Set against the backdrop of the 1940s, a time marked by profound upheaval and change, the lives of multiple individuals navigating the complexities of a world at war are woven together. One such individual, a young teenager named Alfred, vows to liberate his homeland, Forentia, from the totalitarian reign of the Votyasch Empire after the tragic death of his mother. Setting out on his own, he's recruited into an elite squad of special volunteers and refugees from different corners of the world who have the same goal of bringing down the imperial rule and have the power to do so. As he fights on the frontlines, he realizes that there's more to the world and to himself than his naivete led him to believe...
First chapter actually got me so hook ! I love it. Can’t wait for more.
It’s a great start and interesting world building :)
A great start to an amazing book. I look forward to it whenever the author releases more.