Chapter 47: assassin

  Chapter 47 Assassin

  By taking advantage of the thick smoke on the martial arts arena, Xiu Yin quickly moved towards the east side of the arena after identifying the direction.

  At this time, Xiu Yin's mind gradually calmed down, "The targets of these assassins should be Lord Marquis and those members of the envoy group, so it should be a relatively safe place in the Martial Arts Field..."

  Huin ran to a pavilion that was burning with flames. Various weapons were supposed to be stored in the pavilion, but most of the weapons made of wood had been burned in the flames.

  Originally, Xiu Yin wanted to find a self-defense weapon here. After all, in the previous battle game, he had released five consecutive fireballs, and Xiu Yin, who only had level 2 mental power, already had insufficient soul power.


Xiu Yin bowed his body in the thick smoke and moved to another nearby pavilion, and found that this place was also on fire, but he was lucky. He found a dagger outside the reach of the flames, which should be from the pavilion. The weapon rack was thrown out when it fell.

  With a weapon in his hand, Xiu Yin's confidence also increased a bit, but when he was already on the edge of the martial arts arena, he saw some problems when he looked at the entire martial arts arena again.

   "All the pavilions where the weapons were stored were all ablaze..." Xiu Yin believed that this was definitely not a coincidence, "Someone is familiar with the information in the Marquis' castle, that is... there are spies!"

  The word spy was not uncommon in Xiu Yin's original world, especially when it was used in a peaceful age.

  Looking at the outer wall of the castle, Xiu Yin felt that although his guess had no evidence, judging from the fact that these assassins could easily climb the wall, his guess was not unreasonable.

  Although the guards of the castle may be a little loose during the game, it is obviously impossible to climb the outer wall of the castle with crossbows in broad daylight.

   To climb the outer wall of the castle which is seven or eight meters high, if there is an internal response from the guards on duty, you can climb up the stairs on the inner side of the city wall very calmly...

   "But who wants to kill the Marquis..."

  Xiu Yin hid behind a large bluestone outside the Martial Arts Field. This piece of extra work material when paving the Martial Arts Field became Xiu Yin's best cover.

   Poking out half of his head slightly, Xiuyin noticed that the crossbow seemed to have stopped shooting at this moment. Presumably those assassins should also know that the attack effect is not ideal when the marquis guard raises their shields.

But those assassins obviously won't stop easily. On the seven or eight meter high city wall, when Xiu Yin looked there again, he found several figures falling from above. These people bowed their waists and ran directly to the VIP table on the south side.

"So fast!"

  Among Xiu Yin's shocked expression, it only took Xiu Yin to blink twice for these figures to fall into the Martial Arts Field, and then run from the north side to the south side of the Martial Arts Field!

   Xiu Yin's first reaction was that these assassins are so strong!

   "To be punished!"

Xiu Yin didn't care about the marquis and those envoys. What he was particularly worried about was the safety of his father, Shuke. After all, only Shuke was his relative in this world. Lincoln.

  Speaking of Lin Ke, Xiu Yin suddenly heard that his father said that Lin Ke would also come to the Marquis Castle, but in Xiu Yin's impression, he didn't seem to be found.

   "Forget it, let's not think about that guy for now, but the VIP counter is the most worrying..."

  Xiu Yin was hesitating whether to approach the VIP counter, and the several figures should have arrived at the VIP counter at this time.


   Just as Xiu Yin was hesitating, there was a sudden violent explosion on the VIP platform.

   Immediately afterwards, there were some sounds of women screaming in panic. Many guests ran out from the stairs on the other side of the VIP platform. The smoke was relatively thick, and Xiu Yin couldn't tell if his father was among those people.

   As soon as Xiu Yin gritted his teeth, he also went forward for the safety of his father.

   "Who are you? How dare you attack the lord!"

  When Xiu Yin approached the VIP desk, he happened to hear the voice of the manager Lynn Cove.

