Harry woke up and had breakfast and was also feeding Cosmos raw meat which he seemed to prefer over cooked ones. Harry was feeling both nervous and excited as he was about to begin his training. He had told his Grandfather about Cosmos and all the portraits in the room were shocked as he had the famed mythical creature as Harry's familiar. His Grandfather then instructed him to go the castle vaults and pick the wand of previous Potter Lords and members to which he felt the most connection to. Harry did as instructed and went into the vaults and browsed the wands for over an hour and felt over 135 wands but he suddenly felt a pull coming from the other direction when he saw a wand which was placed below the name Aquaris Potter.

He picked it and went back to his grandfather's portrait. His grandfather told him that he expected the wand to be most suitable to Harry as Aquaris was the Potter who had a Chronoros familiar and that with the same wand he wiped out an village of Dwarves which were attacking the British Isles to Conquer the land and the Dwarves were actually winning due to the sheer number but Aquaris used a single spell that spread eldritch black flames that wiped out the settlement of Dwarves attacking and hence there were very few Dwarves left in Britain now. His wand contained his familiar's feather, a dementor's ash(when a dementor dies due to heavy burning it leaves behind greyish black ash) and a griffin heart string for the cores hence his wand was one of the few tri-cores and his wand wood was an ancient yew from the tree planted during the anicient era also called the era of Arthur Pendragon, Myrddin Wynn Emrys and Morgana Lee Fay and prosperous times of Avalon.

Then his grandfather told him to tune his own magic with the wand core which took him about 2 hours. After tuning his own magic with the wand he felt power rushing through it. His grandfather then started with the theory basics of Transfiguration, Defensive and offensive magic, Charms, Herbology plant safety and Potions Safety and these were just introductions. By the time this was over it was already time for dinner. His grandfather told him to have dinner and return after which he was given basic occlumency lessons, Harry grasped the concept easily as he was a natural. He was then told to meditate for half an hour and then go to sleep.

The next day Tipsy woke him up at 5 in the morning where she told him that his grandfather had instructed him to run 10 laps around the castle's quidditch pitch and then do 5 sets each of 10 Push ups, 10 Sit ups, 10 Pull ups, 10 crunches and then practise some punching and kicking on a punching bag provides to him. He was exhausted by the time this was over and then he went to take a shower, and then he had breakfast. By time he finished breakfast and reported to the portrait the time was 8:00 am. His grandfather then told him that physical strength and upkeep are also as important as magical ones as it will give an advantage over the opponent and helping in dodging non-shieldable spells. His grandfather also told him to take an muggle martial arts class of his choice to improve his physical prowess and he was also provided a timetable morning after waking up at 5 he had to do physical activities then 8-10 in the morning he had potions which would be taught by his grandfather then 10-12 he had defensive or offensive magic(alternate days) then 12-1 was lunch break, 1-3 in the afternoon was charms and 3-5 was transfiguration then 5-6 he had herbology and Care of magical creature(alternatively), after 6 in the evening he had leisure time and was just instructed to meditate and practise occlumency 20 minutes before his sleep.

He then was then asked to go to the dungeons. Where his grandfather's other portrait was present, his grandfather had created the sleak easy hair potion and also created a potent pain killer that could reduce the after effects of Cruciatus curse. He then started learning about cure for boils potion a basic medical potion. His grandfather then started explaining how ingredient work and react with each other, react to the material of the cauldron and to the number of stirs. Then he told Harry to make the potion providing Linfred Potter's text. Linfred of the Stinchcombe had made skele-grow and some other potions and he was responsible for the Potter's amassing their wealth. If Harry made a single mistake then Tipsy was instructed to clear his cauldron and he had to start over again. It was frustrating but Harry understood it was done to make him perfect in art of making potions.

Offensive magic was taught by Aquaris Potter's portrait while all other portraits provided tips of their own. It was held in the duelling room of the castle. Aquaris started by teaching him the theory of knockback jinx and diffindo(the minor cutting curse). Then Harry was made to practise it till it was perfect, by the end of the second hour his diffindo could make a gash appear on his dummy. Aquaris graded him as better but still needs more practise. Defensive magic and offensive magic was taught on alternate days and defensive magic was taught by Henry Potter's portrait, Henry was a former ICW world duelling champion, and one of the few handfuls who had Grand Sorcerer level of mastery in defense. He was taught the theory on disarming spell and he was asked to practise it and by the end his disarmer could rip the stick of his dummy and throw it back violently. Harry found he had a natural aptitude for defensive and offensive magic. He also learnt on basic dodging by dodging lights stimulating spells thrown by dummies in stage 1 offence.

