Ulbiquitos Family: Struggle

"Tell me something before we get more acquainted, would you? What is it you want? And what would you give to get it?" Commander Collen asked Ezekiel who stood in the middle of the lake.

The Judgement resonated with more power and he looked at it.

"What do I want?" Ezekiel muttered in a low pained voice. "I just want my mother back. My mother is an honest woman who lived an honest little happy life. But living a quiet life doesn't seem to always bear good fruits." Anger and dissatisfaction gloomed over his face.

"The sickness of unfairness and corruption in the justice bureau seems to be incurable. But now, I have the power to correct it. No... I will correct it." Ezekiel spoke with determination.

Commander Collen listened to him and clapped a few times after he spoke. Ezekiel looked at him in confusion.

"Do you think I can't do it?" Ezekiel asked the man almost as if challenging.