Newest Newbie part 1

"Ok, one last check," I heard a groan from Azure at that, but a fa-parent needs to make sure their kid is prepared.

"Raine, do I need to?" Azure slumped as he reached into his pocket again even as he questioned quadruple checking his pockets.

'Which I would've probably questioned too if I was the previous me from before Azure...' but then I thought back to the abnormal amount of danger the kid had been in and his careless actions from yesterday.

'...No, he definitely needs it,' I broke from my thoughts as Azure rummaged through his pockets.

"Scroll?" He nodded as he pulled a paper scroll, "Check," he unfolded it like he did earlier in the day, showing the blank screen with a lock on it before stuffing it back in his pants.

"Next, snacks?" Azure nodded as he pulled out a baggy of Apple slices with a bit of blood sitting at the bottom of the plastic.

"Check," I nodded, my eyes unconsciously drifting back to Azure's words of a creature and the talk of Oracle magic that I overheard.

'Does it have to do with that time in the castle?' I recalled the words of a scout being covered in an inky black substance like the centipede and... 

'I hope to Titan that's not what's doing this,' My eyebrows as I pictured the creature in the forest.

'What kind of witch-no, what kind of parent am I if I don't do something about it?' saying those words I made a promise to myself as a parent and as a protector of BonesBorough that I wouldn't rest until I found a way to stop it.

"Raine?" I was snapped out of my thoughts as I focused back on Azure who had an all too common look of discomfort that had been present since I first talked to him in the hospital.

"Oh uh, yes?" I relaxed my face almost immediately as I gave him a kind smile that seemed to have him relax before his eyes shifted from uncomfortable to curious.

"You were kinda blanking out there," I felt my smile turn awkward as I nodded.

"Yes, sorry Az," I scratched my head and chuckled just as awkwardly as my smile.

"I was just thinking about some things that made me mad," I saw Azure's eyes grow more curious yet they seemed hesitant.

"What uh, made you mad?" Azure gave a smile as awkward as mine as he asked, chuckling a bit before answering.

"Nothing important," I focused back on the apple slices.

"It looks like you have everything, so I'll be going," I said redirecting the conversation.

"I'll be back at the end of the day to pick you up after your lesson, so uh..." I was struggling for the right words to say in this situation, one where your kid is going to their job.

'What should a parent say?' I thought about it for a second before giving another kind smile.

"...Have fun!" I mentally slapped myself for that, keeping my smile on as I climbed onto my Palisman.

"See you later!" I flew off and with a sigh, my body slumped a little as I thought about what I should do next before a Witch came to mind.

"Well, I guess I'm off to a Coven?" I sighed, feeling my awkward smile return, knowing how tiring this next part was going to be.


"That was interesting?" I watched Raine fly off looking a little tired as I felt my brow raise.

'What's up with him?' I thought before realizing where I was, storing the thought for later I turned to the library entrance and headed in.

"Ah, welcome to the library," A librarian with glasses, and a sharp nose nodded to me as I walked up to the check-out/check-in counter.

"H-hello, I'm here to start my new job?" I felt an odd anxiety talking to this Witch, he was normal by all accounts, but for some reason, his professional appearance made me nervous despite talking to someone like Malphas before.

'He kind of feels... strict?' He had a no-nonsense type of vibe with his serious face and grey, styled hair.

"You mean the volunteer jobs," I looked at him confused as he pulled out a scroll looking at me with the same confusion for some reason.

"Volunteer job? I thought it was-" I was cut off as he raised his hand.

"-A real job? No, you're too young for that, but the other employees here do appreciate your willingness to help," He gave me a small smile that seemed to show a bit of amusement, leaving me a little more relaxed, but still confused before he went back to staring at the scroll.

"Let's see... what's your name?" I took a second to process what he said as I snapped out of my confused state.

"Oh uh, Azure," The man flicked his finger up repeatedly as he looked at the scroll.

"Azure, Azure, ah, here it is Azure," He turned the scroll around as he motioned for me to come closer.

