I'm not very demanding about food

"Qiao Xiaoqiao is really my wife," Xia Tian couldn't help but say again.

"Come on, Xia Tian. If she really was your wife, you wouldn't have come here looking for her," Fang Xiaoru laughed lightly. "Jiang Hai University went on break a week ago, and Qiao Xiaoqiao left the school long ago. If she really was your wife, wouldn't she have told you that?"

"Are you serious?" Xia Tian's face changed slightly. "Xiao Qiao isn't at the school anymore?"

"Of course I'm serious. If you don't believe me, ask anyone around. Qiao Xiaoqiao is the most famous person at Jiang Hai University; everyone knows her," Fang Xiaoru said casually. She couldn't believe that there was any connection between Qiao Xiaoqiao and Xia Tian. Although she had a good impression of Xia Tian, he was so poor that he didn't even have money for food. On the other hand, Qiao Xiaoqiao, despite still being a student, already had a fortune worth hundreds of millions. They were not from the same world.

"Damn, if she's not at the school, where can I find her?" Xia Tian muttered to himself. "She never told me where her home is!"

"Xia Tian, let it go. There are countless people who secretly love Qiao Xiaoqiao. Just at Jiang Hai University, there are probably eight to ten thousand. It's fine to have a crush, but don't get too deep into it," Fang Xiaoru said in a sisterly manner, trying to comfort Xia Tian.

"Why does no one ever believe me when I tell the truth?" Xia Tian scratched his head, looking quite troubled.

Sun Xinxin felt a bit sympathetic seeing Xia Tian like this. "Xia Tian, why don't you give Qiao Xiaoqiao a call?"

"Right, a call!" Xia Tian's eyes lit up, but then he remembered that he didn't know Qiao Xiaoqiao's phone number. There was no phone signal on the mountain, and Qiao Xiaoqiao had never thought to contact him by phone.

"Xin Jie, do you know Xiao Qiao's phone number?" Xia Tian had to ask.

Sun Xinxin sighed inwardly. At this point, she was convinced that Xia Tian had no real connection with Qiao Xiaoqiao. Otherwise, he would have her phone number.

"Xia Tian, very few people know Qiao Xiaoqiao's number. Xin Jie and I certainly don't," Fang Xiaoru said from the side.

"I see." Xia Tian felt a wave of disappointment. Before coming to Jiang Hai City, he was full of joy, thinking he could finally see Qiao Xiaoqiao. She had told him many times that the world outside the mountain was much more exciting, and that when he came out, they would do many interesting things together. She had described the outside world to him countless times, making him long for it for three years.

During those three years, he had wanted to leave the mountain many times, but his three masters always stopped him. In anger, he did something that his masters could no longer tolerate, so they finally agreed to let him go. However, he never expected that the outside world was not what he had imagined. No one believed what he said, making money was difficult, and most importantly, he couldn't find Qiao Xiaoqiao.

"Xia Tian, don't be upset. In a little over a month, Jiang Hai University will reopen, and Qiao Xiaoqiao will be back then," Sun Xinxin couldn't help but comfort Xia Tian. Even though she thought he was infatuated, she still wanted to give him some hope.

"Really?" Xia Tian's spirits lifted, and he looked at Sun Xinxin. "You mean Xiao Qiao will come back here?"

"Of course. Qiao Xiaoqiao hasn't graduated yet. She'll be back when the school reopens in September," Sun Xinxin said, a bit puzzled. How could he not know such a simple thing?

"That's great!" Xia Tian's mood improved instantly. He hadn't seen Qiao Xiaoqiao for three years; waiting another month was nothing.

Fang Xiaoru muttered to herself, "This guy still hasn't given up."

With Qiao Xiaoqiao not around, Xia Tian naturally gave up on looking for her. Sun Xinxin closed the flower shop, saying they should have a meal to welcome Xia Tian.

The three of them went to a place called Student Budget Restaurant. It was clearly aimed at students and located inside Jiang Hai University. Since it was still early and the university was on break, only a few students were still around. The restaurant was quite empty, with only one other couple inside. The couple was quite unique, eating hotpot on such a hot day.

"It's so hot!" Fang Xiaoru complained. Although the place had air conditioning, it didn't seem to help much in this weather. Despite it being almost five o'clock, it was still unbearably hot.

"What would you like to eat?" The waiter approached lethargically, clearly affected by the heat and the lack of customers.

