Chapter 49: reward

  Chapter 49 Rewards

  When the members of the Bone Knights and the garrison of Bone City hurried to the arena in the Marquis Castle, the assassins had already disappeared.

  The Marquis of Fair was very angry, especially the panic he showed when he encountered the assassin greatly reduced his image in people's minds.

And one of the most troublesome things for the Marquis is—the envoys from the capital, except for Kirlock and Sean, the rest of the people died or were injured. If this news reaches the capital, Feier must explain it clearly. If things happen, it is inevitable to prepare a large amount of property.

"Fortunately, Lord Marquis is safe and sound, otherwise, Master Sean and I don't know how to explain it." Kilok comforted Marquis Fell from the sidelines. The assassin actually committed murder under the noses of him and Sean. The two felt the most shameless.

   "The age of peace is too long, and the hands are rusty..." Kilok can only use this kind of thinking to persuade himself not to care too much about being unable to stop a masked assassin.

  Master Xiao En has remained silent, but this incident can't help but remind him of another incident, but there is no evidence to prove that the two are related.

The martial arts arena was already in a mess, with cries, shouts, and wailing sounds, especially the Haider boys who were still here, most of them were frightened, and some of them were really scared Unlucky to be shot by a flow arrow...

"Xiu Yin, Goddess bless, it's great to see you are fine!" Charlotte and Leo, who were covered in dust, were relieved to see that Xiu Yin was fine. When the assassin attacked, the two of them Lying on the ground, he didn't dare to move, and he didn't stand up until he heard the guards arrived, but at this time their legs were still trembling.

   "Where's Hans?" Xiuyin didn't see Hans, and was a little worried about this little partner. Xiuyin had a good impression of Hans, and even thought that when he became a lord, he must win Hans into his gang.

   "He's a lucky guy, but the crossbow shot hurt his leg. I saw him being carried away on a stretcher just now."

  Leo was right. Compared with those who died in this attack, Hans was considered very lucky.

Knowing that Hans is fine, and that his father was fine at the VIP table just now, Xiu Yin relaxed his tense nerves at this moment, followed by a strong sense of fatigue .

"Hugh Neumann, please, Your Excellency the Marquis." The castle manager, Lynn Cove, came over while Hugh and Leo were talking to Charlotte. He also had several cuts on his clothes, his left arm There seemed to be a severe wound on his body, and even with the gauze wrapped on it, some blood oozing could be seen.

  Linen Cove made a gesture of "please" to Huin with a smile. The fact that Huin saved the Marquis on the VIP platform is beyond doubt, and now the Marquis is waiting to see him.

  Linen Cove led Xiuyin to the depths of the castle. There were guards every few steps on the road. It seemed that this time Mr. Marquis was really surprised. The security of the castle had been strengthened several times.

   There was not much communication between Lynn Cove and Xiu Yin along the way. It is worth mentioning that he looked at the small crossbow on Xiu Yin's left arm with curious eyes.

   In addition, he also expressed his surprise, "It's really a very exquisite little crossbow. It must be made by dwarves to make such an exquisite thing."

Xiu Yin nodded undeniably, but the idea of the small crossbow came from Xiu Yin, but there is no need to explain these things to Lynn Cove too much. Xiu Yin from another world has many things in his mind that are far away. It exceeds the memory of this world's technology, but weapons such as machine guns and missiles are really powerless.

  Another episode was that when Xiu Yin was walking halfway with Lynn Cove, he met a patrolling guard. Xiu Yin saw Lin Ke's figure, and Lin Ke also saw him.

   A fierce gaze looked at Xiu Yin, but Xiu Yin took the initiative to avoid it. He was not afraid of Lin Ke, but at this time, there was no need to continue to publicize the discord between the two brothers in front of outsiders.

   Almost reached the center of the castle. When Xiu Yin, who was already feeling very tired, was about to lose his hold, Lynn Cove finally said, "Here we are."

In a very luxuriously decorated private room of the Marquis, in addition to the Marquis Fell sitting on the main seat in the middle, on both sides of his lower head, there are also one-handed fast swordsman Kirlock and Master Xiao En, and on the lower side, sitting It was Shu Yin's father, Shu Ke.