"It seems you were requested to come here a few days earlier than the rest," I looked at the scroll and saw that there were few that had signed up for this, 4 including me.

"That was bothering me since I remembered that the volunteers were supposed to come tomorrow," The Librarian explained as I thought back to his confused face from before.

"Well, it looks like you're set to start after an introductory lesson on the library and its magical apparatuses, I'll be doing that now since Gary is busy with 'tours'," He put up two fingers in an air quote with the last word.

'Is there something wrong with the tours?' I looked at him confused as I watched him step out from behind the desk.

"Now follow me to the break room and we can get started," He turned around and began walking further into the library before I followed suit less than a second later.


"-and that's how you make the coffee, any questions?" I nodded and pointed to the door leading out of the break room.

"Yeah, when are we getting to the library section of the instruction?" The Librarian thought about it for a second before looking back at me.

"Well, you're not," My eyebrows raised at that, "Not today at least, you need to ease into-" He was interrupted by the slamming of the break room door.

"Phew, that was a trying experience- oh, Greg, sir I was just looking for you!" I saw the look of irritation on The Librarian's face as the new Witch closed the door.

"Gary, What did I say about slamming the door!" Greg yelled as he marched over to Gary and started lecturing him for a few minutes before turning back to me, realizing that I was still there.

"My apologies Azure, my junior here is careless," I saw a look of embarrassment on his face as he said that and the look of annoyance from Gary that he was giving Greg.

"It's fine, so is this the guy who was doing tours?" Gary hearing that turned to me as his face changed from annoyed to confused.

"Yes, this is Gary, a newer hire that Malphas ap-" Gary pushed Greg out of the way and walked up to me.

"Who are you, kid? Why are you here?" He tilted his head in curiosity as he crouched to get a better look at my face.

"Oh, I'm a vol-" This time I was interrupted as Greg pulled Gary back and answered for me.

"He's a volunteer from the future librarian initiative to experience what kind of job we have." Greg sighed as Gary's eyes widened and his lips widened into an excited smile.

"So I'm not the newbie anymore?" Gary didn't quite get what Greg said it seemed, but it was fine... well at least to me because Greg was looking at Gary like he was a child younger than even me.

"You know what sure," Greg answered before Gary appeared in front of me.

"Welcome newbie, You can come to me for any advice you need!" Gary stuck his hand out as he gripped my hand and shook it.

"Sure... thanks," I looked at him strangely as I said that before he stood up and turned to the door.

"Now I have to go and give more tours of this amazing library!" I watched as he ran out of the room.

"Gary, don't run!" Greg sighed defeated and turned back to me.

"So what was that about?" Greg sighed again, much deeper this time.

"Well like I said, he's the newest librarian hired here and right now he's on his trial period to see if he's a good fit for the library," I saw the librarian's brows tighten as he let the words linger for a second, making it apparent what he thought about Gary.

"I also get to report when he's done something negative to influence his evaluation, but that doesn't relate to this," His brows relaxed as he looked at me with the same no-nonsense look he gave me when I first saw him.

'No wonder Gary doesn't get along with Greg,' I watched Greg fix his robes, 'They're polar opposites,' Greg then walked over to the counter and sipped some of the coffee he just made earlier during the demonstration.

"So uh, what now?" I asked as Greg finished off his mug and turned to me.

"Now, you follow me back to the front and watch me work," I nodded with a slight frown as we started to exit the room.

'...Wait, seriously?' I followed after him feeling the difference between Gary and Greg all the more with the soon-to-be observation.


'Finally done!' I stretched as I stood from the chair Greg gave me earlier while Greg himself finished up his preparations to leave only to stop as I saw a weird magic aura that I couldn't barely see standing by the desk.

"What is-?" A hand landed on my shoulder as I looked up to see Greg standing next to me.

"Sorry for making you wait," He gave a kind smile as he stepped through the desk exit.

"I just got done closing the checkout desk," The Librarian explained as I nodded.

"It's fine, but I thought I just..." I looked back to where I thought I saw the barely visible distortion only to see the magic was completely gone.

