17. The first netorare experience***

Hilda's first time with Black Mane was long behind her. The number of children she would soon have must be in the tens if her memory serves her right.

The centaur's intense jealousy did not deter her from accepting the female deer's advances. Hilda stood in front of her, letting her smell her penile pouch that was slowly exposing her pink penis.

The doe also moved in a way, putting her leaking vagina in front of Hilda's nose. The pink blossom had already been partially revealed, and the lips had been parted significantly. The white fur around her vagina was already wet with her pheromones. 

Even before the doe pressed her back pink lips against Hilda's snout, Hilda was already intoxicated with the sweet pheromones she was leaking. Hilda didn't hesitate to lick the nectar out of the petals of her flower.

The doe returned the favor. The deer's rough tongue had already licked Hilda's pink penis, causing it to spill out of the penile sheath. 

"I don't think I can hold it in much longer." The doe couldn't understand Hilda's language, but Hilda's snort was enough for her to know it was time. 

The doe was quick to put its vagina in front of Hilda, with its white tail moving against the pink flower, spraying her sweet nectar in the process.

Hilda jumped on her. Hilda was sure she and the herd leader had the same size. The doe had no problem carrying her in the back.

Hilda had some trouble getting into this position the first few times she tried, but eventually, she hit the bullseyes after poking her penis against the opening of the flower. Her vagina was way too lubricated for Hilda to feel any resistance. 

Even before Hilda could stabilize herself after penetrating her, the doe tried to push back against Hilda, almost making her lose her footing. 

Hilda was well aware that neither hyenas nor deer have the mentality to do it because they feel good. The females were more interested in receiving her seed. 

"Except Black Mane, I guess."

The doe snorted back at Hilda, urging her to move. And she complied. She continued to thrust her hip, and the frequency of the disgruntled sound the doe was making continued to increase. 

"It's a new record." Hilda continued to hump her with all her might, breaking her previous records with other hyenas. 

The puffy lips of her vagina were exceedingly inviting to her penis. The pink penis wasn't thick enough for the inner crease of her vagina to create any obstruction during penetration.

Hilda didn't want to accept it, but she could understand with her body that, compared to a hyena's pussy, the deer's virgin pussy somewhat felt like that of a mother with at least two children.

Hilda was trying her hardest to fill her lack of size with intensity. However, the doe wasn't accustomed to such an extended interaction. The doe was also reaching its limit. 

"Ugghhh…" Hilda groaned as she filled up her hungry pussy with a flood of seeds. Hilda wanted to stick it in for the third and fourth shots, but the doe impatiently shrugged Hilda off her body.

"I might have been a little too intense with her." Hilda couldn't help but feel sorry for the doe. 

In the case of Black Mane or others, blood was not uncommon. Even the hyena, who had given birth to Black Mane's litter, bled after the intercourse. 

Hilda wasn't aware much about the doe, but there was a blood patch on the white fur around the vagina. A portion of her inner vaginal cresses had been extracted as a result of her highly intimate experiences.

The hole throbbed like the mouth of a fish on the ground as it sought to regain its former splendor. During the struggle, it spat out some of the seed that Hilda had left inside her vagina.

"Isn't she going to lay down?" Hilda had no idea why it was still standing like that. She laid down on the straw that the centaur had spread for his mate.

Hilda had no idea when it fell asleep. The nudging of her penile sheath woke her. 

"What?" Hilda could smell the pheromones coming from the body of the doe. The excited and aroused status in her head was enough for Hilda to understand what was happening.

"If I remember correctly, the deer mate several times during the season." Hilda stood up. As the doe rubbed her back against Hilda's side, she smeared her nectar on Hilda's fur. "If you want, there is no reason for me to make a lady wait."

Hilda didn't know much about human males, but being a hyena futanari, she still believed that female urges were more intense than men's. Yes, it is a rare phenomenon, but it is always very fierce when it happens.

Hilda was sleeping, but the pheromone was already doing its job. The pink and slick penis had already emerged from its sheath and was awaiting action. Hilda didn't hesitate to jump on her body.

It is possible that it was because she had already emptied her balls once that this time, it took her longer to release the baby juice into her partner.

As soon as the doe felt the warmth inside her, she didn't care about Hilda anymore and pushed Hilda off her back.

"Look at you!" Hilda shook her head, looking at the doe, who didn't even look at her after she got what she wanted from Hilda.

However, Hilda felt that someone else was watching her from a distance. With her [Night Vision], Hilda had no problem identifying who he was.

Hilda had no intention of entertaining him and laid down. Before long, she had returned to her mental space. Then Hilda felt the nudge again.

"What again?" Hilda was a little surprised.

Instead of nudging and licking, what greeted her was the constant stomping of her partner and barking. It was the same type of barking when the centaur stole the doe from the tribe.