After lunch he had charms which was taught by the portrait of Loanthe Potter nee Peverell who was an enchantress and the granddaughter of both Godric Grffindor and Ignotus Peverell. She started by explaining the theory behind Lumos(lighting) and Nox(darkening) charm. Then he had to practise it and by the end his work was satisfactory to her, she still asked him to practise it more.

Tranfiguration was taught by Hardwin Potter's portrait. Hardwin was known for creating all locomotor spells, switching spells and also the reparing spell(reparo), he was also a grand sorcerer in the field of transfiguration, Hardwin was rather lenient and jovial in nature. He started by explaining how to turn matches to needles to matches. By the end Harry could turn it into a complete needle which earned him a lot of praise. Hardwin also asked him to practise the spell such that he could change the colour and design of the needle.

Herbology was taught by Dahlia Potter's portrait, she was the wife of Aquaris Potter and also a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff, she was rather famous for her work on finding the uses of Mandrakes. She also taught him Care of magical creatures. Harry learnt about venomous tentacula and its uses and how to handle the plant and in COCM he learnt about flobberworms and how to care for it.

On the weekends he learnt arithmancy, Politics, Business, Ancient runes, Magical history and indepth mind arts and some family magic all of which was Taught by his grandfather and Hardwin Potter.

Harry rigorously trained for 2 months during which he completed over the syllabus of what was taught in Hogwarts first year. And he also completed organizing his mind (Stage 1) and started building a mind palace. He also joined classes for Mixed martial arts which is a full-contact combat sport based on striking, grappling and ground fighting, incorporating techniques from various combat sports from around the world. By the end of the month since he arrived he was a lot fitter and could also dodge better, he still had ways more to go but his progress level was satisfactory.

In charms he could do the Levitation, Softening, Severing, Lumos, Nox, Locking spell(Colloportus), Unlocking spell(Alohomora), Charming inanimate objects like pineapple to tap dance, and some other charms perfectly.

In transfiguration he could read transfiguration alphabets and knew transfiguration formula and could do matches to needles, avifors, draconifors, mice to snuffboxes, Flintifors and Reparo perfectly.

In defensive and offensive magic he could doge very well and could perform the disarming spell, knockback jinx, Incendio, Glacius(entraps body part in ice), Diffindo, Verdimillious variation[mono, duo, trio](green sparks that shock the opponent), Ventus, Smoke screen spell, Fire arrow producer, protego sceutem(minor shield) perfectly.

In COCM he learnt about Hippogriff, flobberworm, fire salamander, werewolves, ghosts, imps, Hags, Gytrashes, Vampires, Zombies, Gnomes , Acromantula and theastral theoretically for all and practically for whichever possible. In herbology he studied about venomous tentacula, spiky bush, bouncing bulb, dried nettles, dittany, asphodel, moly, puffapods, Devil's snare, aconite and Mandrake root.

In potions he did cure for boils, forgetfulness, Wiggenweld, Herbicide, Antidote to minor poison, pompion, strength and hair raising potions.

Harry also started learning slight vacuum creation and destruction with Cosmos during his leisure time as he was better tuned with his own magic." Vacuum is an incredibly dangerous thing Harry, it is what you humans call a double edged sword, because if done wrong you could kill yourself so pay attention to what I am teaching and do it slowly and perfectly" Cosmos told him. He was also learning self healing from Cosmos and Harry could heal minor cuts and poisons.

Harry was excited as he was about to activate his parent's portraits today. After breakfast he thanked Tipsy and then used his heir ring to activate it by telling the Potter's motto, 'Natus Vincere'. His parent's picture started moving and took a good look at him and they recognized him immediately.

"Harry its really you, oh how big you have grown. We were worried about you" Lily said.

"Looking handsome as ever Prongslet" James said.

Harry bit back his tears on hearing his parent's voice and said, "I am well now how about you guys."

"We are charming all the dead they are bowing down to my greatness and sheer brilliance" James said jovially.

"Sure more like bowing down for you to go and leave them alone" Lily sassed.

"Ha ha" James said sarcastically.

"Laugh it all you want James you know it is true and Harry why did you mention you are all right now and who do you live with, is it Sirius, please tell me he is at least responsible now or do you live with Alice who I feel you would have been raised as a much more well behaved boy" Lily said jovially and asked him.

"Neither" Harry said bitterly as both of his parents noticed his expression sour and demean. Harry explained all about his life with the Dursleys and how he was rescued on time by Cosmos who brought him here. Lily and James by the end of the story and were furious. The Dursleys were lucky those two could not come out of their portrait or else they would have been tortured and killed mercilessly if the look in their eyes were any indication. Lily actually swore under her breath and asked Harry if he was safe and all right now.

