Chapter 53: Nature spells

  Chapter 53 Nature Spells

  Shu Yin felt the cold feeling from the teacup that Tifa handed over, and felt a pity in his heart. Although he only had contact with him for one afternoon, Xiu Yin found that Tifa was actually a good boy.

  The special constitution prevents her from enjoying her childhood like other children. On the contrary, she can only grow in a closed environment.

  Huin can imagine what would happen if Tifa got too close to her normal friends in her childhood.

   "It will be called a monster..."

  Xiu Yin unconsciously touched his left eye with his left hand. When he was a child, he was used to being called "monster" and "one-eyed thief" by children of the same age.

  However, the feeling of loneliness and isolation in childhood still makes Xiu Yin unforgettable.

   "I'll give Tifa hot milk tea!"

Shuin held the teacup with his left hand. Before releasing the flame magic with his right hand, Xiuyin reached out and patted Tifa's braid. Under Tifa's expectant eyes, Xiuyin once again concentrated his energy and was ready to release flame.

  Although the process of Xiuyin condensing the flames was only a moment, in this moment, Xiuyin still felt a sense of dizziness, and the soul power in his body was almost at its limit.

  The depletion of soul power is physical weakness for warriors, but for mages, it is the sudden dizziness and sleepiness in the brain.

   Xiu Yin forced himself to hold on, and kept telling himself in his heart that this was the last time.


  The flames lit up in Xiu Yin's hands, which Tifa also found very miraculous. Even she who can release extremely high-purity flames needs a short casting time, but Brother Xiu Yin only takes a moment.

  There was a gentle and young flame floating on Xiuyin's right palm, but it was enough to warm the milk tea.

  When the flame became smaller and smaller and finally disappeared in Shuyin's palm, Shuyin stretched out the teacup in front of Tifa.

   "Well, Brother Xiu Yin is so kind!"

  Tifa happily reached out her small hand to take the teacup, sticking her small mouth to the edge of the teacup, she couldn't help drinking.

  Seeing Tifa's happy look, Xiu Yin also had a smile on his lips, and staggered a step back with a little tired body.

   "Little friend Xiu Yin, thank you for your hard work." Master Xiao En appeared behind Xiu Yin and helped him stabilize.

  Tifa can be so happy, thanks to Xiu Yin.

Because of her body, Tifa has to drink hot drinks frequently, but Sean himself is not born with fire-type soul power. Although it is nothing for the current Sean to release a low-level flame magic, but using a soul power different from his own The elemental magic of attributes will inevitably consume more energy, so Sean will not be able to concentrate on completing the experimental research in the afternoon.

  Master Xiao En patted Xiu Yin on the shoulder and asked him to sit down on a chair beside him and rest for a while.

  After Tifa drank the hot coffee, she finally felt a little tired after it had been raining a lot, and went back to Sean's room to rest.

   "The milk tea that was heated twenty-eight times for Tifa..." Master Xiao En has already judged Xiu Yin's current soul power limit through the hot milk tea.

  Master Xiao En is still very satisfied with Xiu Yin's contribution this day.

  This day can be said to be the beginning of Xiuyin's journey as a mage. It can also be said that apart from the unexpected appearance of Tifa, this day itself is also the first lesson specially arranged by Master Xiao En for Xiuyin.

   "The practice of a mage can't be full of violence and impetuosity like a warrior. What a mage needs is a calm heart."

  Master Xiao En explained to Xiu Yin while tidying up the test bench. When Xiu Yin reluctantly stood up to help, Xiao En stopped him and signaled Xiu Yin to just sit down.

   "Xiu Yin, what do you think is a warrior and what is a mage, and what is the difference between the two?"

  Master Xiao En had almost cleaned up the experimental table, and when he asked Xiu Yin a question, he sat in front of him, poured two glasses of water, and pushed one of them down in front of Xiu Yin.

  Xiu Yin thought for a while and replied, "Warriors rely on physical strength, while mages rely on mental strength."

