Taking advantage with a clear conscience

The bus quickly filled with people, packed tightly together with almost no space to move. Even though the bus had air conditioning, it was still hot inside, and the air was filled with an unpleasant mix of various odors.

However, for Xia Tian, this was an enjoyable experience. He continued to hold Sun Xinxin's soft hand, surrounded by an invisible aura that kept others at a distance of half a foot. Sun Xinxin's fragrance continuously filled his nose.

Sun Xinxin tried to pull her hand away several times, but Xia Tian held it too tightly. Eventually, she stopped struggling and let him hold her hand.

"Xin Jie, I'm just afraid you'll fall," Xia Tian said, his excuse for holding her hand sounding very reasonable.

Just then, the bus made a sudden stop, and everyone lurched forward. Sun Xinxin, not holding onto anything, was thrown straight ahead.

In front of Sun Xinxin was a man in his thirties. Seeing her about to fall on him, he was delighted, thinking he could take the opportunity to hug a beauty. However, after half a minute, the beauty still hadn't fallen on him. Looking closely, he saw that she was being held by another man, making him quite frustrated.

The bus stabilized, and Xia Tian was holding Sun Xinxin by her slender waist. Sun Xinxin was tightly pressed against him, with a pleasant fragrance and a soft, bouncy sensation on his chest, making him feel quite comfortable. He didn't want to let go of her.

Several men looked at Xia Tian with envy, wondering how an ordinary-looking guy like him managed to attract such a sexy, mature beauty.

"No wonder they say beauties often pair with unattractive men," one guy muttered to himself, annoyed at Xia Tian.

"Xia Tian, you can let go of me now," Sun Xinxin said softly.

"Xin Jie, if I let go, someone else might take advantage of you," Xia Tian whispered. "I'm protecting you."

Holding her soft body was so comfortable that he wasn't foolish enough to let go.

Sun Xinxin couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time. With him holding her, she wouldn't be taken advantage of by others, but he was taking full advantage himself!

"Xia Tian, this isn't right. We just met..." Sun Xinxin struggled lightly, but realized that struggling only made her chest press more against Xia Tian, causing a strange sensation to spread through her body. She stopped moving, feeling a heat rise inside her.

"No problem, I don't mind," Xia Tian said with a cheeky smile.

Sun Xinxin gave up. This guy was truly speechless, and it seemed he was determined to take advantage of her.

"Actually, leaning on him is quite comfortable," Sun Xinxin thought suddenly. Xia Tian had a pleasant scent as well, and a slight cooling sensation emanated from him, making her feel very comfortable.

After a few minutes, Sun Xinxin noticed something strange. It seemed many people were looking at her, and some were whispering.

"This guy is amazing!"

"Yeah, he must have trained. His stance is so steady."

"He's like a human weeble wobble."

"I was wondering how he got such a beauty. Turns out he's got hidden skills!"

At first, Sun Xinxin thought these comments were about her, but then realized they were talking about Xia Tian. She looked around and then at Xia Tian, finally understanding what was wrong.

Xia Tian was still holding her, but that wasn't the strange part. The strange part was that he wasn't holding onto any handrails, leaning on anything, or even standing against a seat. He was standing in the middle of the bus, which frequently braked and started suddenly. While everyone else was thrown around, his feet remained firmly planted, unmoving.

Sun Xinxin realized that in the past few minutes, she hadn't felt the bus's movements at all. This was her first time feeling comfortable on a bus ride, and the one who made her feel this way was the mysterious young man she had just met.

Sun Xinxin felt a sense of security she had never experienced before. This young man made her feel safe. She leaned against his chest, her tension and fatigue melting away. Unconsciously, she wrapped her arms around his waist and closed her eyes, enjoying a sense of comfort and peace she had never felt before.

Sun Xinxin and Xia Tian became a unique sight on the bus. They stood embracing each other, while the rest of the bus was packed tightly. The bus jostled and bumped, but the two of them remained still, creating a clear space around them.

"The Walmart stop is here. Passengers going to Walmart, please exit through the rear door..." The announcement broke Sun Xinxin from her trance.

