28. The act of Sabotage.*** [Extreme trigger warning]

"Ummm…" The soldier moaned out loud.

Wani tightened her grip on his penis and kissed on his lips. That was the only way Wani could think of to shut the lips of the horny man.

His eyes bulged up as he stared at her. The edge of her eyes drooped a little while she loosened his grip on his dick and slowly moved her hand up and down on his dick again.

She could feel the light twitching and the progressive throbbing of his dick. His hand squeezing her left breast, which had recently started storing milk, made her realize he was close.

His breathing sped up, and he shot a long string of sticky seed almost to the other side of the tent. His head fell on her chest as he was trying to get his breathing under control.

Wani was quick to wipe the excess seed that was on her hand on his dress while looking around her. She could see quite a few big jugs and bread baskets. However, most of the baskets are empty.

"Do you want something to eat?" The soldier had noticed that Wani's eyes were stuck to the bread basket. He smirked and bit on her hard nipples. "It is hard to give the…"

Wani didn't give him the chance to complete his sentence. She grabbed her head and pushed her between her bosom.

What she hadn't expected was the fully grown man to take her puffy nipples in his mouth and suck the milk or whatever out of her breast like a small child.

Wani frowned but didn't show it on her face. When the man looked at her and smiled while sucking on her breast, all she could do was rub his hair.

The man, on the other hand, wasn't happy with just one breast. He grabbed Wani's hand, put it on his sloppy dick, and before he assaulted her other nipple.

Wani wasn't sure if it was because the man had a lot of pent-up energy that his dick was already showing signs of recovering its rigidity. He didn't take much time to return to its former glory.

He jumped up and grabbed her by the shoulder before throwing her to the ground. Her knees hurt, but Wani didn't make any sound. Being on her fours was uncomfortable, especially with a low-hanging bulge on her stomach.

She bit her lips, knowing what was about to come. And the man excitedly pulled the robe above her waist and aimed his dick against her entrance.

However, he didn't get the chance to enter her. Wani turned around swiftly, putting him beneath her, and she climbed on her waist.

"Oh! You are one adventurous one, aren't you?" He smiled at her while trying to grab her already red breast.

"Isn't it better?" Wani snooped down and kissed him. While rubbing her bulging stomach, she added, "It is hard to stay like that."

"I like it."

"I like it too." Wani smiled while grinding against his hard, curved dick that was poking against her ass crack.

Wani smiled and moved her hand along his face before reaching for her throat. "You should have been happy just with my hand." Wani had a bright smile on her face.

He thought Wani was talking about the fact she was pregnant. "Don't worry about it. It is just the offspring of those beasts. Even if it dies…"

He continued speaking, but the words didn't come out. She was choking him so hard that he couldn't even breathe, much less say something.

It took him a moment to understand what was happening. As soon as he did, he swung his arm, aiming for her stomach. Or he tried.

He couldn't see what it was from his position, but something held his hand down as if a rope tied him. The only part of his body he could control was his legs, but with Wani sitting on him, there was nothing he could do other than let her choke the life out of him.

"You shouldn't have said that about her. If you hadn't, I would have let you live." Wani paused, looked at him, and said, "Nah! I would have killed you either way."

Making sure he wasn't breathing, Wani came off his body and moved towards the big water jugs. The ground cracked, and a root came out of the ground.

It was as Hilda had said. It is normal for the armies to ration food and water. Although they could eat what they hunted, food like bread and vegetables were rations and distributed from quartermaster tents like this one.

"It would have been easier if all the foods were in just one tent." Wani understood that it would make more sense for them to have many quartermaster tents.

She took the brightly colored frog that the roots held and put them in the water jug. After washing the body of the poisoned frog in the water, she threw them on the ground. The tree's roots pulled the frogs inside the ground along with the man's body.

Wani looked around, ensuring there was nothing wrong with the room or the earthen floor, and she stopped in front of the mouth of the tent.

The tattoo on her abdomen glowed a little before she faded. The moment she stepped out of the tent, her body just disintegrated in the darkness of the night.

The forest was brightly lit with fire torches, and the soldiers were patrolling the area inside and outside.

The rumor about the soldiers' mysterious disappearance had put everyone's nerves on edge. Even if the number of guards had increased, none knew that the culprits they sought were beneath their feet.

About ten days ago, they even sent a small contingent of soldiers to ask for help from other people in the expedition.

The next group was supposed to be about a three-day ride away. Yet, they were still waiting for a response. It wasn't just that there was no backup; it was also that none of the twenty soldiers sent to ask for help had returned. Naturally, the tense atmosphere continued to increase in the camp.

Wani was waiting for the moment. When they came to the camp, eyes followed their every movement. The people started to relax around them because of the tense atmosphere, or maybe because they had put their faith in them.

