Alain's <Aurora>

[Alain's Fortress - Aurora]

When one become a prime, they are immediately entitled to everything their predecessors possessed. This includes their castle, territory and authority.

Alain, the youngest of the primes, was able to kill the former owner of Aurora and was recognised by other primes. Though he has not awakened as a true Prime, his power is something to be reconned with.

"It's been a while, hasn't it? Oh dear master." Alain stood in front of Ryuga who knelt before him with his hands tied behind. The bars of the cage he is contained in, have cracks that are slowly increasing.

Ryuga raised his head and locked eyes with Alain.

"I agree. It really has been a long time." He smiled tenderly. "And I must say, I was just so proud to learn you had become a prime. The very first student I had grew so powerful."