3: The use of black magic

Leo's pov

My name is Leo, the illegitimate son of Alpha Strayon. Growing up, I was always treated as second best whenever my stepbrother, Ethan, was involved. Ethan was the golden boy, the pride of our father, and I was the shadow, the unacknowledged, the overlooked. The pack never saw me as anything more than a mistake, a stain on our esteemed lineage. But all of that is about to change. With Ethan out of the way, everything that should have been mine will finally be within my grasp—money, fame, leadership, and even my mate, Camella.

Camella, though a bit on the heavier side, was still one of the prettiest women I'd ever seen in the palace. Her curves were enticing, and her gentle nature made her an easy target for manipulation. She sensed that something was wrong, but she couldn't voice it. How could she, when I had her under my spell? Literally. The black magic I wielded made sure of that. Poor Ethan. He had no idea that the person orchestrating his downfall was me and not him. Having his mate to myself was even better than stealing candy from a baby.

From the moment I discovered the pros and cons of using black magic,I knew I had the power to change my destiny. Black magic was dangerous, forbidden, but it was the only way to level the playing field against Ethan. I started small, casting minor spells to influence pack decisions in my favor. But as my confidence grew, so did my ambition.

Ethan had always been cruel to Camella. He never appreciated her, always belittling her for her appearance and timidity. I saw an opportunity in their strained relationship. With careful manipulation, I made Camella believe that she was testifying against Ethan of her own free will. The truth was, I controlled her every move, every word. Her mind was a maze of confusion and despair, perfect for my purposes.

I smiled as I thought of the council's decision to send Ethan to the rehabilitation center. It was all too easy. The pack believed he was the villain, while I played the role of the concerned friend, the one who supported Camella in her time of need. No one suspected the true nature of my involvement. And now, with Ethan out of the picture, I could take my place as the rightful heir.

I will be the next Alpha and I'll make sure of that.

As we left the courtroom, I could feel Camella battling with her thoughts.

She was conflicted, torn between her loyalty to Ethan and the false narrative I had spun around her which she doesn't even have an answer to.

I tightened my grip on her arm to comfort her.

"Camella, you need to be strong. This is for the best," I said, my voice filled with false reassurance. I could see the doubt in her eyes, the uncertainty. But she couldn't resist. My magic saw to that.

I fucking love this game now!

She shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. "No, Leo. It's not. None of this is right."

I sighed, pretending to be frustrated. "You don't understand, Camella. Ethan was a threat. To you, to the pack. This is the only way."

Her defiance was short-lived. I had seen to that. With Ethan gone, I would consolidate my power. The pack would have no choice but to accept me as their new leader. And Camella, well, she would come around eventually. She had no other choice.

The days Ethan were gone, I moved quickly, securing my position within the pack. Those who had doubted me were now forced to acknowledge my strength. I had always been a good actor, able to play the part of the concerned pack member, the reluctant leader. But beneath the surface, my plans were far more sinister.

Camella stayed close to me, as if drawn by some invisible force. She was confused, lost. But I knew that eventually, she would see things my way. The mate bond, though weakened, still existed. I could use it to my advantage.

I fucking loved the way things were going my way. Every piece of my elaborate plan was falling into place, and I could almost taste the complete victory. Ethan was out of the picture, Camella was under my control, and the pack had accepted me as their new leader. There was nothing that could stop me now.

As I retired to my room one night, a feeling of triumphant satisfaction washed over me. I sat at my desk, pouring myself a glass of whiskey, and took a slow, deliberate sip. The warmth of the liquor spread through me, intensifying my sense of burning control.

I called one of my most trusted men, a shadowy figure who had been instrumental in executing the finer points of my plan. He entered the room silently, his presence barely noticeable in the dim light.

"Have you planted it in his cell already?" I ashed in the dark, my voice low and commanding.

The man nodded quickly, his eyes avoiding mine. "Yes, Alpha. It has been done exactly as you instructed."

A smile spread across my face, a sinister satisfaction filling me. "Good. You may go."

He's even calling me Alpha on day one.

Seems like I've gotten the people's good lucks and review.

He bowed slightly and slipped out of the room as silently as he had entered. I leaned back in my chair, savoring the moment. Everything was proceeding perfectly. With Ethan locked away and my little addition to his cell, his chances of ever recovering were slim to none.

I had made sure that Ethan's imprisonment would be more than just a physical confinement. The dark magic I had planted in his cell would eat away at his sanity, ensuring that even if he did manage to get out in two years, he would be a broken shell of the man he once was.

I laughed softly to myself, the sound echoing in the empty room.

Poor Ethan.

He never saw it coming. He was always too blinded by his own sense of superiority, too sure of his place as the rightful heir. But now, he was nothing. A puppet whose strings I had cut, left to rot in a cell.

As I finished my drink, I allowed myself a moment to revel in the feeling of power. I had everything I had ever wanted. The pack, the power, the respect that had always been denied to me. And Camella. Sweet, beautiful Camella. She was mine now, completely under my control.

I stood and walked to the window, looking out over the pack's territory. My territory. The moon cast a pale glow over the landscape, and I felt a surge of pride. This was just the beginning. With Ethan out of the way, there was nothing to stop me from becoming the greatest Alpha this pack had ever seen.