A beatiful and alluring woman. She has long waist length blue hair. She had white/grey eyes and pink plump lips. She wore a delicate white dress with patterns. Her figure evidently alluring. She wore a long white dress and crystal like shoes.
Right now this work of the devine has its feet dangling in the air. She I'd held by the neck by a man who looked at her with superiority - Roy El Izla.
"Intruder. It would beheed you to leave this place immediately. This place is not meant for those of your kind." Hemera finally spoke.
Her voice was clear even though she was gripped by the neck. Her eyes flashed a glint amd her body began levitate and fly higher. She gripped Roy's forearm amd froze it, down to the bone in an instant.
She then struck it and shattered it to debris of ice with few red of blood. Hemera sent her palm strike to Roy's stomach. He was frozen through to the back and the ice began scattering over his upper body.