It was only then that she and Mosree started to make their move. After all, they couldn't wait any more. The time Hilda gave them was running out.


The next day.

"It's about time." Wani peeked out of the tent, confirming that the sun was about to go down. The chaos ensued in the camp; the soldiers were running around the camp in a hurry.

"I don't think we have gone through every quartermaster's tent." Mosree looked at Wani with a tinge of fear in her eyes.

Hilda is a gnoll, so she could understand her cruelty. But sometimes, it made her wonder if Wani was also a beast or not in human skin. And the thing Wani did next gave her another reason to think so.

Wani pulled the frog out of the water bag the soldiers had given them to drink from. She threw away the frog on the ground, which was swallowed by the roots, and walked towards one of the women with dead eyes.

Just like them, she was impregnated by Hilda. They also have curse marks on their abdomens, like Wani and Mosree. However, after being ravaged by the beast, their minds were too broken to function as normal humans.

"We have already poisoned more than half of the water sources."

"But there is no effect on them."

"The water has diluted it. It will soon show the side effects." Wani smiled at her, adding, "That much poison is nowhere near enough to kill them. All we need to do is create confusion and panic."

Wani forced the poison water into the mouth of one of the dead-eyed women. Water rolled down her food pipe, whether she had seen it or not.

Unlike the large jar, the water bag was small. The poison didn't get the chance to dilute. It started to take effect immediately.

Foam started to form in her mouth, and she grabbed her own throat as she was trying to get something out of her.

"Should I start?" Mosree looked nervous, looking at the girl getting killed right in front of her. And if that wasn't enough…

Wani stood before the woman struggling to get air and said, "This is not enough." And she kicked right on the bulge in her stomach.

"Ahhh…" Mosree covered her mouth, fearing she would express her shock out loud, as she instinctively covered her belly.

"Help, help." Wani ran out of the tent, yelling as tears trickled down her cheeks. "Somebody, please help. She is dying."

Mosree felt a shiver down her spine. When she observed the red liquid leaking between the legs of the dying woman, her head felt lightheaded. Her knee buckled as she fell on her knees. Unlike Wani's, her tears weren't fake.

When the soldiers came running in, they first noticed the frightened Mosree before Wani came running.

"The water." Wani pointed at the spilled water beside the almost-dying woman. "She drank the water and… foam… blood… couldn't breathe."

She couldn't complete her words as Wani fell beside the girl. "Please…" She screamed, "Please help her. Please save her."

All the chaos had also attracted the attention of a couple of mage. One of the mages grabbed the water bag and smelled it.

Receiving his partner's nod, he turned towards Mosree, asking, "Who gave you the water?"

"A soldier."

"Which one."

"The… I don't know."

"The one with a scar on his cheek." Wani was quick to add.

"When did he give it to you?"

"Last night."

"What should we do?" the mage asked his partner.

"I couldn't understand why the effect is so severe."

"What do you expect?" The mage shook his head, adding, "She wasn't our soldier. Our soldiers are strong. Without the antidote, they would have diarrhea. With overnight sleep, they would recover tomorrow."

"Antidote." Wani's sudden shout startled everyone. She latched onto the feet of the mage, who just used the word 'antidote,' adding, "Please give her antidote, too. Please help her."

"You want me to waste the precious medicine on a tainted woman like her? Fuck off." The mage kicked her way, adding, "You would have died if it wasn't for us. If you are…"


*Dum* *Dum* *Dum*

Silence the tent. No, it wasn't just the tent. It was like the entire camp was swallowed by silence. Even the insect stopped making sounds.

"Why are they blowing the horn and drum at the same time?" Someone asked.

Even if no one answered, each one of them knew the answer. A whistle was used to inform them about the approaching enemies, while the drum was used to confirm that the number of enemies was huge.

"What are you waiting for? Prepare for war." All of them left the tent. Unlike the soldiers who needed to put on the armor, the mage didn't need to do anything like that.

They ran to the edge of the camp when they saw it first. The giant mountain troll slammed against one of the watch towers, breaking it like a tower of cards.

After breaking it, it moved towards another. The cavalry charged out of the camp before the troll could reach the second tower.


The howl of the wolves sent a shiver down their spines. The number of wolves that appeared on the hill kept growing as the enormous moon remained behind it.

"Dire wolves."

Even without confirmation from others, they could clearly notice about ten wolves who were much larger than the wolves around them.

The wolves came running down the hill, engaging with the cavalry, before they could reach the troll.

The troll leisurely destroyed another tower before moving on to the next. The number of cavalry continued to decrease.


*Dum* *Dum* *Dum*

While they were concentrating on one side, the watchtower on the other side also started to beat their drums.

They noticed something was wrong before they could see what was attacking from the other side. Something grabbed his leg, and the world in front of his eyes spun around the other way before he could turn around.