  Both father and son saw that each other was safe and sound, and both smiled knowingly.

"Lord Marquis, brought by Huine Neumann." After Lynn Cove led Huyin into the room, he saluted Fell and retreated. Almost countless things need him to deal with.

   "A boy born from a hero since ancient times, good, very good, Shuk, the revival of your Neumann family is just around the corner!"

  The voice of Marquis Fell resounded in the room, and at the same time, a servant rolled out a chair for Huin, next to his father.

   "It's our happiest thing that the Marquis is fine!" Shuke immediately complimented Feier.

   Kierock, who was beside the Marquis, waited for the polite conversation among the nobles to end, and immediately asked about Huyin's small crossbow.

  People here are very interested in the small crossbow on Xiu Yin's left arm. It was Xiu Yin who saved Lord Marquis, and it was also this small crossbow.

   Xiuyin reluctantly took the small crossbow from his left arm, put his hands in front of the marquis, and murmured in his heart, "These people don't think my crossbow is good, so they forcibly took it away..."

   Xiu Yin has seen many things about superiors relying on their power to demand various things from their subordinates.

   Fortunately, these people, like Lynn Cove, were astonished for a while, and then returned the small crossbow to Xiu Yin.

  Actually, Xiu Yin's thoughts were a bit overwhelmed. In an era where chivalry prevailed, especially the lords of one side, very few people would do such nasty things.

   "Then Xiu Yin, is there anything you want?"

  The Marquis of Fair has already put on a new luxurious robe, and his face still has the majesty of the previous Marquis. He is completely different from the Marquis who was so panicked that he even left a lot of liquid on his lower body just now.

Xiu Yin thought for a while, the Marquis's question was really difficult to answer, but as a self-cultivated actor, Xiu Yin saluted Lord Marquis again and said, "It is Xiu Yin who can relieve the lord from the predicament." Because it is a matter of course to do, not to mention the idea of what you want to get from the lord."

  Shu Yin's answer was very ingenious. On the surface, he didn't ask for any reward, but in fact he threw the question back to the Marquis.

   In front of two prestigious envoys from the capital, the Marquis must not be shabby to his savior.

  Fair touched his chin and said loudly, "Then the tribute from Lexingburg will be exempted for this year!"

  Hearing the lord's statement, both Shuke and Xiuyin got up and saluted him again to express their thanks, but in fact, the father and son had scolded Feier ten thousand times in their hearts.

  The so-called tribute is like the tax that the lord collects from the subjects, but the tribute is the relationship between the big lord and the small lord.

  The small lords in the big lord's territory have to pay a certain amount of property to the big lord every year, which can be money, food, or other valuable things. This is tribute.

The proportion of paying tribute is to collect a certain percentage of the income of the small lord in this year. At that time, a special tax officer will go to the small lord's territory to check. At the same time, there is a minimum payment standard. If the standard payment of tribute cannot be completed, the title will be deprived at worst.

  Huin's grandfather was demoted from viscount to baron because of insufficient income in Lexingburg.

  The Marquis of Fell said that he would be exempted from paying tribute to Lexingburg for one year. In fact, this amount is not much. According to Xiu Yin's heart, at least a thousand gold coins should be rewarded for making such a contribution.

Kirlock and Sean didn't know where Lexingburg was in the Haider Dominion, but judging from the barons they saw in the capital, it was a very big reward to be exempted from paying tribute for a year. Knowing that Lexingburg is almost the poorest part of the Haider Dominion, they will definitely accuse Feier of being too stingy!

  Fell touched his nose when Huynshuk and his son thanked him. He also knew that this was a bit stingy. Of course, in order to stop their father's mouth, Feier had to carry out another plan.

"Then, Master Xiao En, do you think our young mage in Haider...uh, has some qualifications?" Feier's meaning was already obvious, and he hoped that Master Xiao En could bring Xiu Yin to the capital for further studies. .

  The words of Marquis Fair immediately mobilized Xiu Yin's mental head, and Shu Ke also looked at Xiao En together.

  Xiao En looked at Xiu Yin again, this time observing from a close distance, this kind of gaze like a scanner made Xiu Yin feel a little uncomfortable.

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  (end of this chapter