Well this sucks...

Chris POV, Unknown...

'Ugh, where am I now?' I thought looking around to see a playroom, one you'd have for any kid to play in while their parents were busy.

"I' dis' a kid's woom?...?!" I jumped in surprise as I heard the lisp in my voice which also sounded completely different from the one I was expecting.

'What happened, is Ego messing with me?!' I thought I looked down at myself to see the small hands of a child between the age of 10 months to 1 year old (I think?).

'This has got to be a dream, right? There IS NO WAY I'm in a kid's body... right?' I felt dread building as I thought about what Ego said and dreaded what the words "send you to different universes" meant for me now.

'Am I gonna have to start as a child in every world I go to?!' I felt the dread that came from those words sink even further into my gut as I continued to look down at myself.

'Fuuuuuu-' "-uuuuuck!" I started yelling in my high pitched voice trying to cope with the realization as I punched the floor pretending it was Josh's face.

"Bu's'it, dis' is fuckin' bu's'it, why a' I stuck wit dis 'tupid-," I stopped suddenly hearing something in the distance. "-wha'?"

"*stomp**stomp**stomp*" is all I heard before the door slammed open with a pair of fully grown adults coming through it.

"Chris, Is everything ok?!" I heard the brown-haired woman(?) wearing a white undershirt and dark blue plaid over-shirt with jeans(?) ask as she looked around frantically and spotted me on the ground with a look of surprise on my face.

"Oh thank god, I thought you were hurt or something..." She said before she walked towards me and picked me up.

"Hey calm down, I was worried too but since nothing's wrong can we go back to working on painting the walls?" I heard the other person say just behind the first... it sounded like a guy, one that seemed a bit too eager to get back to work.

"Hey what's going on kiddo, did something happen?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see the woman holding me ignore the guy as she looked at me with what I think was concern(?).

I wasn't completely sure if it was concern since I couldn't see that well but I was trying and being this close was making it easier to tell.

"Ya' 'm otay," I said trying to be as calm as possible since I didn't want to show I was nervous about how to act in front of the couple.

"Great! Well have fun playing with your toys, your Papa and Mama are going to go do boring stuff that your papa seems a bit too excited to do." She said before kissing me on the cheek and walking off with who I now knew was my new dad to paint the walls... well that's something I guess?

'So what do I do now?' I thought looking down at the toys on the ground that looked incredibly childish to me.


Time-skip 3 weeks, Chris's house...

If I were to describe the last few weeks it would be these three words, painful, difficult, and informative. 

It was painful because I had to learn the hard way that while I was a teen mentally, my body on the other hand was truly a child's since I've woken up quite a few times hitting my head on the bars of my crib not to mention my weak body which didn't make it any easier to get back to a comfortable sleeping position.

That was REALLY painful in the moment it happened but hey the pain went away and I TOTALLY didn't cry, which TOTALLY didn't make my new mom come into the room to calm me down... totally.

I wasn't going to be a crybaby when I was supposed to be the successor to some all-mighty being, especially since getting that power was probably my only way to get the chance to go back to my earth and punch Josh in the face and that old man (Ego) too!

The difficult part was waiting around since a ring stacking game or a block puzzle wasn't going to entertain a 17 year old boy.

The informative part was that I finally learned how to behave around my parents which turned out to be pretty simple since the kid that this body belonged to was pretty quiet, which I guess I can give that old man (Ego) credit for since he chose the kid himself.

So you might ask what I'm doing now? Well, now I'm sitting in a stroller as my mom pushes me along the side of our neighborhood street. "Sweetheart, are you having fun?" I heard the all too enthusiastic and kind voice of my mom say as she leaned over the pulled-back hood of the stroller to look at me.

"Mhm..." I responded quickly smiling at her. She was a great mom to me in the few weeks I got to know her with all the doting and hugs I could imagine a mom would give.

Also, her cooking was great!... or at least smelled great since I was still eating softer food while my teeth finished growing in but hey that would change in year or two!

Now back to the stroller ride, I saw what looked to be a baby that seemed to be even younger than me in another stroller as my mom stopped to talk to the woman pushing it.

I kind of ignored it as I thought more about how I was supposed to gain any experience from this seemingly random world but as I kept thinking I eventually heard something that disrupted my thoughts as suddenly as a car crash. 

"-name is Luz." I heard the woman say as she talked to my mother causing all my thoughts to finally grind to a halt. 

"Luz?" I asked in an almost whisper that must have been heard because I looked up to see both of them turn their attention to me.

"Yes sweetheart, this is Mrs.Noceda and her daughter Luz, can you say hello?" My mind crashed again as I stared with wide eyes at a girl that I thought was completely fictional before turning to that girl's mom and said the one thing that would start a lifelong friendship in a world that I never thought I would be in, "Hello"...