Ashura the king of giants

As I made my way towards Fledway, I activated my light mode and moved through the battlefield with unparalleled speed. Giants fell around me, thousands vanquished in the blink of an eye, their massive forms crumbling under the force of my attacks.

I reached Fledway, who was locked in a fierce battle with several giants. With a single, swift movement, I dispatched his opponents, clearing the immediate area.

"Lord Velsun," Fledway said, relief and admiration evident in his voice.

"Fledway," I replied, my tone confident and charismatic. "Seems like you could use some help."

"Your timing is impeccable," Fledway acknowledged, his gaze shifting to the relentless tide of giants. "These creatures are relentless, and their numbers are overwhelming."

I glanced around, assessing the situation. "No problem. We'll turn this around. Just keep doing what you're doing, and I'll handle the rest."

Dino approached, his expression a mix of awe and relief. "Lord Velsun, thank you for coming. We were starting to lose hope."

"Hope's not lost," I said with a confident grin. "It's just getting started."

With that, I surged forward once more, light mode propelling me through the battlefield as I continued to decimate the giant horde, determined to turn the tide of battle in our favor.

"Mimir, in my light mode, how long would it take to finish them all?" I asked, curious.

Mimir responded promptly, "Based on your current speed and the number of giants, it would take approximately 10 minutes to eliminate the entire giant horde."

I grinned, "Well, that's not too bad. Let's get this done then."

With renewed determination, I resumed my assault, my light mode allowing me to cut through the giants with breathtaking speed and precision.

In light mode, I soared through the battlefield, my form a blur of radiant energy. Each step was a burst of brilliance, each swing of my hand slicing through the masses of giants with effortless precision.

The battlefield was chaotic, with the giants swarming in endless waves. Their roars echoed through the air as they clashed against the seven archangels. Despite their numbers, their attempts to fight back were futile against the sheer speed and power of my assault.

As I advanced, the ground trembled beneath me. My movements were so swift that I left trails of light in my wake, each streak a testament to the devastation I wrought. I moved through the giant horde like a specter of light, dismantling their ranks with every step.

The giants fell like dominos, their enormous forms collapsing to the ground as I effortlessly cut through them. Their numbers seemed to dwindle rapidly, and the once impenetrable sea of giants began to thin.

Fledway and the other archangels, who had been struggling to hold back the tide, watched in awe as I decimated the giant army. Dino, still in communication with me, relayed their astonishment, "Lord Velsun, you're clearing them out faster than we can keep track. This is incredible!"

With a final surge of speed, I unleashed a blinding wave of light that swept across the battlefield, eradicating the last of the giants. The ground was littered with the remnants of the once-mighty army, and the air was filled with the soft hum of dissipating energy.

As the dust settled, I deactivated my light mode, returning to my normal state. The battlefield was silent, save for the distant cheers of the archangels and the astonished murmurs of the surviving soldiers.

I turned to Fledway and the others, a confident smile on my face. "Well, that was fun. Anything else you need help with?" I asked, my tone light and charismatic.

Then we all hear a shout from distance we all turned around to see who was screaming.

Ashura, the mad king of giants, appeared at a distance, his presence imposing and formidable. His massive form loomed over the battlefield, and his roar cut through the air like a thunderclap. His eyes burned with a fierce, chaotic fury, and his dark, armored figure radiated an aura of malevolent power.

Ashura's voice thundered across the field, filled with rage and defiance. "How dare you—mortals and gods alike—interfere in my conquest!" His tone was a mixture of fury and disbelief. "I will not be defeated by the likes of you!"

He looked at the decimated battlefield, his anger intensifying as he took in the sight of his fallen giants. "You think you can just sweep aside my army and claim victory? I am Ashura, the king of giants! I will not be humiliated like this!"

His eyes locked onto me, a mixture of hatred and grudging respect in his gaze. "And you—what manner of being are you? To wield such power and obliterate my forces so effortlessly? I will make sure you pay for this affront!"

With that, Ashura roared defiantly, his massive frame shifting as he prepared to engage, his fists clenching with the intention of avenging his fallen army and confronting me directly.

As I observed Ashura, a giant figure with six arms and three heads, I thought to myself, "I remember from the story that this guy was a big shot and Veldenava divided him into three."

"He has some god-class weapons right in his hands as well."

"Hmph, not my opponent though," I mused confidently.

"Tell me everything you can find about the mad king and tell me," I instructed Mimir.

**Mimir's response came quickly:**

"Ashura, the mad king, was originally one of the most formidable entities in existence. His three-headed, six-armed form symbolizes his immense power and dominion over the giants. Historically, he led an empire of giants and was a significant threat to all realms due to his vast strength and mastery over dark forces.

**His weapons are:**

1. **The Inferno Scepter**: This scepter can summon and control massive firestorms and volcanic eruptions.

2. **The Tempest Blade**: A sword that manipulates storms and winds, capable of creating devastating tempests.

3. **The Void Hammer**: A colossal hammer that can generate shockwaves and alter gravitational fields, making it extremely destructive.

"Boss mad king Ashura is at the peak of his strength."

With a smirk, I commented, "Alright, Mimir. Let's see how this plays out. Time to test my skills and show what I can do."

"Alright, all of you stay out of this battle," I instructed the archangels, my tone firm and commanding.

Fledway, Dino, and the other archangels exchanged glances, acknowledging my order. Their faces reflected both relief and concern, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Fledway stepped forward and spoke, "Understood, Lord Velsun. We'll stand by and assist where needed, but we won't interfere with your fight."

"Good," I said with a confident nod. "This battle is mine. I'll handle it from here."

With that, I turned my attention fully to Ashura, preparing myself for the clash ahead.

I entered my Light Mode and swiftly closed the distance between myself and Ashura. Before he could react, I created a miniature sun and unleashed its explosion directly in front of his face. The blinding light and intense heat forced Ashura to stagger back, momentarily disoriented.

Ashura roared in fury, his six hands grasping his god-class weapons as he retaliated with a powerful swing of his massive axe. The ground trembled as the axe descended, but I easily dodged it, moving with the speed of light.

"Is that all you've got?" I taunted, my voice carrying effortlessly over the battlefield. "You may have been a big shot once, but against me, you're nothing more than a footnote."

Ashura, now visibly enraged, roared again and summoned a torrent of dark energy, sending it hurtling towards me. I countered by converting my Light Mode energy into a blinding shield that deflected his attack.

"Come on, Ashura," I said with a smirk. "Show me what you've really got."

Ashura roared again, and this time, he unleashed a barrage of massive, fiery boulders from the sky, aiming to crush me under their weight. I effortlessly dodged each one, moving with such speed that they never even came close to hitting me.

With a confident grin, I used my light-speed advantage to strike at Ashura from multiple angles, delivering a series of rapid, precise blows. His monstrous form was unable to keep up with my speed, and he struggled to defend against my relentless assault.

"You were once a terror of this world, Ashura," I said, as I delivered another powerful blow, "but now, you're just another obstacle in my way."

Ashura, battered and furious, roared one final time before I unleashed a devastating energy blast directly at him.