Another encounter

An hour before Azure and Raine's arrival we can see a small figure enter the throne room of The Emperor...

"Emperor Belos," I said to the Emperor as he sat upon his throne below the Titan's heart, hanging grandly in the throne room.

"Yes, Nephew?" The Emperor turned my way as I kneeled just like I had been taught to by my personal instructors.

"May I ask why I need to stay here when I should be out on a mission?" I raised my head to look at the Emperor, thinking of how I spent my weekdays between my training and education.

"Hm," the Emperor looked down at me, his expression hidden under his mask, "I have my reasons," He rose from his throne, walking towards me.

"What I can tell you, however, is that you will be greeting a special child today," the Emperor pulled out a crystal ball with the image of a blue-haired kid around my age.

"I would like you to get to know him and possibly form a connection" the Emperor continued as he signaled for me to rise.

"I don't understand, why would I do that?" I gestured the sphere with confusion, "What makes this kid so interesting?" The Emperor chuckled hearing my question.

"I cannot tell you the exact reasons, but he is the son of a new hero who will come today to be rewarded for his bravery," I felt a pang of annoyance shoot through me as I took off my Coven Scout hood and mask.

"So I'm just babysitting?" I growled before realizing I was talking out of turn, "I am sorry for interrupting, Emperor," I felt myself blush in embarrassment before the Emperor chuckled again.

"Hunter, we are alone, you don't have to be so formal," I watched the Emperor-no my Uncle take off his mask, revealing an older-looking face with a prominent green scar spanning the two sides of his face.

"I-I just want to be useful Uncle, to repay the kindness you showed me," I felt myself slip back to the flashes of vague memories of the day my Uncle took me in, "You will Hunter, but just do this one thing for me and you can go on a mission tomorrow, okay?" I nodded reluctantly as he kneeled down as well, patting me on the head.

"Uncllleee," I whined as he gave me a smile before standing up and walking to his throne, putting his mask back on, "Now, you may go and carry out my will, Coven Scout," I bowed before turning to exit the room.

'I will not disappoint the Emperor,' I thought with determination as I opened the doors and stepped out into the halls of the castle.


"Huh, those look interesting," I stared at an archway that led to a large room containing eight artifacts of different magical colors floating on pristine white pedestals.

"Feels kind of like looking at a weird rainbow," I tried walking into the room to get a closer look, but before I could I felt a hand tug at my loose shirt, turning back I saw Raine looking at me before he sighed.

"Az, can you just follow us without running off to look at something?" I gave him an apologetic look as I shrugged.

"Sorry, I just kinda got distracted by all the new stuff," I partially lied, feeling some weird compulsion to keep my magic vision a secret, 'Why would I though?' I felt uneasy in this place for some reason even though that feeling only seemed to appear when I finally entered through the gates a few minutes before.

'Though that didn't stop me from looking at things more with my vision,' I remembered how the feeling, while nagging, didn't stop me from looking at things, 'It even helped me push that feeling back,' I added to my recollection as Raine led me along with the rest of the group.

"Now, I'm going to get some more formal clothing for the award ceremony happening in a bit," Raine turned back to me, "So I need you to wait here while I get that done okay?" He smiled at me as I looked back to the room I had seen earlier.

"Are you sure I can't just do a tour or something?" I turned and gave Raine a questioning look, "I mean they have to have something like that, right?" I continued as Raine sighed before he tried to say a few more words to convince only to stop when...

"Greetings, I have come here to meet the hero of BonesBorough and I just so happened to overhear your conversation-" I turned to see a tense kid slightly taller than me wearing a kid-sized version of the uniform that those demons outside wore.

"Which is convenient because I was given instructions to offer a tour," I gave this Random Kid a look just as skeptical as Raines, "...But since you're busy and your kid wants to explore I might as well help by babysit- I mean giving him a tour," He finished with a tone as awkward as he was tense.

"Hm," I noticed Raines skeptical look fade as he looked at the awkward kid with a now more curious gaze, "Well, you don't seem too bad, but are you sure a kid like you can handle it?" The Kid seemed to jump at that.

"Y-yes, I was given this task, s-so I'll do the best I can!" I felt doubtful of that, 'I mean he acts just as oddly as I did when I woke up not knowing who I was,' Raine scratched the back of his head.