   "Jie Jie..." A laugh that made Xiu Yin feel shuddering came out, "One-handed fast sword Kilok, the honorary elder Xiao En of the Mage Guild, is nothing more than what I saw today..."

  At this time, Xiu Yin had already moved close to a window sill of the VIP desk, and slowly poked his head out to look inside.

  Several gorgeously dressed envoys of the royal capital had already prostrated themselves on the ground. It seemed that there was a lot of danger, and most of the guests seemed to have dispersed.

  Huin's gaze went deeper, and there were five assassins in black, who were confronting the marquis' guards, Kilok, the one-handed fast sword, Master Shawn the magister, and Lynn Cove, the master of the castle, respectively.

The Marquis's guards consisted of more than a dozen people, but they were suppressed to death by two men in black, and the Marquis himself was standing behind those guards in panic, his panic-stricken face hadn't changed at all before the VIPs. Prestige when speaking.

  Kylock, Sean, and Lynn Cove were respectively entangled by an assassin.

   "The target of the assassins is indeed the Marquis." Xiu Yin had already seen the situation inside.

   "But compared with them, Your Excellency the Manager seems to be weaker, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

  Hearing the words that came out, there was still a cautious laugh, Xiu Yin knew that it was the assassin who deliberately provoked Lynn Cove.

   Sure enough, Lynn Cove's furious voice immediately came from the VIP table, "Bold thief, die!"



   There was another sound of weapons clashing.

  Shuyin looked in another direction through a gap in the VIP platform that was blown up in the explosion just now.

   That was the one-handed sword Kilok.

  Both Kilok and the assassin were surrounded by blue glows, and Xiu Yin knew that it was because both of them had water attribute soul power.

  Kilok is worthy of the nickname one-handed sword.

   Whoosh whoosh!

  The long sword in his right hand seemed to have turned into blue shadows, and after a while, he could feel a damp breath wherever Xiu Yin was.

   "As expected of the Knight Commander of the Star Knights, a person who cultivates physical strength can transform the water attribute soul power into water vapor with a physical form when he swings his sword."

  However, although the assassin was slightly inferior in momentum, the dagger in his hand was also defended very tightly under the blue glow, blocking all Kilok's offensives.

   Obviously, this is to hold Kierock down, not to defeat him.

   What attracts Xiu Yin the most is going to another direction, where there are bursts of elemental magic fluctuations, that is, the fluctuations of spiritual power that Xiu Yin is most familiar with.

   Magicians and warriors use soul power slightly differently.

   It can be compared like this, warriors use their hands and feet to implement the power of soul power, while magicians use their brains.

  Mages need to use spiritual power to make the elements in nature into another form that can be visualized, so as to produce magical attacks such as fireballs, water bombs, and wind blades.

  So when a mage casts a spell, it will inevitably affect the elements in the surrounding environment to fluctuate to a certain extent, and these fluctuations will also carry some spiritual power of the caster.

  Shuyin, who also cultivates spiritual power, can clearly feel the power of Master Xiao En.

Xiu Yin didn't want to miss a good battle of mages. If he could gain some experience from master Xiao En's actual combat, it would be of great benefit to Xiu Yin, so he fixed his gaze on Xiao En fiercely. Well there.

Although it is said that mages are not good at melee combat, but because mages in this era are not very active, and the number is not as large as before, many fighters lack the experience of fighting mages. The black-clothed assassin in front of Master Xiao En is also in this way.

In front of the wind shield released by Master Xiao En's left hand, the black-clothed assassin did not get the slightest advantage. On the contrary, Xiao En could release a wind blade from his right hand during the interval between the assassin's attacks, causing the The assassin had to dodge in some embarrassment.

  Seeing this scene, Xiu Yin admired in his heart, "So strong, so this is the melee method of a wind mage!"

   I'm very sorry that something happened suddenly at this point. Let's change these today and try to make up for it tomorrow!

  (end of this chapter)