"Three iced colas to start," Sun Xinxin said, taking the menu.

The iced colas came quickly, and Fang Xiaoru gulped down half of hers in one go.

"Xia Tian, what do you want to eat?" Sun Xinxin asked.

"Anything is fine. Bear paws, bird's nests, snake soup, turtle soup, whatever," Xia Tian said casually.

"Pfft..." Fang Xiaoru almost spat out her cola, luckily there was no one in front of her.

Sun Xinxin was also at a loss whether to laugh or cry. Was that what he called "anything"?

"Sorry, we don't have any of those," the waiter said with a hint of annoyance, glaring at Xia Tian.

"You don't even have such simple things?" Xia Tian was a bit dissatisfied.

The waiter rolled his eyes. This guy, in his ragged clothes, acting like a big shot? If he wanted bear paws and bird's nests, he should go to a five-star hotel.

However, the customer is always right. The waiter, though grumbling internally, didn't say anything out loud.

"Um, Xia Tian, if you don't know what to order, I'll just pick a few dishes for you," Sun Xinxin said, reading off the menu. "Green pepper beef, braised eggplant, Kung Pao chicken... alright, that'll do. Please make it quick."

"Alright, please wait a moment," the waiter left promptly.

"Xia Tian, they only have simple home-cooked dishes here. I ordered some that go well with rice, and since your stomach is empty, let's skip the alcohol. What do you think?" Sun Xinxin asked softly.

"Xin Jie, you decide. I'm not picky about food," Xia Tian said nonchalantly.

Fang Xiaoru couldn't help but roll her eyes. This guy wanted bear paws and bird's nests but claimed he wasn't picky? If he were picky, would he want to eat the stars in the sky?

Sun Xinxin also felt a bit helpless. Xia Tian seemed normal, but his words always made him seem odd.

Because there were few customers, the food came quickly. Having not eaten all day, Xia Tian immediately dug in. He devoured the food without any decorum, and the waiter who brought the dishes looked down on him. This guy, eating like a starved ghost, had the nerve to ask for delicacies.

Fang Xiaoru was also stunned. This guy could really eat. She and Sun Xinxin had small appetites and didn't eat much due to the heat. In the end, Xia Tian alone finished a large bowl of rice and nearly all seven or eight dishes, as well as a big bowl of rib and kelp soup.

"Finally full!" Xia Tian patted his stomach contentedly. "I rarely had these kinds of dishes before, but they taste pretty good!"

"How long has it been since you last ate?" Fang Xiaoru couldn't help but ask.

"Just one day!" Xia Tian said with a grin. "I can go seven days without eating, but I can also eat seven days' worth of food in one go. Today was a light meal."

"Where did this weirdo come from?" Fang Xiaoru muttered to herself. Seven days without food, one meal for seven days?

Sun Xinxin felt a surge of sympathy. He must have often gone hungry before.

"Xia Tian, don't overeat like this. It's bad for your health," Sun Xinxin said softly, her voice becoming a bit tender. "From now on, you'll stay with me. I usually cook for myself, so you can eat with me."

"Xin Jie, I'll be staying with you?" Xia Tian was suddenly excited.

"Yes, I rented a two-bedroom apartment. I used to share it with another girl, but she quit, so there's an empty room now," Sun Xinxin nodded. "Let's go see the apartment. It looks like you don't have any daily necessities. We'll go to the supermarket and get what you need."

"Alright, thanks, Xin Jie." Xia Tian had brought nothing with him, not even a change of clothes. It wasn't that he didn't want to bring anything, but his three masters didn't let him. They gave him a coin and sent him down the mountain.

Sun Xinxin called the waiter, paid the bill, and then took Xia Tian to her apartment. Fang Xiaoru returned to her dorm. With most students gone, and business at the flower shop slow, Sun Xinxin decided not to open the shop today.

Sun Xinxin lived in a place called Xuefu Mingyuan, about a fifteen-minute walk from Jiang Hai University. It was an old residential area with just two facing buildings, home to over a hundred families.

 The buildings were seven stories high without an elevator. Sun Xinxin rented an apartment on the sixth floor, which was cheaper because of the height, costing just a thousand yuan a month. In this area, that was quite a bargain.

"Miss Sun, you're home early today?" The security guard greeted Sun Xinxin as she entered. She had lived here for over a year and was well-known to the guard because of her beauty and regular comings and goings.