"Well, it's better than nothing and you seem nice enough," Raine shrugged before patting my head, "I'll see you guys here after the ceremony, alright?" Raine ruffled my hair before turning to leave.

"Well at least I can wander now," I looked back to the Kid who was also staring at Raine who, "So are we gonna do that tour?" The Kid snapped back to me as took a moment to process what I said.

"O-oh, yes!" He straightened up, "I'll begin the tour now!" He quickly turned back in the direction I came from, "We'll start at the relic room, it's filled with relics from the age of wild magic," I watched as he started walking to what I assumed was the rainbow room I looked at before.

'Well I guess this'll be informative,' I followed after him as the kid walked, "So what's the Age of Wild Magic?" I asked before he turned his head back to me with a look of shock, "You don't know what the Age of Wild Magic is?!" I shook my head before he seemed to take on a more emphatic way of moving before he began walking again.

'Never mind, I guess this will be EXTRA INFORMATIVE,' I sighed as I nodded at the kid as he went on with his rant.


"-So my grandma came in and tried to-" I listened to Girl Whelp talk about her kin and the endless squabbles that she had with them.

'So annoying,' I felt this body's fangs grit together, 'Perhaps I should just kill her and search for the child now?' I stared on at Girl Whelp who was walking ahead in what I was told to be a patrol route which felt like wandering my territory in the forest.

"-but I finally got her to leave before we got that assignment with that demon bug corpse," I nodded absentmindedly, still contemplating the merits of killing her now.

"Oh for Titans sake, were you even listening?" I saw Girl Whelp turn to me before placing her hand on her mask and sighing, "Seriously Steve, what is going on with you today?" Girl Whelp stepped towards me before I shrugged, thinking of why my disguise didn't work as I desired

'I can see this body's memories, yet I, Titus Maximillian, am failing?' I thought over my previous blunders, 'I acted companionable and used the same body language, but I was seen as acting strange?' I couldn't think of why I would be strange, 'The silence should have been explained so why does this girl whelp show so much suspicion?'

I felt a soft hand land on this body's shoulder, "Steve, talk to me, please?" Girl Whelp lifted her mask as I saw a freckled whelp face with red hair reveal itself, "We're friends, right?" I nodded again.

"We are, It's just that whole thing with rising in ranks is making me think," Girl Whelp looked at this body curiously, "What are you thinking?" I rummaged through this body's memories and found some things in Steves past that stood out.

"I've been trying so hard to get recognition, but no one seems to appreciate what I do and I kind of realized that at the centipede corpse," I gave a reason as Girl Whelp seemed to nod, satisfied with the answer before she opened up her arms and hugged this body.

'Good, she seems to buy it, now I-wait, no!' I felt my blood start to writhe at the worst moment within this body, making Girl Whelp pull her hand back, 'Damn it, I was hoping I might be able to wait until I encountered the child, but...'

"What in Titan's name was that?!" Girl Whelp stepped back as I sighed, "Well, there goes all that annoying effort I put in," This body slumped before it rose with a trickle of blood seeping from every pore of its arm, creating a thin sheen of pitch-black ichor as it all moved like a river of blood, transforming into a tendril, starting out amorphous, but quickly growing longer, reaching out and wrapping around Girl Whelp's neck.

"Wh-what-who are you?" She whimpered out as I yanked the tendril back, not wanting her to scream and alert the other whelps, covering her mouth I dragged her into what I thought was an empty room full of weapons.

"Quiet, I do not need more problems from you," I felt her greatly struggle in this body's arms as I continued deeper into the room, "Who-!" I turned towards the voice as I saw a small version of those hooded whelps and... 'ThE ChiLd,' This b-no, I grinned as I finally found my chance.


A few minutes before...

"-and that's why the Age of Wild Magic is a lesson in why any wild magic is dangerous!" I felt a groan almost escape as we came to the end of his rant which I may or may not have tuned out, 'Seriously, this kid can talk,' I turned to look at the room we were in, 'At least there was some cool looking magical energy on some of the stuff,' I remembered the various objects like an orb full of fire that radiated a dark blue glow despite the flames inside being a bright orange.

'I think this kid said it was being held for the healing coven?' I thought of the flames which seemed so warm like a gentle embrace, 'I guess that's why he said it was a healing artifact,' I thought back to more artifacts and magical items, but before I could think about them, I felt a finger tap me from behind.

