1: Witchcraft?

Ethan's pov

My life had taken a drastic turn, spiraling into chaos and disgrace.

So fast I didn't even realize before it happened.

I am Ethan Strayon, once the pride of my pack, groomed to inherit my father's legacy.

Now, my chambers felt more like a prison than a sanctuary.

Wrongly accused of witchcraft and bullying my mate, Camella, which isn't entirely a lie. I don't like....sorry I despise Camella.

All these were only whispered behind the curtains in the palace, but now even the lowly maids dared to look me on the eyes while gossiping.

I grunted in frustration as I kicked my bed post.

Everything doesn't even make sense at all.


The charges against me were absurd. Witchcraft? Bullying my mate? I had rejected Camella more than once, driven by my own misguided notions of perfection and strength.

But witchcraft? It was a charge so foreign, so outlandish, that I couldn't fathom how anyone could believe it.

It's not In the pack's notion at all. It was highly prohibited from our land and anyone found involving him or herself on it, the consequences were always dire.

My father had trusted me to lead, to uphold our family's honor and the pack's traditions.

I was to be crowned as the next Alpha the next full moon but even that has been out on hold.

Because now? my reputation was in tatters.

Today felt different. No whispers or gossips.

There was a tension in the air, a sense of anticipation that I couldn't shake.

And I hated every bit of it.

I paced my chambers, the echo of my footsteps a steady rhythm in the formidable silence. Something was coming, something that would change everything. I could feel it in my bones.

And it was a really bad feeling!

The sudden knock on the door startled me out of my thoughts.

I turned, eyes narrowing as the door creaked open to reveal two pack rangers and the jail warden. Their expressions were grim, their postures stiff.

"Ethan Strayon," the warden intoned, his voice devoid of emotion. "You are summoned to the main courtroom."

My brow furrowed in confusion. "Summoned? For what purpose?"

The warden's gaze was steady, unyielding. "All will be explained in due time. Follow us."

With no other choice, I complied, my mind racing with questions.

The corridors of the pack's stronghold felt colder, more grim, as I walked between the rangers.

Whispers followed us, the pack's members peeking from behind doors and around corners, their eyes filled with curiosity and brutality.

To be honest, I really haven't done anything to deserve any of this.

My mother died years ago after giving birth to I and my sister. Then almost immediately my father brought in another woman and a son that was older than me.

Seems like my father already had a second option before I arrived.

But all the same I was the legitimate heir.

Arghhh!!! But that was the least of my worries, here I was being treated like a state hold criminal.

My heart pounded in my chest.

What awaited me in the courtroom? More accusations? Another trial?

As we neared the courtroom, the murmurs grew louder.

The heavy doors loomed before me, their dark wood etched with the pack's ancient symbols. A dragon.

With a deep breath, I steeled myself, preparing for whatever awaited me on the other side.

The courtroom was a huge contrast to the dim corridors outside. It was bright, almost blindingly so, with sunlight streaming through the high windows, illuminating the room in a harsh, unforgiving light. The pack members were seated in rows, their faces a mix of curiosity, concern, and disdain.

My eyes scanned the room, noting the familiar faces of the elders, my peers, and the pack's enforcers. Each gaze seemed to pierce through me, as if stripping away the layers of my soul to lay bare my guilt or innocence.

But I stood tall. I wasn't a criminal! I was the next Alpha for crying out loud!

At the front of the room, the pack elder stood.To his right, the council members sat, their expressions impassive but their eyes keen, ready to dissect every word and action.

I was guided to the center of the room, where a single chair awaited me. I sat, the cold wood sending a shiver down my spine. The murmurs in the room quieted to a tense silence as the pack elder raised his hand, calling for order.

"Ethan Strayon," the pack elder began, his voice echoing in the silence. "You have been summoned here today to address serious accusations that have come to light. These allegations, if proven true, threaten not only your honor but the integrity of our entire pack."

My mind raced. What new accusations could there be? I had already faced the worst, or so I thought.

The pack leader continued, "We have gathered here to ensure that justice is served and the truth is revealed. This is your opportunity to defend yourself and to hear the claims against you."

As the pack leader spoke, my gaze wandered, searching for any clue, any sign that might explain this crazy unexpected summons. It was then that my eyes settled on a figure kneeling at the far end of the room. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized her—Camella, my fated mate.

She was on her knees, her head bowed low, her posture one of submission and despair. Her long, dark hair cascaded around her face, partially obscuring her features. Even from a distance, I could see the tension in her frame, the way her shoulders trembled slightly with each breath.

A surge of conflicting emotions washed over me. I had always regarded Camella with a mixture of disdain and indifference, her plump figure and timid nature a constant source of disappointment.

Could she be the one to have reported.

A smirk graced my face, such a weak little wolf. Always around the place with her extra size.


But still, my brows furrowed deeply, confusion etched across my face. Why was she here? What did she have to do with the accusations against me? The questions swirled in my mind, each one more perplexing than the last.

The pack leader's voice broke through my thoughts. "Camella, step forward."

Slowly, she rose to her feet, her movements hesitant and fraught with apprehension. She kept her head down, avoiding my gaze as she walked to the center of the room. The silence was palpable, every eye in the courtroom fixed on her.

The pack leader addressed her gently, "Camella, you have come forward with serious allegations against Ethan Strayon. Please, recount your experiences for the council and the pack."

Camella took a deep breath, her voice barely above a whisper as she began to speak. "I... I have suffered much at the hands of Ethan. He has rejected me repeatedly, humiliated me in front of others, and... and there are darker accusations as well."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. The courtroom seemed to close in around me, the air growing thick with tension.

She continued, her voice trembling.

But before she could speak, Leo walked up to her and held her gently and said, "He has been accused of witchcraft, of using dark magic to harm others and to manipulate his standing within the pack."

This elicited gasps from the onlookers.

What new games are you playing now Leo?

Then Camella continued, "I... I have seen things, felt things, that I cannot explain. I fear for my safety and the safety of those around me."

The murmurs in the room grew louder, a wave of shock and disbelief rippling through the pack members.

My heart pounded in my chest, my confusion and frustration mounting with each passing second. Witchcraft? Dark magic? The accusations were so far removed from anything I had ever done or believed in that I struggled to find my voice.

"I have never..." I began, my voice hoarse with disbelief. "I have never engaged in witchcraft. These accusations are baseless, lies meant to tarnish my name."

The pack leader raised a hand to silence me. "Ethan, you will have your chance to speak. For now, we must hear all the evidence."

My mind reeled as I tried to process what was happening. How could Camella accuse me of such things? I had rejected her, yes, and perhaps I had been harsh at times, but witchcraft? It was beyond comprehension.

One of the council members stood, holding a parchment. "Ethan Strayon, you are accused of the following: repeated rejection and bullying of your fated mate and above all, the most dreadful thing. The use of black magic. So now we have all passed a sentence on you!"

I felt my body tense up as I waited.

"You are sentenced to two years in the rehabilitation center!"

"What!!" I screamed out, veins popping out from my temples.

Did they think I was crazy?

The sentence to rehabilitation was the end of it. I slumped back in my seat and glanced at Camella with pure disdain.

I've never felt so much hatred towards a human being before!