  Master Xiao En took a sip of water unhurriedly. In fact, he had already drank water all afternoon. When Tifa became interested in Huin and was sticking with him, Sean had to pay close attention to the research and records of the experiment.

   "This way of understanding is only a superficial phenomenon." Xiao En knows the growth environment of Xiu Yin, and that environment is not conducive to the growth of Xiu Yin's magic, so Xiu Yin's understanding of magic is only on the surface.

   "It has only been a hundred years since the great scholar Mafa established a theoretical system of soul power, but the research and strengthening of magic has never stopped, even though it is now far away from the glorious age of mages."

   Xiu Yin nodded. Seeing Master Xiao En's busy day, Xiu Yin knew that there must be many people who study magic like Master Xiao En, so magic is indeed constantly improving.

  But for the further understanding of magic, Xiu Yin really didn't know, so he could only look at Master Xiao En with a look of seeking knowledge.

   "In fact, whether it is a mage or a warrior, the source of power comes from the soul power in the human body. The difference between a warrior and a mage is that the expression of the soul power is different."

"In fact, the main reason for this phenomenon is the theoretical basis of the soul spar of the great scholar Mafa. After special processing, the soul spar can directly display the specific level of the power system in people's minds. This is very incredible. Yes, I even spent ten years trying to solve the mystery of the soul spar, but in the end I didn't find anything."

  After speaking this long paragraph, Master Xiao En showed some helplessness on his face, and then took another sip of water.

   "The soul spar is also a very mysterious thing worth studying, but let's not talk about it now, and then talk about what a mage is."

   "The difference between mages and warriors is actually the difference in the processing of soul power."

   "The result of the processing?" It was the first time Xiu Yin heard this to describe the difference between a mage and a warrior.

  Master Xiao En continued, "Mages use spiritual power to concretize soul power into elemental magic with a physical state. For example, Xiu Yin can condense real flames in his hands."

"Warriors, on the other hand, express their soul power directly as physical strength. According to the literal understanding, they use soul power to enhance their physique, such as stronger explosive power, faster speed, higher physical fitness, and higher resistance. force."

   "This is the result of the processing of soul power by the two, which leads to different forms of soul power in reality."

  Hearing Master Xiao En's answer, Xiu Yin felt that he understood a lot in an instant, but there was still a question he was very curious about, "Then what about the power of faith? What is the power of faith?"

  Hearing Xiu Yin's question, Master Xiao En paused. This is not an easy question to answer.

"Regarding the power of faith, it actually involves many things on the continent. The reason why this continent is called the Continent of God's Mercy is because of the mercy of the gods in the legend, which allows the human beings here to thrive. Faith, faith, is the awe of the gods. heart of…"


  Shu Yin, who has received higher education from another world, finds it difficult for him to believe in the existence of "God".

  Seeing Xiu Yin's expression, Master Xiao En almost knew what he was thinking. He was just as surprised as when he first heard about these things.

   "But the soul power that we humans can use comes from the grace of God, so we build our own homes on this land to resist the invasion of the northern monsters."

   "You don't need to believe in him, but you must not blaspheme the existence of God."

  When the last sentence came out, Master Xiao En's tone was already very serious, he was admonishing Xiu Yin.

   "The power of faith is a complicated subject. To explain it clearly, I am afraid that only those in the sect can explain it."

  Hearing Master Xiao En's words, Xiuyin thought of Casios. After he came back, Xiuyin only met him three times.

   "There are many, many things about mages. We will talk about things slowly in the future. Let's talk about magic now."

  Master Xiao En picked up the cup in his hand, "Magic, the widest range is elemental magic."

   Xiu Yin nodded, he had memorized this knowledge by heart in the books at home.

  According to the soul spar theory of the great scholar Mafa, there are six basic elements, namely fire and water, earth and wind, light and darkness.

Master Xiao En nodded when he saw Xiu Yin, knowing that he had mastered these basic things, "As a mage, you must know which element you are naturally compatible with, that is, which attribute of the soul you are born with." force."