"Huh?" I turned to see the kid looking at me or at least I thought he was, 'That helmet is making it pretty difficult to see what he's looking at,' I saw him pointing at my back.

"E-excuse me, but what is that image on your b-back?" He stuttered out, seeming oddly excited by my jersey, 'Jersey? Ugh, why do I remember this, but nothing important like where I'm from?' I sighed as I looked to the back of my Jersey where I saw a wolf.

"Oh, uh that's a wolf," I turned my head up to him before realizing that he hadn't been there before, 'Was I that distracted?' I tried to think of how long I was staring back at that room only to shrug, 'It doesn't matter,' I looked at the Kid as he seemed to look at my back with enough focus that I couldn't practically see the sparkles in his eyes.

"Uuuh, so do you want to know what they are?" He snapped up to look at me, "Yes!" I smirked, finding his reaction funny, "Hey, don't get too excited," I pointed to the wolf picture, "What I know is kind of fragmented so don't expect much, but I'll try my best," the Kid nodded as he focused on me more intently.

"So wolves are a type of beast," I remembered a book about types of demons I read at the hospital between tests and messing with the symbols, "I think I remember them being a pack beast," I scratched my head, "-but there's this random phrase I vaguely remember that talked about them being on their own,"

"-and it sort of translates to witches doing things alone?" I trailed off but still kept the Kid's attention, "I also remember that it seemed pretty cool to some witches," I saw a blur vaguely shaped into the shape of what I thought was a witch in a somber-looking scene wearing black clothes.

'Kind of weird, but I guess that's what comes to mind,' I shrugged as I focused back on the Kid who seemed to have a sparkle in his eyes or rather eyeholes.

"Sooo, another thing is that they're pretty fast and clever," I saw him nod again... 'This... is pretty awkward,' I looked around for anything else to focus on, "uhhh, *thud*," I turned away and looked down the hall before running further down the hall and turning a corner to see an open door a bit further down.

"Hey, what's that!" I pointed at the door as the kid caught up to me before I saw him turn to look at what I was pointing at, "Huh... that shouldn't be open," he walked towards the door as I followed behind him, relieved to leave the topic of wolves. 

"Who-" I stopped just behind him as I peeked over his shoulder to see... "Pitch black blood," I felt a shiver down my spine as I backed away from the room.

"Child, we meet again," I heard a gleeful familiar voice come out from the Thing, 'familiar? Why would it-?' My mind thought back to the yelling voice of the guard who was escorting that old man, 'Th-that was the thing controlling the centipede?' A feeling of fear came over me.

'He tried to get me alone to-to,' I tried to think, but everything started to feel hazy like when I was in the Hospital as everything was drowned out by a ringing.

Suddenly I felt an ache of pain that wasn't there as the same image from my previous panic attack resurfaced.

'*snap*,' I heard it in my mind as I felt some kind of energy reach out of my body by reflex, grabbing what I thought were symbols out of the air before covering me as I ran, ran as fast as I could, "*boom*!" I felt the wind rush past me as I dashed toward the end of the hallway.


'What was that?!' I froze for a second in disbelief as I let go of the now unimportant Girl Whelp who ran for the door, 'Did the child take the magic around him?' I looked on in shock before seeing the movement of the Small Whelp at the door. 

"D-Demon, you're under arrest by the Emperor's laws, especially all demons that commit a crime as heinous as taking a coven member hostage!" He pulled out a staff that seemed to be made of metal.

"Out of my way, I must follow the child before he gets away!" I growled at the Small Whelp as I turned to a weapon rack and picked up a sharp-looking stick that Whelps would call a sword.

"I-I will-!" I rushed towards the Small Whelp and pushed him away with a swing from the sword which he unexpectedly blocked, but I ignored him as I rushed off, trying to use the same ability the Child displayed, "Damn drone body," this body was unable to take the magic around it unlike the Child as it ran after the Child.

"This is why my abilities and the child's are superior to others, my blood gives us power," I coated the body in my ichor and tried again as the magic around the body seemed to be snatched from the air, 'Yessss,' I dashed after the child as I felt an odd feeling on this body's neck, 'Whatever it is, is insignificant,'

'I shall have the child soon and all will be resolved for me,' I kept running, following the disarray created by the magic that the Child used.


