Chapter 11: Ai Suou

Don't you miss me? I always wonder if my brother has missed me since he left for 5 years...

Yet I'm here with Kaito the person that wants to kill my brother instead of being with him... I will find you Haruki.. And then I will try and help you as much as i can. "Hey Ai, You killed the last guy yet?" I heard the voice of Kaito as i snapped to reality and saw a man in front of me and then i stabbed him before he could beg for mercy. 

"Great job Ai, now It's just us two and we don't need the others." He said as he looked at me and then I put my spear away and then I looked at what would be the 90th floor right now after we killed most people there that were humans and not well NPCS? if that was what we would call them if we were in a game.

"So.. what do we do now?" I asked as he then replied

"Well, we're going to hunt him." he had this grin on his face that made me feel concern.

"Haruki..?" I asked as his grin widened and then said 

"That's right. I will find Haruki, Then I will kill him." 

The moment he said those words i felt fear. This guy really wanted to kill my brother.

"I know where he is." I said as his eyes widened and then he quickly asked.

"Where." he was demanding me to tell him so I point at the palace.

"Didn't you hear of the new king Haruki Suou?" I asked as he then grinned.

"Great... It's time we go to the palace then and pay the king a visit." He said as we got ready to embark to the palace now.

After a few days of walking we finally made it to the Palace.

"So this is where he is huh?" he asked as I nodded.

We had a massacre and killed the guards to enter the palace.

I will find you Brother and I will kill anyone who stops me.

"Ai, Go finish those upstairs and find him." Kaito says as i nod and then make my way upstairs.

Once i went there i saw actual people and they seemed to have been waiting for me.

"Who are you?" The man in the beanie says as I then reply.

"Where is Haruki?" I only wanted that one answer.

"That's none of your concern!" The young girl says, looking at her she would seem to be around my age.

"Akari! Don't talk rudely to her, we need to know where he is." The man in the beanie says.

"Wait... You don't know where Haruki is?" I asked as if that was a shocking revelation, I was in the city when he gave his speech and i saw his face, I might have changed but he hadn't.

"That's what we were going to ask." He said as he then came closer and let his hand out. 

"I'm Hebi Nakamura and this is Akari Yamamoto. We are Haruki's Partners." He says as i politely shake his hand.

"My name is Ai Kirishima." I faked my name because they can't know I'm his sister.

"Ai? I see well you wanna join us and help us find haruki?" Hebi asked as he seemed a bit distrustful.

I almost felt bad that I had to kill these two.

"Well sure thing, lets go." I said as we walked around the palaces upper-floor, there I told them that it'd be better if we split up and looked in different areas.

"Hmmm... Well Akari can go left, You and I will go to the right." Hebi said as he seemed to not fully trust me.

Whilst we were walking around the palace I broke the silence. "I need to find Haruki." I said as he replied.

"Ai Suou." When he said that my eyes widened as I didn't think he'd know my actual name.

"How did you-" Before i could continue he interrupted me.

"Haruki told me a lot about you, he really misses you." He explained that my brother told him about me and stories about our family...

"I see... and how did you know it was me? I mean i changed my hair color and I'm also wearing contacts." I said as he then simply replied.

"You said your name was Ai and i thought I'd test you by saying your full name." He definitely was smarter than he looks.

"So why are you here?" He asked as we continued walking around and I explained everything.

"So... Five years already passed?" He asked as I nodded.

"Which means the tower is on earth now?" He asked as I nodded once again.

"Yes but only a select few can enter the tower." I explained more as i continued talking.

"Those People... The higher beings and those below them are all watching us! They lied when they said you'd have five years before it comes because time here flows differently!" I finished explaining.

"Ai." Hebi said as he looked at me he continued talking then.

"Why are you lying?" When those words came out of his mouth I felt nervous.

"H-Huh?" I began getting nervous as apparently my explanation was a lie.

