It had been three years since Hadrian Potter's fateful rescue from the Dursleys. Harry had reduced the pace of his training to spend some time and enjoy with his friends. He felt his friends were rather too much talkative for his liking though he found them to be tolerable. His grandfather had teased him stating that he was going from a complete antisocial to becoming more sociable to humans. Harry had to grudgingly admit that he would have been completely reclusive had it not been for Hydrus, Draco, Neville and the others who were forcing him to interact and trying to involve him in everything they do. Harry might not admit it out loud but he was grateful for having such friends, Harry often felt jealous when he watched Dudley have his gang of cronies to call friends and he was all alone in school never mind Harry might have had friends had it not been for Dudley threatening them. Cosmos also was a stable support throughout the previous three years; he was Harry's first real friend and companion having saved him from the Dursleys. Cosmos also forced Harry to regularly meet his friends and family stating that just interacting with portraits, house elves was detrimental to Harry's sanity.

Harry had trained rigorously in the time which he spent on training even though it reduced after he made friends. He had covered Hogwarts equivalent of second year transfiguration, potions, defensive and offensive magic, history, herbology and he also started ancient runes, arithmancy and study of magical creatures and muggle creatures, his occlumency had also considerably improved he was halfway done on his mind palace's building and defences, and was physically fit though he lessened his physical training to give himself more time to spend leisurely. His training with Cosmos also was going smoothly as he could create small amounts of vacuum even though he could not project it.

 He also trained his metamorphmagus abilities and his ability to speak and connect with birds also improved. He also started reading the basic tomes/grimoires the Potter and Peverell families and could perform some basic to intermediate levels of family magic. He was yet to read the other family tomes he was the heir to. Overall Harry was pleased with his progress even though at first he felt he could do better, his grandfather's , parents portraits and Cosmos shut down that notion of thought he had and chastised him to appreciate his achievement more as this was far above any other nine year olds.

His godfather also gifted him a snowy white owl for his previous birthday. After much deliberation and discussions with the said bird they agreed on the name Hedwig for it. Harry found Hedwig to be highly intelligent and connected almost instantly with him, still Harry felt worried about his new owl's insatiable appetite for bacon. Harry was shocked that Hedwig did not straight up get a heart attack due to the huge amount of bacon she consumed. Harry also felt that Hedwig was also a part of his family, and he vowed to always protect and cherish her. At first Hedwig and Cosmos were at each other's throat but now they were at a state of mutual understanding and tried to be amicable with each other.

In the previous three years Harry mostly had lunch with his friends and families. Monday afternoon was spent at Bones Manor with his Amelia and Susan. Tuesday afternoons were with his godmother Alice, Frank Neville and his grandmother Augusta at the Longbottom's castle. Wednesday afternoon was spent with Bellatrix, Phoebe and Rudolphus at the Lestrange manor. Thursday afternoons he had lunch with Draco, Valerie, Narcissa and Lucius at the Malfoy manor. Friday afternoons were spent with the Blacks at the Black castle. After lunch at Fridays Harry spent some time with his comatose grandmother talking to her about general inconsequential things and his trainings etc. Saturdays and Sundays Harry was completely shut in the Potter's Castle. According to his grandfather and Parents this form of having lunch apparently helped Harry to expand his social behaviour and hence he was not a completely introverted shut in.

He was both excited and nervous today as Bellatrix had asked him for a mock duel against her, so that she could asses him and train him accordingly. He had decided to accept Bellatrix's offer for training him as she was one of the best duellists, he also knew that both Bellatrix and his mother were trained by Professor Flitwick, a half goblin charms master and professor at Hogwarts in the art of duelling. Filius Flitwick was the former international duelling champion, the only people who could defeat him in a duel are very few in number. Bellatrix had still refused to train him when he was six and asked him to wait for at least three years before starting her training, something about him being too young, Harry never understood this line of thought of adults.