'Have to find Raine, have to find Raine,' I repeated in my head as I backtracked through the path I followed the Kid through, 'Do I even know where he'll be!' I felt my breathing become more rapid as I unwillingly slowed almost halfway from the place where I met the Kid before.

"C-come on, I know I have more energy!" I felt my body taking in huge gulps of air as I started to head further down the hall in something between a slow run and a fast jog.

"C-come on, I can't be this winde-" I looked back as I felt a large gust of wind blow past me, "Shit!" I tried to speed up as I saw a figure coated in rigid looking pitch black blood with something shiny looking in its hand dashing towards me with the same speed I had when running earlier, "Good, I finally caught up," I heard the now distorted voice say as it came to a stop just behind me.

"Now let us le-" It was interrupted as I saw a metal staff hit the back of its head, doing almost nothing besides distracting it, "Who dares!" The distorted voice yelled out as I made a run for it, barely noticing the white-robed figure at the edge of my vision before the Creature grabbed me with a pitch-black tendril.

"Let go!" I tried to tug my arm away to no avail as I was slowly dragged in, all the while the White Hooded figure who I now realized was the Kid, fought the Creature.

'What the hell is he doing?!' I looked towards the Kid who barely blocked a strike from what I was now noticing was a sword, 'When did it get that?' I thought back to the room I spotted it in and remembered the faint glint of something metallic from the doorway before noticing I was getting a bit too close to the Creature.

'Think! What the hell do I do?!' I looked at the tendril holding me, examining it, I noticed how thin it became as it stretched to my arm, and just like that thinning tendril, my panic slowly lessened, 'Maybe if I...' I looked over to the sword in the Creature's hand and then to the Kid and his metal staff with a thoughtful gaze.

"Maybe I can do that?" I mumbled as I looked at the air symbols, "God I hope this works..." I gripped a symbol as I tried to remember the feeling I had every time I enhanced myself and the symbols with my energy. 

'Come on, I know there was panic, but there has to be more!' I thought more deeply as I thought back to my most recent use of it and finally, I noticed something... a feeling like a gale swirling in my body that had been stirred up by my panic, that propelled my body forward.

'That's it!' I channeled that feeling into the symbol as I felt the air start to swirl around it, picking up speed, but I knew that wouldn't be enough, knowing that it would only stick to me, so I thought back to what I did in the hospital, when I directed the wind and with an open palm I forced the magic energy in the wind forward with a large blast of air, knocking the Creature's hand away.

"Agh!" The Creature exclaimed as the Kid finally found a chance to attack, capitalizing on its now faltering grip to knock the sword out of its hand and onto the ground a few feet away from me.

"Child!" The Creature looked towards me with anger in its voice as I turned to the sword and reached out to grab it, only for it to yank harder while gripping onto the staff of the Kid, "No, no, no" I reached out again, feeling his grip tighten as I felt the coolness of the sword's base on the tip of my fingers.

'Just one more push,' I reached my hand out again and finally got a few fingers around the grip, "Yes!" I frantically whipped around with the sword in hand and looked toward the tendril before swinging quickly into it as the tendril was cut through with all the strength I had.

"RAAAAAAAAAA," the Creature screamed in pain as the tendril pulled back into its body, exposing a damaged but living arm, "Wait, is that guy, not a cor-" I suddenly felt a stinging sensation as I looked down at the blood covering my arm, melting back into a liquid which seemed to burrow into my skin.

"Fuck, What the hell is-?!" I felt myself stumble before hitting a wall as a flash of words went through my head, 'did my blood burrow into-' my eyes widened as I looked down at it, 'This is what it was talking about-' I was cut off yet again as the pain seemed to worsen as my arm started to elongate, my nails thickening and extending out to a point like claws.

"Wh-What the hell?!" I looked on as the blood burrowed through the pores of my skin, "Child, you dare to...!" I heard the Creature suddenly stop as I turned my gaze away from my arm to look at it.

'Why does it look so surprised, didn't it say that its blood did something like this?' I glanced back down at my arm momentarily before turning back up to see the Creature looking at me with something between shock, annoyance, and excitement while the Kid was still trying to take his staff from the Creature's hand.

I stepped back, my transformed hand landing on the wall, "*Crack*," I jumped as I quickly turned to see the wall chipping off around my nails/claws.

"Oh shit!" I jumped back before realizing where I was, turning back to see the Creature rushing towards me with a large grin.