  At this time, Master Xiao En raised the cup with water in his hand to Xiu Yin.

"For you who already have a foundation in magic, you can judge by the fluctuations of elements, but for mages, even if you are not in battle, you must understand that there are some subtle changes in life that contain hidden meanings and meanings. Elements or things related to the attribute of soul power."

   Xiu Yin had already felt the fluctuation of the wind attribute soul power in Master Xiao En's hand, but Xiu Yin knew that Master Xiao En meant it was on the water glass in his hand.

  It is necessary to observe the details related to the attribute of soul power in life.

   Xiu Yin looked at the water glass, very ordinary.

When his eyes saw the water in the cup, Xiu Yin suddenly noticed some subtle changes. The water in the cup was moving, not because the master was holding the cup steady, but the water inside was showing a change. A regular clockwise shaking.

   This is because Master Xiao En has wind attribute soul power. When the master's soul power enters the cup, the element of wind causes the water in the cup to flow inconspicuously.

   "You can see it." After noticing the change in Xiu Yin's eyes, Master Xiao En drank the remaining water in the cup. He knew that Xiu Yin had understood.

"Then..." Xiu Yin also looked at the quilt in his hand, and just channeled the soul power on the palm of the cup holding the cup. It was very subtle and not obvious, but there was a change. It was the temperature of the water in the cup, which might require a thermometer to measure it. The measured changes, but if you experience them carefully, you can still discover these changes through your own senses.

  Because my soul power attribute is fire attribute, so the temperature in the cup has changed, although the change is very small, but this change is an objective existence.

   Seeing Xiu Yin's eyes of enlightenment, Master Xiao En was very satisfied. There is no shortage of geniuses among mages, but there are not a few who have worked hard and become famous in the mainland.

"Element, for a mage, is the foundation of the foundation. Xiuyin, you are a natural attribute of the fire attribute, so for the perception and understanding of the fire element, you can only do better than others, or better than other fire elements." Masters are more sensitive to the changes of the fire element, and only then can you achieve something in this department!"

   "Yes!" Xiu Yin nodded with great ambition, which made Master Xiao En quite satisfied. Young people must have ambition, strength can be temporarily weak, but ambition cannot be short at any time.

  But at this time, Xiu Yin suddenly remembered another thing in his mind, that is, the magic scroll obtained from Field of "Moon Song". Some records in it made Xiu Yin have doubts.

   "Master Xiao En." Xiu Yin's expression became very serious, but he suddenly regretted the words, what should I do if this question suddenly troubled Master Xiao En.

   "Huh? Little friend Xiu Yin, if you have something to say, just say it." A kind smile appeared on Master Xiao En's face.

Xiu Yin nodded, and asked one thing mentioned on the magic scroll, "Master, can you use two elements at the same time? What I mean is, for example, the fire element and the water element can be used at the same time? "


  Master Xiao En was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Xiu Yin to ask such a question suddenly.

"However, if the fire element and the water element are used at the same time, this violates the Marfa theory. Fire and water are two elements that are completely incompatible. Their simultaneous existence will only promote the simultaneous demise of the two or the comparison of the remaining elements. Big side."

   "As for the use of the other two elements, of course there are, but there are very few such people, because most of these people have special physiques inherited from special families, that is, they are naturally compatible with the two elements."

   "Then, if the two elements are compatible, what kind of spells will be used?" Xiuyin couldn't help asking, curiosity about the unknown and desire for knowledge made him especially want to know these interesting things.

"Hey, what a coincidence, Jessica, the chief mage of the Royal Court of the Starlight Kingdom, is born with an affinity for the two elements." Master Xiao En seemed to be immersed in the memories of the past, "The two elements she has an affinity for at the same time It's water and earth, and it turns out she has a special ability."

   "What ability?" Xiu Yin actually paused when he saw the words of the master, and a mixture of envy and melancholy could be seen in his eyes.

   "It's a natural spell. The spell Jessicana uses can stimulate the rapid growth of plants in the surrounding environment..."

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  (end of this chapter)