24. The first Futa Mate*** [[Extreme trigger warning]]

{{Author: This chapter depicts extreme cruelty and nudity. Nothing described in this chapter should ever happen or even be imagined in real life. Please avoid reading it.

P.S. The author doesn't support any incident that took place in the chapter happening in real life. It is a PURELY fictional story.}}

[[Wani: First human mate of Hilda.

Mia: The deer satyr mate of Hilda.]]

"I think she would have some strong offspring." 

Hilda looked at Wani, wondering if she was some kind of pimp who was trying to sell a girl to a customer. 

Hilda had no idea what Wani understood from the blank look on her hyena face but explained, "She could use magic. Although it is not strong, she could still throw almost ten fireballs in succession."


Understandably, Wani didn't understand what Hilda was saying. She leaned against the tree and sat down. Although her belly hadn't grown that much, the bulge was showing. 

As soon as she sat down, one of Mia's twins crawled towards her and rubbed himself against her. Wani rubbed his fur before turning to Hilda, adding, "Because we need her."

The woman was terrified. She repeatedly looked at Wani and Mia, trying to understand why they were under a gnoll beast. Most importantly, why was such a strong human following a beast?

Mia threw a human skin spell at Hilda. Hilda sighed and tore it off. "If she is a mage, I can just imprint her heart. She won't be able to deny any of my orders."

Upon receiving her confused gaze, Hilda added, "It is not that I don't like it… But why do you want her to have a child with me? Is she someone you know?"

"Well, why didn't I get that option?" Wani didn't even hesitate to ask. Wani wasn't wearing much. So, she had no problem pointing at the tattoo on her lower abdomen and adding, "That is because of this." 

"Because of the tattoo?"

"I don't know how to explain it, but something is different."

"Different! Different from what? From the enslavement mana circle?"

"I can understand what you are saying," Mia added as she breastfed her other twin. "How do I say? It's like I can feel the energy coming from there. It was because it supplied the energy I could regain this form."

"How come you never said anything about it?"

"I thought you knew." Mia shrugged her shoulders. Wani nodded to confirm.

"I knew that it had something to do with having sex with me, as I am affiliated with 'lust,' but I never thought that it was so effective."

Wani frowned as Mia looked at each other. She turned towards Hilda, asking, "Then why do you go around having sex with everything that moves."

"You didn't even leave the female goblins alone. Even the males of their own species avoid them."

"You are one horny bastard, aren't you?"

"Why does it suddenly turn into a topic of slandering me?" Hilda looked at the woman with a face wet with tears, asking, "Wasn't Wani the one who had suggested having sex with her?"

"No…" The woman cried out loud. She had already accepted her fate. It wasn't the first time she was used against her will. 

It's been seven years since she escaped the prosecution of the church with her family and came to a settlement near the desolated land. The first week was peaceful. Just when she thought she could return to her everyday life, a few guards noticed her.

And one evening, she was dragged into the forest. When she thought others would bring them to justice, she found that everyone acted like it was a regular thing. Ten months later, she gave birth to her first child. Then, it became her regular life. 

Even if it was a way of life, she had never thought there would be a day when a beast would… "No… kill me;" she cried. She wanted to run away. However, she knew there was no way she could escape from those dire wolves. And…

"Haven't we already talked about it, Shelly? You remember that those wolves are still hungry. And one word, they will have a feast with your three children."

Shelly looked at her, wondering why a human was siding with a beast. She could understand why that deer kin was following a gnoll beast, but a human follower didn't make sense.

'Could it be she is a vagabond?' Shelly couldn't help wondering. Although she had never seen one, she had heard about them. If it would give them strong offspring, they wouldn't even mind having the child of a troll. 

'That is not possible.' She had also heard that although they wouldn't hesitate to mate with a fallen beast, they were always on the side of light. 

"What don't you want to see your children again?" 

"But that is a beast!" She wanted to say it out loud. She even opened her mouth, but not a single word came out.

"Now. Now." Hilda walked towards Shelly, asking, "You are a mage?"

Shelly wanted to keep the distance between them but tripped on something and landed on her buttocks. The next thing she knew, the beast was almost breathing on her face. 

"Why are you not answering?" 

"Wani, you need to worry about that." Hilda stared into Shelly's eyes, adding, "Why don't you get another girl for me?"


Wani didn't want to walk, so she whistled. A pair of goblins appeared. They left as soon as they received their order.

"You're a fire mage, aren't you?"

Shelly nodded in response.

"White aura user?" She nodded again.

"Have you learned magic?" 


"Then, how do you learn magic?"

"I don't know."

"Are you lying?" 

"No, no. no. I don't know." Shelly shook her vigorously, adding, "But..."


"The church said that I am a sceptic."

"Sceptic! Don't you believe in God or whatever the church believes in?"

"I do." She paused and looked at Hilda before changing her words, "I used to."


"I am a…" There was an evident hesitation in her tone. Still, she added, "I am a futanari."

"Show me." Hilda didn't even hesitate. 


"Did I stutter?" 

Whatever Shelly wanted to say didn't come out. Hilda sighed and walked away. At the same time, a pair of goblin warriors came dragging a girl with them.

"Strip her," Wani ordered. 

Shelly looked at her in horror. She recognized the girl. The girl glanced at her, her face contorted with snot and tears. 

"Please help me." She pleaded with Shelly while the pair of goblins stripped her of her clothes.

