents, and they could definitely win!

When Xiu Yin said these words in his heart with some confidence, the "X" mark on the center of his vision began to gradually fade away, but when the mark had become very faint, suddenly There were some changes, and it became a line of green subtitles that had been extremely faded, but before the subtitles disappeared, Huin still recognized it—


   A word of cursing

   Believe in the future and you will have the future. If you give up the future, you will not even have the present.

  (end of this chapter)