"I'm not lying though!" I said as he then had a serious look.

"I don't care if you're Haruki's sister or not but don't lie." He said as i then got more nervous.

I was sweating more now. "I'm not lying I swear that's what happened!" I said as Hebi then pulled out his Sword. 

"Lie one more time and I'll put you down." This man was truly Dangerous.

"I told you, it has already been five years." I said as he then began launching at me to which i quickly dodged.

"That's it! I'm going to put you dow-" He suddenly fell before he could continue.

"Oops, I forgot to mention that when we shook hands, I poisoned you." I said grinning as i then grabbed his sword.

"Wait... what are you going to-" Before Hebi continued his talk i had stabbed him.

Now all that's left is that other girl.

I begin walking to where Akari is, I also needed to kill her.

After all These people are obstacles getting in my way. 

After walking a while I found Akari. 

"Hey Akari, Hebi went to rest for a bit and told me to check on you." I said smiling as she smiled seeing me and then began talking.

"Ah, Ai! I'm not alone anymore!" She said as she suddenly hugged me.

"Did you find anything Akari?" I asked as she shook her head, I then pat her gently.

"There there, I'm here now You're not alone." I comforted her not knowing how I will break the news to her that I killed Hebi.

"Ai, are you looking for Haruki?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, I need to ask him something." I said as I then continued.

"Akari I might say something crazy."

"What is it?" She seemed curious.

"Those higher beings are lying to us, they are watching us right no-" Before i could continue.

A message pops up.

[ The Higher Being Berserker, Would like to talk with both Ai and Akari. ]

"Akari we have to refuse, They'll make us fight each other." I said as she then hesitantly pressed Accept and that also means that I accept.

We got transported to an arena and There he was The higher being named Berserker.

"Why are we here?" I asked as he replied.

"You, Ai have killed the human who I watched closely known as Hebi Nakamura." He said as Akari had a look of shock now.

"Y-You.... H-Hebi is dead...?" Tears began falling down her face as she seemed to have an expression of mixed anger and sadness.

"Now... You two must choose, Either you fight to the death or you both die by my hands."

"Akari... I'm-" Before i could continue she looks at the Higher being.

"I'll fight her." She said as she then looked like she wanted to get revenge. 

Akari wanted to get revenge, She wanted to kill me.

But I won't let her kill me, I will kill her and then I will find Haruki.

"I see... Then it pains me to fight you." I say as she pulled out a bow and arrow and began shooting at me.

I quickly dodged and Threw some sleeping darts at her. What surprised me is that she destroyed the darts mid air with her arrows.

She truly was an exceptional Markswoman. 

"Akari, we can stop this now and leave!" I said as she didn't seem to trust me anymore.

"You killed Hebi and You'll kill Haruki too!" She had tears as she began shooting.

"Ah!" I shouted as one of her arrows hit me on the arm. 

"I would never kill Haruki NEVER!" I said as i then ran up close to Akari.

there i pulled out the arrow and stabbed her leg.

"Why did you kill him?! Why? Why? Why? Why?!!" She didn't seem to care about her getting hurt but she was genuinely hurt from what i did.

"He tried to kill me." I said as she shouted.

"Liar!" I don't blame her for saying that After all I lied about my name but I can't lie about this.

"I'm Haruki's sister." I said as she looked shocked now.

"H-Haruki's... sister?" she said as i nodded 

"I want you to understand that I have to do this Akari." I said as i then hugged her.

"Close your eyes Akari." I said as i was now Tearing up for what I'm about to do.

"Will i die...?" She asked as i silently said

"I'm sorry." 

I stabbed Akari as I looked at her now.

I killed her. 

"Are you happy now Berserker?" I asked as he laughs.

"Yes! Yes I am!" He then snaps his fingers and me and Akari's body were transported back to the Palace.

There in front of me Was Haruki and looked at his dead friends and then at me He then said.

"What have you... done?"