"I swear I just saw-" I was cut off again, only this time it wasn't Greg. 

A loud noise rang out as what looked like tons of water fell from a magical-looking bucket with a mop and onto Greg just before I spotted Gary standing almost exactly above Greg with a shocked expression.

"WHO DID THAT?!" Greg yelled out, looking up to see Gary standing there shocked.

"GARY!" Greg floated up to Gary only for Gary to start running as I spotted the blurry glass-like magic once again, only this time it was just above where Gary was standing on the second floor floating in the air.

'What the heck?' It quickly darted off before I darted after it curious to what it was and confused what was going on.

'Why was it standing near Gary?' I wondered as I saw it turn a corner before I followed suit only to see...

"A janitor's closet?" I felt even more confused now, was it an actual janitor who did this? I had to know what it was.

"Hey kid, why are you standing over there?" I jumped as I heard the sound of a bored voice, causing me to turn around to see a man in a pair of plain pants and a plain shirt.

"Are you the janitor?" The person nodded before walking closer.

"Yeah, now here's a question for you," He said, leaning down to my face, "why are you near my closet?" The Janitor looked at me suspiciously as I backed away.

"I-I was just curious about it and-" I was cut off as the janitor poked my chest lightly.

"Well stop being curious and stay away from my closet," The Janitor now sounded agitated like he was trying to hide something, making my confusion turn to an assumption about what just happened.

'Did the janitor use some kind of magic to splash The Librarian Greg?' I shook my head at the thought.

'Does it really matter?' I questioned, 'I mean it isn't my business so...' I gave The Janitor the friendliest smile I could, trying to channel what little acting skill I had, and nodded.

"Uh will do, sorry for the inconvenience," I nodded my head as I speed walked out of there, barely noticing the ever-wary look that stayed on The Janitor's face.

'Am I far enough yet?' I thought as I kept my pace only to see The Janitor still staring at me, so I sped up my pace.

'I'm just being safe, don't want to end up his next target!' I stopped, finally making it to the front before taking a second to catch my breath.

"Idiot!" I jumped for the second time in a day as my head swerved around to see Greg now lecturing Gary.

"There is no way anyone else could have knocked it off, I would've seen them or sensed their magic if that was the case!" Greg explained as Gary raised his finger to interrupt.

"-but sir, I didn't see any bucket until you were drenched and I was only by the railing when I heard your yelling..." Gary shut up as Greg's face took on a red hue I didn't expect from a man as pale as him.

"YOU. WILL. CLEAN. OR. YOU. ARE. DONE. AM. I. CLEAR?" Gray nodded and rushed off to probably get rags and mops to clean up the mess.

'Poor Gary doesn't even know the Janitor set him up," I shook my head and then quickly shrugged.

'-but again, it's not my problem,' I thought as I waited around for the end of my shift at the library before I heard a cough behind me.

"Wait, young man," Greg walked up to me with what I would describe as a guilty smile.

"I'm sorry for showing that whole display of anger, It was unprofessional, but it was needed for my junior since if he doesn't shape up he'll be out of this job and many others for misconduct like this," He patted me on the shoulder as I processed what he said.

"Wait, he's going to be fired?" I looked up with wide eyes, shocked by what he just said.

"What? No, but he will if he does something like this again," I felt my stomach drop at that as I realized that I now felt responsible for the possible firing of an innocent demon.

'It's not my problem though?' I tried to convince myself only to feel the weight in my stomach getting larger and heavier.

'Come on, I don't have to help people like with Hunter or Steve,' I thought back on that and the pain and panic I felt then.

'There is no way I'm going to do that...' I felt my lips tighten and my jaw clench as the weight got worse.

'FINE! I'll do it,' I said to myself as I groaned, annoyed with these odd situations I kept getting myself into, 'but first I need to find evidence and what might help is...' I looked at the place I knew where Malphas was and groaned again.

"...magic," I finished before turning to the Forbidden Stacks and readied myself for my first lesson.