6: Released

Ethan's POV

I lay on my narrow cot, exhausted from a day of painting. The dim fluorescent lights overhead cast a pale glow on the cold concrete walls, and the smell of stale air filled my nostrils.

My mind wandered back again to my life before prison, to the people I loved and the freedom I took for granted. I thought about my family, my pack, and Camella - the girl I'd tried to avoid, but couldn't shake from my thoughts. Where was she now? Was she happy? Has it been up to two years, already?

I wouldn't know. Time seemed to work weirdly in this place. But what I've come to realize is that on the day of my trial, something was terribly wrong with Camella. I've had the past two years to ponder on it.

To go through the event in my head, to see the signs. I don't know what but I know that Camella was not okay, that day. Maybe that's why she testified against me. Or was I trying to believe that?

I mean, I don't give a shit about her but my gut feelings are never wrong. Leo has something to do with this and Camella is not okay.

As I drifted off to sleep, those thoughts played over and over in my head. Memories of Leo and Camella, the pain of being framed for using black magic, and the anguish of losing everything I held dear. But then I heard the jingling of keys and the creaking of the cell door, breaking the silence like a splash of cold water. The warden stood over me, his expression neutral, his eyes a deep brown that seemed to bore into my soul.

"Ethan, number 45, time to go," he said firmly, his voice low and gravelly.

I sat up slowly, my mind foggy with sleep, my body heavy with fatigue.

What did he mean, it's time to go?

Was I being transferred to another prison, or was something more sinister at play? I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep, but my heart was already racing with anticipation.

"What's going on?"

"It's time to go, Ethan." He said, " Your paper work came through, your sentence have been lived, you're done with everything. You're free to go."

At first, I believed I had been dreaming. I stared at the warden for a good five minutes before I hurriedly followed him out of the cell. Or "lodge" as this sick people called it here. This "rehabilitation facility " was nothing short of a prison.

The warden led me out of my cell, and I noticed that the corridors were eerily quiet. The other people here were still asleep, and I was grateful for that. I didn't want to draw attention to myself, didn't want to face the whispers and stares. I just wanted to leave. It was after dark anyway.

We walked to a small room, where a set of clothes was laid out for me. I changed quickly, shedding the orange uniform that had been my skin for so long. As I put on my normal clothes, the warden bowed his head, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Lord Ethan," he finally said, his voice low and respectful.

I nodded curtly, understanding this. Until I was done with my sentence, my honorifics would never be used because I was seen as nothing but a common prisoner. Everyone here was.

The warden cleared his throat. "Do you want to call anyone to pick you up, Lord Ethan?"

I shook my head. "No, I'll manage on my own."

The warden nodded, his expression neutral. "Very well, Lord Ethan. You're free to go."

I felt a surge of relief at those words. I followed the warden out of this little room to the entrance of the building. He bowed again before leaving me there and walking back in.

I stepped out into the cold, dark night, the chill of the air hitting me like a slap in the face. I took a deep breath, feeling the freedom of being outside those walls. But as I looked around, I realized I had no idea where to go. I didn't have a plan, no destination in mind.

My instincts took over, and I thought of the pack house, the family home where I grew up. I decided to go there, to see if anything had changed. I shifted into my wolf form, feeling the familiar surge of power and speed. My large black fur blended into the darkness as I ran, the wind rushing past me.

As I approached the pack house, I slowed down, my senses on high alert. The house looked the same, but something…I don't know, felt off. I didn't want to go in, didn't want to draw attention to myself. So I waited, hiding in the shadows, until someone I knew came out.

That someone was Jenkins, our trusted butler. Or at least, my trusted bulter. He usually worked for me.

He walked out of the house, his eyes scanning the darkness as he prepared to go to the back of the house, I followed him discreetly, shifting back into my human form as I trailed behind him. He led me to the back of the house, unaware of my presence, and I slipped into the shadows, watching and waiting.

He had been holding a little plate in his hand that I didn't see before and he set it down on the floor, in front of a little group of cats.

"Still feeding the cats, huh Jenkins?"

Jenkins' eyes widened in surprise as he turned immediately and saw me standing there. "Lord...Ethan?" he stuttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

I smiled, trying to put him at ease. "Jenkins, it's me. I'm back."

Jenkins took a step back, his eyes scanning me from head to toe. "Lord Ethan, I...I didn't expect to see you here. How did you...?"

I waved my hand dismissively. "It's a long story, Jenkins. Where is everyone? How are they?"

Jenkins hesitated, his expression uncertain. "They're...fine, Lord Ethan. Everyone is fine."

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. "Good. I'd like to go in and see them, especially my father and well, Camella."

Jenkins' expression turned guarded. "I'm afraid that's not possible, Lord Ethan. They're not here."

I frowned, feeling a sense of confusion. "What do you mean they're not here? Where are they?"

Jenkins took a deep breath before answering. "Your stepmother and stepbrother, they don't live here anymore. They moved out a while ago."

I felt a pang of surprise. "What? Why?"

Jenkins hesitated again before speaking. "It's complicated, Lord Ethan. But I can tell you that your father is hospitalized, and Camella...she's umm..with Leo now."

I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. "What do you mean,Camella is with Leo? Like…together, a couple?"

Jenkins nodded, his expression sympathetic. "I'm afraid so, Lord Ethan."

I took a deep breath, trying to process everything Jenkins was telling me.

"Leo is the Alpha now…"

I looked up in disbelief but Jenkins wasn't done, "And Camella…well, she's his Luna."

What the fuck?