The Last Memory - Part 2

"You left your cell without permission Ryuga. His majesty has sent for you. Come quietly." Ezekiel calmly spoke to Ryuga. He drew a magic circle casted <Kreashen>, making a sword.

Ryuga looked around, scanning them. "If you were here to speak you wouldn't be armed. Meaning you were ordered to use any means. Am I wrong."

Starr walked to him to subdue him but the moment he made contact with him, a huge force blew Starr away, smashing him into the door and sending him rolling down to stairs.

Ezekiel slashed at him but Ryuga caught the blade with his bare hand. "You should make sharper weapons." Ryuga pulled in the sword for a closer look and with a smirk clenched it.

'Crack' the sword cracked and shattered to pieces with a snap. "You relied too much on your powers you forgot to put an effort to improve yourself in any other way."