When the barrier shattered, everyone's eyes snapped up at it. Ryuga however, wasn't too surprised. But one thing didn't make sense. Roy saw this coming, right? Then did he perhaps let the enemies thus far intentionally? No. He was too much of a worry ward to let that happen.
Then... however they got here, they bypassed Roy's Alter ability. But, that's not possible.
Just then, the crimson blade was inching closer to him. He kicked the ground and dodged backwards. The attacker slashed downwards. He infused the apple in his hand with magic and blocked with it.
The sword pierced the apple but was stuck after going in a little. The attacker smiled sinisterly.
"Flare up - Phoenix..!" He uttered. The crimson blade flared up, covered in flames. This were not normal flames. They also weren't hell flames. This were the unique flames of the majestic bird, the Phoenix.