"Could it be the leader of the herd?" Hilda jumped up. The barking was getting louder, and Hilda could even hear the sound of the hoofs.

Hilda looked around, cursing, "That bastard." Hilda had no time to look around for the centaur before the chief appeared. 


A couple of projectiles flew past her. Hilda didn't even try to use her magic. During her time in the mental space, she had somewhat identified the problem.

However, she didn't get the chance to try out the changes.

So Hilda charged at it head-on. The chief continued to shoot projectiles at her, not giving her the chance to get close.

[Domincance activated.

Subordinate: 14

Adversaries: 1

Time limit: 04:59]

The leader was already struggling as Hilda approached it, despite his attempt to shoot her down. However, when Hilda activated her skill, the shock was too much.

It can't check the change in its stats, but the momentary weakness he felt and the pressure Hilda put on him as she was about to attack were enough for it to turn around and try to escape. 

Alas! It was already too late. Hilda jumped on its back, making it miss its step and roll on the ground. One of its antlers broke off, but it couldn't care less. 

It tried to jump back on its feet, trying to escape. But Hilda had already bit down on its throat. 

"Stay down." Hilda would have killed it as soon as she got hold of it, but studying the mental space had given her an idea.

The buck was also a white aura user. When Hilda poured her aura inside its body, the aura of the buck tried to eradicate Hilda's aura.

Alas! Hilda wasn't only more proficient in using aura but had much more than the buck. Before long, she had already depleted its aura reserve. The struggle of the buck reduced a lot, even if the effect of [Dominance] ended.

Hilda guided her aura into his heart before using the aura to sew the mana circle on its heart. 

It wasn't an inheritance circle she was trying to inscribe, but the triangle part of the inheritance circle that was supposed to control her core.

However, as soon as she started, the buck struggled again. It wasn't just struggling but also groaning in pain. Hilda pinned it down and ramped up her speed. Such a small part of the mana circle didn't take her long to inscribe.

She was about to complete the circle, and it stopped struggling. It's heart popped when Hilda was about to take it as a success. Before long, blood started to leak out of its mouth and nose.

However, Hilda couldn't get the chance to inspect what had gone wrong. Even if she didn't look back, Hilda could feel the presence behind her. She rolled away without wasting a moment.

Just when she did, the sharp end of the spear stabbed the ground. And there he was.

"Did you lure the leader to kill just because I took your girl?" 

He ran away and put some distance between them. Instead of answering, he pulled out his bow and released the arrow. It was a short bow, but it was the very first. However, it wasn't first enough to touch Hilda.

"Damn it. I need to stop believing in every random guy."

The centaur was aiming the bow and arrow in the direction the voice was coming from. However, with the trees in the forest and still some time until daybreak, he could only shoot in the direction the voice was coming from.

"Did you think that a herd leader would be strong enough to kill me just because I said I didn't want to fight it?"


"If you are so confident, come out and fight me." Even if he boldly proclaimed it, he threw away the bow and arrows on the ground and pulled something from his back. Or he tried.


The rustling sound increased as soon as Hilda's words resonated throughout the forest. There wasn't any wind, so the sound was like something was slithering on the dry tree leaves.

The centaur hurried and opened the box, and a few balls fell to the ground. He grabbed it over the can and threw it behind him from where the sound was coming most.

It broke like a glass ball, and the thick ice covered the tree and the ground beneath it. That didn't stop the rustling sound. One created ice, and the other created a blazing flame.

Fearing that it wasn't enough, he tried to grab another ball from the ground. Then he felt a tug on his feet, and he threw whatever he could hold.

Alas! It was just a stone. 

Then there was more tug. The centaur knew something was trying to strangle him. Before he could check what it was, he was already hanging upside down from the air.

"Oh! It took quite a while to activate. Is it because I am not very accustomed to the new mana?" Hilda walked out of the forest again.

The centaur wanted to curse at her. However, it wasn't just his six limbs that were tangled in vines; a vine was also wrapped between his lips, stopping him from making any sound other than groaning.

"So, what should we do with you?" Hilda was looking for an answer but felt someone else rubbing herself against her instead. It was her partner.

"What!? Are you already ready to give it another go? Are you trying to dry me out?" Hilda couldn't believe it. "Wait a minute! How did you get yourself freed?"

The end of the rope was still visible when Hilda examined it. Upon grabbing it, she came to a realization. Hilda stared at the centaur and demanded, "What sort of moron ties a deer with grass rope?"

Understandably, the centaur couldn't answer. 

"What should I do with you?" Hilda looked at the dead deer, asking, "Should I try it on you? Even if your level is low, you are more intelligent than him. I think it's worth a try."

The centaur had every intention of struggling, but all the veins coming out of the surrounding trees kept him suspended.

"If you don't struggle, you might survive." Hilda had no problem putting her hand on his heart and channeling her mana inside him. "Don't make your girl wait for my love juice."