I reacted as quickly as possible with the sword I had in my other hand, swinging it forward, hoping it might deter it only for the Creature to knock it away as a feeling of panic overtook me again, and by reflex my energy grabbed onto more air symbols as it coated myself with them again.

'Gotta get away!' I jumped past him in the direction of the doors I spotted only to spot the Kid running towards the Creature again.

"Idiot!" I strafed off to the left, grabbing him with my untransformed arm before heading off towards the door again, "H-hey, let me go!" I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration as I closed in on the door.

"Are you seriously talking about fighting that thing?!" I looked back to him as I tried to push the door open with my clawed hand and surprisingly, "*screeeech*" I felt the gate's hinges reluctantly give way as I felt the Kid almost yank himself away from my grip before I saw the bridge outside.

"Why's the rain making sizzling noises!" I turned back to the Kid who was still struggling before I spotted it, the Creature dashing towards us like before, but with the addition of the symbols coating the blood-covered sections of its body.

'Looks like I'm just going to have to risk going out there!' I turned back around and dashed towards what I hoped wasn't scalding water falling from the sky.

"Wait, don't drag me out-" I heard the Kid say as I felt my hope of the rain not being deadly fade away with my grip on him when the burning feeling of the first droplet hit my shoulder. 

"Aghk!" I clenched my teeth as more drops fell, 'Well at least there's the Hospital,' I tried to ignore the pain as I turned back to focus on the Creature who launched out of the slight opening in the gate now without its mask and its grin now more visible... but something seemed to shift in its expression as it saw the rain.

"Nooo!" It suddenly seemed frantic, trying to turn back to the gate, but it was still mid-jump as its grin turned into the same type of panicked expression I had when running from the Creature who controlled that body.

"What?" I heard it scream out in pain, more pain than I seemed to feel before I snapped back to focus and tried to quickly step out of the way.

"I will not fade from this body!" I looked at the Creature weirdly as I noticed something new happening, 'The blood's dissolving!' I stopped moving as I realized why it wanted to get inside, remembering what it said about drones and their blood.

'I need to keep it out here so it can't keep the blood from dissolving!' I reached out my transformed hand and wrapped it around the Body of the Drone, knowing it had some kind of enhanced strength which helped keep the Creature trapped.

"RAaAAaaAaAAAH!" It thrashed around in my grip as more and more blood slid off, dissolving into the rain.

"I will not fail..." It rasped out after a few minutes of thrashing that slowly turned into squirming as the last bits of the blood seemed to dissolve in his mouth.

"..." It was silent for a moment before a scream rang out as what I thought might have been the drone thrashed more violently than before, spitting out the scalding water.

"Where in Thithan a' I?!" I froze for a second as I heard that before quickly letting go, "Why a' I in boiling rain?!" The Former Drone, now Coven Guard continued as he stood up and turned to look down at me with a confused and angry look.

"Why di-" I interrupted him as I pointed to the door still being burned by the rain, 'Which is extremely painful!', I saw the confused look on his face as he looked to where I was pointing.

"Can we get out of the rain first?" I saw him nod while still looking away as confirmation he heard me before I started running to the door, my energy draining and the symbols peeling off my body, dissolving into nothing.

"Finally indoors!" I let out a sigh, relieved to not get any more third-degree burns, "Tho' whath wath thath," The Guard asked as I slowly turned to look at him, careful not to irritate my burned skin more than it was.

"Uh, so how do I say this?" I gave him a nervous smile, "You were-" I was interrupted by a metal staff whacking the man's head, "Ow!" The Guard turned to see the Kid on the other side of himself, who I forgot about until now, vaguely looking up at the Older Man with a determined look which I could barely make out from between the Guard's legs.

'His mask fell off?' I thought back to when I dropped him, 'I guess it fell off then?' The Kid growled as he looked up defiantly, "Demon, you're under arrest for attacking a civilian and taking a Coven Member hostage!" I saw the look on the Older Coven Guard's face.

"Kidth I don'th know whath happened," He gripped the top of the metal staff with annoyance as he yanked it out of the Kid's grip, "-buth I haph no ithea whath your thalking abouth," I stepped forward to help clear the situation up.

"Yeah, he wasn't in control when all of that happened so-" I got a better look as I finished stepping out from behind the Older Guard and I froze hearing multiple clicks in my head as I felt something EXTREMELY familiar about the Kid.

