Chapter 8: The Land of the dead.

"What…?" people started gasping and seemed confused and wondered what I meant but I then looked at them, their looks were that of fear and confusion. Of course that was reasonable because they seemed to be wondering what happened to the old king so I spoke up.

"William Tepes is… Dead." I said as their shock only grew and one of the audiences spoke

"What?! H-How?! How did William die?!!" this was unavoidable so I had to answer them.

"I Killed him." I said as I looked at them some were crying now, some were scared of what I would do as I then explained to them "It was what I had to do to make this world a peaceful world." I kept explaining how now The Tepes kingdom and the Hikes kingdom's at peace now, I smiled as I then playfully said "Well maybe I should send the guards to kill everyone here." I saw the look of fear in their eyes as I then laughed at their reactions. "I'm merely joking." I said as they seemed to be relieved and then I began giving out my speech.

"I killed William because he didn't want to make peace with the Hikes, therefore to make peace I had to be the king and that's exactly what I did." People seemed to realize my intention and some began nodding their head in understanding as I then continued my speech.

"Now I can promise you one thing. I Haruki Suou the king of the Tepes kingdom, promise to clear this tower in the name of the Kingdom. I also promise that once I clear every floor of the tower I will free you from the tower." Once I said this Aros suddenly appeared next to me and began speaking "Are you crazy?! They can't leave the tower!" I smiled even more and paid no attention to Aros as I then continued "Now I want you people to help me, if any may volunteer to join me. I will train you myself and we will clear the tower together." Aros's reaction would only get more flabbergasted by the second and then I concluded my speech with this. "Now show me, do you have the strength to be at death's door to complete the tower? I will not force you to come with me, yet I will accept any brave soul that decides to join." After that I pointed at Henry "Henry, I trust that you will continue after me and see who will join us." I said as I then left and Aros followed me.

 I made my way to my room and there I laughed. "Your reaction was so priceless Aros!" I couldn't help but laugh as he was very mad and then spoke "You idiot! Those civilians can't leave the tower! They die if they leave the tower!" He proceeded to explain that creatures created from the tower aren't permitted to leave the tower. "Oh well its simple then, I'll just create a way for them to get out of the tower." I said as he then looked shocked at my words. "You really are an Idiot." Aros said as then bid me farewell and left.

"Talking to yourself I see." Hebi said as I then looked at him and said "Uhhh yeah you know, just silly old hallucinations." He laughed and then sat with me as we chatted "So you're a king now…" I nodded as I replied "Well yeah, so bow down to me now." I said as he then laughed "That seriously doesn't suit you." I then smiled and said "Oh yeah where's Akari?" he then pointed under as I looked at him with a questioning gaze.

"Huh?" I then looked under the bed only to see a wild Akari making eye contact with me. "What… Are you doing?" I asked as she then spoke "Waiting for you Haruki." I then grabbed her and pulled her from under the bed and then sighed. "Anyways, I think we should wait for a few days here and stock up on supplies, then we should get moving to the next floor." I had already planned out what to do from now and was waiting for their approval of the plan.

"Hmm… Well I can agree as we do need to secure food and some supplies, who knows what the next floor might be about." Hebi said as I then smiled and then looked at the window, the feeling of a king… it sure seems to feel nice being treated like royalty, but I really shouldn't get cocky about this, since I'll be leaving the kingdom soon to continue climbing the tower.

"Hey guys you can go now, I think I'd like to spend some time alone." I said as they nodded their head with a curious look and left.

[Activating First conqueror of The Tower!]

As I activated my skill I began to skim through the hidden areas and quests around here and decided to check their rewards, to my surprise though I found a secret map to the castle's underground dungeon that's according to the information here has been locked for the past 90 years due to it becoming a monster zone, though inside it is some high ranked loot. And with that I grabbed a paper and pen and began drawing the map and then closed my skill, with that I have decided to go to the dungeon the next day and explore it.

It's been five hours since I have made my plans and now I'm bored, I've been lying in bed all this time trying to sleep but to no avail it didn't work, I looked at the window and saw that it was night so I decided to leave my room and explore a bit after all, surely a little exploring won't hurt right?

as i walked around I somehow found myself in front of the dungeon's door. "Hmm... so... this is the Dungeon." I said as I looked at the door I wondered what would be inside it, I guess you can say curiosity got the best of me. so I entered the dungeon trying to get a glimpse but as i entered the door behind me closed. 

"Great... I'm stuck." I let out a sigh as i then wonder how i found myself in such predicaments, I decided to look at my surroundings and suddenly was met with a horrifying scene.

The scene was disgusting and so was the smell, It was bodies. Dead bodies were filling the room the smell was so nauseating i began getting dizzy and almost feeling the need to throw up, suddenly i felt a strong sense of bloodlust from behind me and before i could even turn around to see whose the bearer of such bloodlust Thump! i got hit from behind and lost consciousness.

as i started to gain consciousness my vision was blurry and i could feel blood running from my head. "Where... am i?" i thought as i restored my vision bit by bit, i realized i was in a cellular like place. "Hello?" I shouted in hopes of someone answering but to no avail, no one was there to respond except for... a familiar voice who suddenly spoke out. "Shut it, I'm trying to sleep here." when i managed to see who the bearer of the voice was as he was in the cell in front of mine. It was none other than William.

"William?!" I said as he then looked at me and his eyes widened. "So you died huh?" he said as i then replied "No, i didn't die.. i got hit by someone and now I woke up here." i explained as he then said "Well... Welcome to the land of the dead Haruki Suou." my eyes widened as he spoke those words I tried to see my Status window but it didn't work. "Does it think that I'm dead...?"

I tried to access my Inventory and that didn't work, I tried using my skills and that also didn't work, I tried calling out to Aros and even that didn't work.

it appears I'm stuck in the land of the dead.

"How does it feel Haruki? you killed me and now you died, I guess you really dug your own grave." William said as he began Laughing at me as I then replied "Well at least I'm not Alone." I replied as I looked around scanning the room. "Well I'll just find a way out of this Cell and return to the Land of the living." I said as I then found an old rusty sword. "Oh This'll help." I said as i grabbed it I then tried to break the bras but the sword broke. "That was expected." I said as i then tried to find a way out. 

"Hate to break it to you but They are coming so you better act asleep or they'll beat you." William warned me as i questioned what he meant and then i heard footsteps so i did as he said and pretended to be asleep. 

"This place is like a prison Haruki Suou, to survive means to adapt." William said as i was going to ask what he meant but suddenly two people wearing Guard outfits saw that I'm not asleep and opened the cell and grabbed me. "Any form of disobedient shall be punished." One of the guards said as he then began punching me and when i fell on the ground they began kicking me.

after they finished hitting me i stood up and they then said "Go to sleep Inmate." and then left closing the cell again. Those damn bastards... I'll kill them all.