Lily's portrait had once told him even though she was a great duellist herself; James was still the strongest duellist except for maybe Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Charlus Potter, Arcturus Black and Gellert Grindelwald. His father had been trained by his grandfather and their then Defence Professor Melhys Brass.

Harry wore light clothes enabling him to move freely and had a good energizing breakfast. He then took the wand that he chose 3 years ago and fixed it in a wand holster another gift he received. Though the wand was quite good and gave sufficient results, he felt that he could not achieve his complete potential with the wand. Harry then took the portkey to the Black Castle.

He went to the living room where he noticed Arcturus and Melania drinking some tea. Harry grew close to both of them and viewed them as his surrogate grandparents, not to mention Arcturus helping him in his occlumency training; Arcturus was rather well versed in the mind arts.

"How are you Harry" Melania kindly asked, she and Sirius adamantly wanted Harry to stay with them and not alone but in the end they respected Harry's decision.

"I am well thank you, it appears I am early today" Harry replied.

"Yes, Bellatrix and others will arrive after twenty minutes. How is your occlumency training" Arcturus asked.

"I am halfway done on my mind palace. By the way any advice for the upcoming duel" He replied.

"Good progress, as for the duel is being unpredictable and quick, Bellatrix is very proficient dueller. Do not be disheartened if lose" Arcturus told him.

After some chatting they went to the training room of the castle, Bellatrix was already present waiting with all the other family members sitting in the gallery. The training room in the Black Castle was spacious, with high ceilings and enough room for a duel. The room was woven with wards to prevent any damage to the building. Bellatrix stood at one end, her wand at the ready, and Harry positioned himself at the opposite side, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation.

Bellatrix gave him a confident grin and said "Are you ready, Give your best duel and do not hold back"

"As ready as I'll ever be," he replied, gripping his wand tightly.

On the count of three the duel began. The duel began with a simple Stupefy from Bellatrix, which Harry easily deflected with a Protego. The exchange of spells intensified as Harry retaliated with a Disarming Charm, attempting to catch Bellatrix off guard. She swiftly sidestepped, countering with a stinging Hex that Harry narrowly dodged.

The duel continued, spells flying back and forth between the two. Harry was holding his ground, showcasing the defensive spells he had learned during his training. Bellatrix, however, effortlessly deflected and countered each spell, her laughter echoing through the room. As the duel progressed, Harry decided to try something different. He aimed his wand at a nearby dummy, transfiguring it into many needles and hurled it at Bellatrix who smirked, unfazed, and with a wave of her wand, she redirected the needles to Harry. Harry grits his teeth and transfigured the needles back to the dummy and the duel continued. "Nice try, Harry," she said.

Harry, not discouraged, attempted a more complex transfiguration, turning the floor beneath Bellatrix into a patch of quick sand just near below Bellatrix, Harry had just perfected this transfiguration spell two weeks ago. Harry thought this would disorient Bellatrix, however, she adapted quickly, using a Hover Charm to stay above the slippery surface.

The duel took an unexpected turn when Harry cast a charm Solareon that shone brightly in the room, momentarily disorienting Bellatrix, this was the advanced version of Lumos maxima that shone as bright as many highly intense lasers. Seizing the opportunity, he cast a stunning spell, hoping to catch her off guard. Bellatrix, however, reacted with lightning speed, deflecting the spell and retaliating with a powerful Expelliarmus. Harry's wand flew out of his hand, and he found himself disarmed.

Bellatrix approached him with a triumphant smile. "You put up a good fight, Harry, but there's always room for improvement." Just as Bellatrix was about to cast the final stunner, Harry's quick thinking kicked in. He muttered an incantation, transfiguring the air around him into a momentary vacuum. The sudden change in pressure caught Bellatrix off guard for a split second. Seeing the opportunity, Harry summoned his wand back with Accio (summoning charm), catching Bellatrix off balance. He swiftly cast a Stupefy, aiming it accurately. But Bellatrix, recovering quickly, deflected the spell and countered with a stunning spell of her own which he avoided using the protego maxima and he also had to dodge another stunner coming from his side as he did not notice Bellatrix apparating there.