Harry was glad as it occurred to him that his parents really cared for and loved him as he had dreamed and had not hated him, after all he was insecure due to his upbringing by those filthy excuses of humans. Harry reassured them that he was alright and happy now and informed them of his training. He also told them that he was tired and would speak to them tomorrow as he was going to sleep now. He went to his bedroom had a chat with Cosmos then practised making his mind palace and went to sleep.

As he woke up the next day and completed his morning workouts and took a shower after which he was at his dining table having breakfast when he felt the Gringotts postal box giving out a alarm indicating that he had received mails. After finishing his breakfast he took the mails and went to the office room to read it. One of the mails was from Ragnok giving updates regarding his businesses of all his Houses he was the heir to. Overall all were heavily profitable and he had suggested Ragnok to start Residential Hotels in different countries with different tiers according to the prices of their services. It was a huge hit as the magical worlds did not have such a large scale residency with different tiers. Places like Leaky Cauldron were never used by the rich. He had also asked Ragnok to sue the Boy who lived books and action figures and other fake things that said it was approved by him as anonymous people were profiting using his name and fame. Ragnok had informed him that they had won the law suits and all these things were being taken down and Hadrian received around 10 million galleons. Ragnok had made it seem that it was instructed by a family member of Hadrian and not Hadrian himself so that his location could remain anonymous. The other letters were from Arcturus Black, Sirius Black and Alice Longbottom. Arcturus's letter was read out in front of his grandfather's portrait.

Dear Hadrian,

I am Arcturus Black, I do not know if you know me so I will introduce myself. I am the brother of your grandmother and was the best friend of your grandfather. I suspect you are at the Potter's castle and hence I hope you are safe and well. I had got to know about the things those filthy muggles did to you, it is not that we did not want to check up on you, heaven knows how many time we had tried to do so but Albus Dumbledore had raised some blood wards that had kept any magical out of the house, Dumbledore felt that it would protect you no matter how many time I myself along with my granddaughters and their husbands, Longbottoms and Bones tried to gain custody knowing that Lily did not want you raised with them but we were blocked by everyone and those sheep of public who just agreed with someone and did not think for themselves. You might know they are now in muggle prison as it was all over the Daily Prophet. I know that it may be tough for you to trust and believe in us. But all I ask for you is to just give us a chance to explain ourselves to you. I hereby invite you to Black Castle during the upcoming weekend, there is a portkey that is attached to this letter and if you want to come the code is your house motto. I sincerely hope you do come and also I wanted to say to you that I see you as my own grandson and that there are still a lot of people here that do care about you. Hope you have a nice day.

Thank You,

Arcturus Black 

Hadrian read through the letter sent by his godfather and godmother and it was similar in asking him to give them a chance and meet them this weekend. He asked his Grandfather and his parent for their advice and they also told him to give them a chance as they genuinely care for him. At the end Harry decided to give them a chance but not to trust them blindly afterall he had trusted his school teacher foolishly in hopes of saving himself from the Dursleys but it ended up with him getting beaten worse than before, that day he decided that he would trust no one blindly and would work on being mostly self dependent.

His grandfather had also asked him to see his grandmother's condition and if she had still not woken up he had instructed Harry to use all the grimoires he had access to as those had the most knowledge on many known and unknown spells.

He also dedicated the day to learning on how to communicate more with birds and he started by speaking with a nearby swallow, he could converse with it much to his pleasure as he had been practising it for almost 2 weeks and while he could understand somethings but he could not speak to them how much ever he tried. But today was a breakthrough and as a reward for speaking successfully to the swallow Cosmos took him on a ride around the grounds and also showed some of its magic.

He also started studying the simpler family grimoires and he found the spells and the family history in it to be interesting. He also started practising one of the spells that shot out arrows that when touched the body it would melt of parts of the skin and the surrounding tissues. He also practised a spell that would burst huge sonic booms and could even cause the opponent's eardrums to burst.

It was the weekend now and Harry got ready after showering an then had breakfast and also informed Cosmos about where he was headed to and asked Cosmos to keep an eye on him to take him back to the castle if necessary. He then took the portkey and said, "Natus Vincere" clearly. He then felt the familiar tug at his navel and he appeared in a castle which was as grand as the Potter one but this castle was made from black stone he noted to himself. As he was inspecting the surrounding decorations a voice from behind said, "Hello Hadrian its nice to meet you at last"