"What are you going to do to her?" 

"You shouldn't ask a question you don't want to know the answer to." Hilda added, "Rather, you should worry about your children. How many children does she have?"

"Three. Two girls and one boy." Wani answered.

"And how many women did you capture today?"

"Including that one, four of them are fresh. The rest of them and the mage there have given birth before. There are more, but they can't give birth just yet. So, thirteen of them are ready to be bred."

"Great, you can give the older ones to others to enjoy. Keep the fresh one for me."

"Stop it, stop it." The girl, who didn't have a single string on her body, tried to flee. However, the roots shot out of the ground and arrested her. 

Hilda had done it many times. She had no difficulty placing the girl on all fours, as this was the only position in which she could mate with the unruly ones.

"Stop it. Let her go." Shelly was quick to take off her lower garments.

"Oh!" Hilda could see Shelly's penis. Hilda was sure that she had used those before. "So, you gave birth to those daughters by yourself?"

Receiving her nod, Hilda asked, "Have you ever used that thing of yours with other women?" Even in the darkness, Hilda could notice her blush. 

"Let me go. You beast." After falling to escape from her binding, the girl started to scream louder.

"I have done what you have asked me. So, please let her go." Shelly added.

"I think you have misunderstood something." Hilda walked towards the girl. 

Seeing Hilda coming towards her, Shelly wanted to stop her. Before she could, the roots wrapped around her arms and legs, preventing her from moving.

"You are in no position to negotiate." Shelly perceived that the beast smiled at her before commencing to lick the girl's private parts.

The girl screamed so loudly that her voice started to become hoarse. But the beast didn't care. She was worried the beast might take a bite of the girl, but it never did. Every time it stopped, it would look at her and say something.

"It is true that I want to mate with you."

"Why?" Shelly was unable to stop herself from voicing her thoughts out loud.

"It is because I am a vile beast." Hilda paused as they stared at each other for a moment. "It is because you are a mage. I want to see… Why am I even explaining this to you? I don't need to explain why I want to do it."

Shelly looked at Hilda, hoping she would say anything. Instead, Hilda called for Wani. She sighed as she came to Hilda.

She didn't need any instructions. Wani placed her hand beneath Hilda's stomach, where she discovered that her penis had already begun to protrude.

Hilda didn't know if it was screaming or the sweet nectar of the untapped pussy was making her excited, but she was struggling to hold herself in.

As soon as the length of her penis had reached a suitable size in Wani's hand, she jumped on the girl.

"No, stop."

"Please let me go."

Shelly and the girl screamed at the same time. Hilda paid no attention to any of them. She was too busy to put her dick inside the girl. 

Even though Hilda's meat was slippery, the vagina she was attempting to enter had not been investigated. It was too tight for Hilda's slick wand to invade without proper guidance.

When Hilda failed for the fourth time, Wani sighed and grabbed his penis. She led the tip to the right hole and slapped Hilda's bum. With her signal, Hilda thrust her penis in.

"Ahhhhh!!!" The shrill scream was especially loud in the dark night. "Mother, please sa… Fa…er … Hel.." 

The inconsistent cry for help had unintentionally brought tears to Shelly's eyes. "How could you do that? Aren't you also a human?"

Wani's eyes were following a few streams of fresh blood that were tickling down the white thigh of the girl. Those screams don't bother her anymore. 

When her eye met Shelly's glare, she smiled. "If I were you, I would have been worried about my daughters."

Those words, void of emotion, sent a chill down her spine. 

"If it were my daughters, I would happily take their place. I would have never let them go through such a painful experience."

"No… No… Please stop. Don't do this to me. I am a…"

The girl was still screaming, but those didn't reach Shelly's ears anymore. How can she even worry about another woman when her daughter might suffer the same fate?

"Wouldn't it be better to join her? It is not like humans have protected you. Neither the church nor the empire." Wani paused, adding, "When I submitted it to her, she protected me. Make me strong. Why do you think those dire wolves were listening to me?"

'She is right.' Shelly was in deep thought. She had sold her body quite a few times to get food. 'It is not different from that. Even if I give birth to a beast, I will survive… my children will survive.'

"However, you don't need to worry." Wani smiled. "She is not interested in small daughters like yours."

When Shelly wondered if she should be happy about it, Wani continued, "But she takes excellent care of those who follow her. Knowing her, she would let those goblins have a good time with your daughters."

"I will do it. I will do it." Shelly cried out. She wanted to plead, but she couldn't move. "I will give birth to as many children as it wants. I will act as a broodmother all my life. Please let my children live. Please…"

Alas! The one she should be pleading with was too indulged in filling the womb of her mate. Even if Hilda could feel that the intense exercise had made the girl beneath her spray out everything in her bladder, Hilda didn't stop.

She didn't stop until a pink penis invaded the virgin territory inside the woman's womb. 

The effect of the spell had run out a while ago. Therefore, Hilda's ecstatic moan resembled the groaning of a beast in heat as she emptied her ball within the womb.

As she recovered, the first thing Wani said was, "You went too hard. It was her first time."

When Hilda released the root, the woman's body fell to the ground weirdly. Wani blew the whistle. The goblin warrior stepped forward. 

"You guys didn't have the meat of a human girl for a long time. Have a feast."

As soon as they received the words, they excitedly dragged the body of the girl away by her hair.