 His mind raced with possibilities as he considered different strategies. With a confident nod, he decided to delve deeper into his transfiguration abilities. Harry pointed his wand at a large tapestry hanging on the wall, his mind envisioning a transformation. "Transmutare Textilius!" he incanted, transforming the tapestry into a swirling mass of magical ropes. The enchanted ropes snaked through the air toward Bellatrix, attempting to bind her. Bellatrix, however, proved nimble, dancing effortlessly out of reach of the magical restraints. She retaliated with a barrage of spells, keeping Harry on the defensive. He dodged and deflected, using Protego to shield himself from the onslaught.

Not one to be outdone, Harry seized the opportunity to cast a spell, transfiguring the floor beneath Bellatrix into a field of tangled vines. As she struggled to free herself, Harry used another Solareon and used the distraction to mutter Sonus Subjugatus, This charm would create a powerful sonic wave that not only forces individuals to their knees but can also cause harm to their ear drums, making it a formidable tool in magical combat. Bellatrix quickly used an advanced shield but it only protected her from the ear drum damage, she still was forced to her knees. But quickly getting up she used a minor cutting hex which Harry was not quick enough to dodge and it hit his left shoulder. Harry ignored the pain and continued to duel, as the duel raged on, Harry felt a surge of determination. He began to combine his magical knowledge, incorporating charms and transfigurations seamlessly. A simple Shield Charm turned into a mirror, reflecting Bellatrix's spells back at her.

The room echoed with the clashing of spells and the occasional burst of laughter from Bellatrix, who clearly relished the challenge. Undeterred, Harry transfigured the air around him into a thick mist, shrouding his movements. He moved swiftly, casting spells from within the mist, creating a sense of unpredictability. Bellatrix, though momentarily confused, quickly adapted, countering the spells with a skilful flick of her wand. The climax of the duel approached as Harry conjured illusions of multiple copies of himself, each casting spells simultaneously. Bellatrix, not one to be easily deceived, targeted the real Harry with a well-aimed Stinging Hex. The illusionary duplicates dissipated, leaving Harry vulnerable. Bellatrix, sensing victory, unleashed a torrent of spells. Harry desperately cast Protego, managing to deflect some but not all of the incoming magic. He weaved through the onslaught, narrowly avoiding the more dangerous hexes.

 Just when it seemed Harry was on the verge of defeat, he executed a daring manoeuvre. With a flick of his wand, he transfigured the ground beneath Bellatrix into a patch of ice. The unexpected move caught her off guard, and for a moment, she struggled to not fall by slipping. Seizing the opportunity, Harry cast a powerful Stupefy, sending a surge of magic toward Bellatrix. However, with a last-minute twist of her wand, she deflected the spell, and in a swift counter, she cast a stunning hex of her own. The spell struck Harry, and he fell to the ground once again, defeated but with a sense of accomplishment. Bellatrix stood over him, a mixture of pride and approval in her eyes. The whole duel lasted for ten minutes, as it finished the entirety of people sitting in the gallery cheered for him.

"You've got quite the repertoire, Harry. Keep refining those skills, and with proper training you'll become a force to be reckoned with," she said, offering him a hand up.

As Harry accepted her hand, he felt a surge of gratitude and determination. The duel might have ended in another defeat, but it was a valuable lesson in the intricacies of magical combat. With each encounter, Harry was one step closer to unlocking his full potential. Bellatrix also informed him that she knew his level and that he would have training sessions with her thrice a week. Harry felt very exhausted but he was pleased with his progress even though he knew Bellatrix held back he could still hold his own in a duel. Harry then decided to spend the night in Black castle itself, the moment he touched the bed he felt asleep.