"Why are you-" I cut myself off again, feeling like the figurative vault in my head was on the verge of opening, "What do you mean he wasn't in control?" Hunter said as I- 'Hunter's his name?' My lips tightened in annoyance.

'Why'd I know that?' I tried to focus on that familiarity more, 'I've never met this kid before and he doesn't seem to know me?" I thought back to that random image of an old lady that appeared in my mind.

'Is it like that?' I pondered more before I felt a hand land on my shoulder, "Answer me, what do you mean 'He wasn't in CONTROL'?" I shook off my thoughts as I focused back on Hunter, 'Still feels odd knowing his name,' I saw his annoyed look.

"That black stuff on him was kind of like a parasite," I pointed at the Older Guy with my right arm as I realized it was still transformed, 'Shit, can I turn it back?' I tried imagining my original right arm and focused on the image as it turned back, making me sigh in relief.

"What was tha-" Hunter was interrupted by a large number of footsteps heading towards us, seeing Raine at the front of a large group of Guards wearing a formal version of his regular clothing with what was probably a Guard Captain trailing just behind him.

"Az!" Raine came to a stop in front of me as he looked at the Guard next to me, "Who are-," and now even Raine was cut off as a red-haired witch jumped out from the group of guards, using her magic to bind the Guard right next to me in her air with the pink outline of her magic energy.

'I think it's hers at least?' I watched as she walked up to the Guard with a serious face, "What did you do with Steve?" Her tone was just as serious as her face, "I 'm Steeph," The now named Steve said as the Girl Guard stared at his burn mark-covered face skeptically.

"How do I know you're not just lying?" Steve shifted uncomfortably in the magical grip of the Girl Guard, "I don'th even know whath going on!" He sounded completely clueless, but genuine, "I heard thath I wath pothethed an' now thith!" I saw the expression of the Girl Guard shift as she released the magic on him.

"Thank Titan, it is you, Steve!" She hugged him before realizing what she had done and quickly pulled back as she heard 'oohs' and 'Ahs' from the group of guards, "Shut up, I was just worried for my friend!" I snorted, trying to keep a laugh at bay.

"Um, so is everything settled then?" A voice cut through the atmosphere as we all turned to the Guard Captain who looked between Raine and the Girl Guard, "Oh, uh yeah it is," the Gurl Guard responded as Raine nodded along.

"Alright, then can we get back to the award ceremony for Sir Raine here?" The Captain pointed to Raine as everyone nodded and turned to head back to wherever they were before this. 

"That means you too, Coven Scout," The Captain pointed to Steve who jumped before saluting and grabbing a helmet that looked a bit banged up as he ran after them.

I turned to Hunter who still gave me the same feeling of familiarity as before which I ignored for now, 'It's not important now,' Hunter turned to me before giving me the same annoyed look, but with a calmer demeanor, "Tell me everything, please?" He asked in a more amiable tone.

"Ok, I was going to explain it anyways," I sighed as I began talking about what I remembered the Centipede Drone told me.


"Emperor Belos, I have come back with new information," I opened the door to my Uncle's throne room as I glanced back outside to see the last of the Coven Scouts from the award ceremony turn a corner further down the hall.

"Yes, what is it?" I kneeled in front of him before he quickly motioned for me to rise, "I have found information that would be important for you to know concerning the threat that the Centipede was connected to," I saw a glimmer of interest cross the Emperor's eyes from under his mask as he motioned for me to continue.

"It seems that the Centipede was only a minion of something else," I raised my head slightly to show my sincere expression, "That threat can turn other demons into puppets using its blood," that made the Emperor freeze for a second as he leaned forward. 

"Are you certain of this?" I nodded as he sat back in his throne, seeming contemplative, "Hm, I see," the Emperor looked towards me again, "Is there anything else?" I nodded again.

"Yes, it seems the child you sent me to observe has the ability to absorb the threat's blood without losing control of himself," That seemed to intrigue the Emperor more, 'Yes, I'll be Golden Guard in no time!" I mentally cheered as Emperor Belos nodded.

"I appreciate your effort, good job Hunter," I felt like jumping for joy, "Th-thank you, Uncle!" I lowered my head more respectfully.

"Now with your mission complete, please get some rest," I nodded as I stood up and walked to the doors with a smile hidden beneath my uniform.