"Xia Tian, we're here. Let's get off," Sun Xinxin said, her voice unusually gentle. During this short journey, her feelings towards Xia Tian had undergone a significant transformation.

"We're here already?" Xia Tian said reluctantly, letting go of Sun Xinxin but quickly grabbing her soft hand again as they got off the bus.

Sun Xinxin let Xia Tian hold her hand, smiling seductively at him. "The supermarket is over there. Let's go."

Her smile was enchanting, making Xia Tian momentarily dazed. "Why do I feel like I just saw the goddess smiling at me?" he wondered.

Entering the supermarket, Xia Tian was overwhelmed by the variety of items. Many things were unfamiliar to him, but fortunately, Sun Xinxin led him straight to the clothing section to buy some clothes.

The clothes in the supermarket were better than those from street vendors but not high-end. Given Sun Xinxin's financial situation, this was the best she could afford.

Xia Tian didn't have high expectations for the clothes. Sun Xinxin, however, was very picky. It took them two hours to find two sets of clothes for him: one casual outfit of a T-shirt and jeans, and one formal outfit of a shirt, trousers, and a tie, which Sun Xinxin said was his work uniform for delivering flowers.

Determined not to live off others, Xia Tian insisted on paying. As a result, he spent half of his month's salary on clothes, then another large portion on a pair of shoes. By the time they bought toiletries, he only had a hundred yuan left.

By the time they left the supermarket, it was past nine in the evening.

"Xia Tian, think carefully. Is there anything else you need?" Sun Xinxin asked, concerned.

Xia Tian thought for a moment, then shook his head. "I think that's everything."

"Clothes, shoes, toothbrush, towel... Ah..." Sun Xinxin suddenly exclaimed, as if she remembered something.

"Xin Jie, what's wrong?" Xia Tian asked, puzzled.

Sun Xinxin looked a bit embarrassed. "Xia Tian, I forgot to buy something for myself. Wait here for a few minutes, I'll be right back."

"Xin Jie, I'll go with you," Xia Tian offered.

"No need, it's inconvenient with you carrying the bags," Sun Xinxin said quickly, rushing back into the supermarket before Xia Tian could respond.

Xia Tian had no choice but to wait outside. Fortunately, it didn't take long. About ten minutes later, Sun Xinxin came out carrying a bag, its contents unknown.

"Xin Jie, what did you buy?" Xia Tian asked, noticing her secretive behavior.

"Nothing important!" Sun Xinxin's face turned pink. "Let's go, or we'll miss the last bus."

Since Sun Xinxin didn't want to say, Xia Tian didn't press further.

Half an hour later, they were back at Xuefu Mingyuan. As they walked up the stairs, Xia Tian felt a bit down because the bus was too empty on the way back, so he couldn't hold Sun Xinxin. Adding to his frustration, Sun Xinxin kept holding the bag, not letting him hold her hand.

Entering the apartment, Sun Xinxin turned on the TV. "Sit down, I'll put away the things."

She busied herself with unpacking the toiletries and putting them in the bathroom.

"Xia Tian, you must be tired. Take a shower and rest early. I put your clothes in the bathroom," she said after a while.

"Okay, Xin Jie." Xia Tian walked to the bathroom, knowing how to use the shower now.

After a few minutes, he came out of the shower, putting on his new clothes. Suddenly, he noticed something odd. He remembered they hadn't bought any underwear, but there was a new pair in the bathroom.

"Xin Jie must have bought it for me," Xia Tian realized.

He walked out of the bathroom. "Xin Jie, thanks for the underwear. I would have forgotten if you hadn't thought of it."

Sun Xinxin blushed and quickly said, "I'm going to shower now!"

Before Xia Tian could respond, she grabbed her clothes and rushed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

"Why does Xin Jie seem a bit scared of me?" Xia Tian wondered aloud, confused.

Suddenly, a ringtone interrupted his thoughts. Xia Tian quickly found the source, a beautiful red phone. He recognized it; Xiao Qiao had one like it.