As the recess concluded and the Wizengamot reconvened, the atmosphere in the chamber was charged with tension and anticipation. Lady Euphemia Potter stood poised at the centre, her gaze steady and unwavering as she prepared to make her case for reclaiming guardianship of her grandson, Harry Potter.

Chief Warlock Albus Dumbledore flanked by his advisors, maintained a facade of composed neutrality as he addressed the assembly. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Wizengamot, we have reconvened to address the matter of Lady Euphemia Potter's petition for guardianship of her grandson, Hadrian Potter."

A ripple of murmurs spread through the chamber as the members exchanged uneasy glances, their expressions betraying a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Lady Euphemia stepped forward, her voice echoing throughout the chamber with quiet authority. "Members of the Wizengamot, I stand before you today to reclaim guardianship of my grandson, Hadrian James Potter. It is my solemn duty as his grandmother and rightful guardian to ensure his safety and well-being."

Cornelius Fudge stood up and yelled, "This is preposterous, Heir Potter was already brought close to deaths door by being close to his blood relatives, what is to guarantee that it will not occur again, if anything his guardianship should be handed over to the ministry keeping in mind his best interest."

Frank Longbottom, a respected member of the Wizengamot and Lord of the House of Longbottom, rose from his seat with a determined expression. "I disagree with you Minister, I wholeheartedly support Lady Euphemia's petition," he declared, his voice ringing out with conviction. "Hadrian Potter deserves to be reunited with his family and protected from further harm."

Arcturus Black, a formidable presence in his own right, stood beside Frank, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of tradition and authority. "I concur with Lord Longbottom," he stated firmly. "It is imperative that we honour the wishes of the Potter family and grant Lady Euphemia the guardianship she seeks."

But not all members of the Wizengamot were in agreement. Coroban Yaxley, an ex-Minister of Magic known for his staunch blood purity beliefs, rose from his seat with a scowl. "This is preposterous!" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with disdain. "The boy has been living with Muggles for years, his kin who abused the boy, how can we hand over Heir Hadrian's guardianship to some relative who has been absent from his entire life. Hell we do not even know of Heir Potter's whereabouts".

Anakin Dolohov and Hideo Mulciber, both known for their allegiance to Voldemort and their disdain for Muggleborns, nodded in agreement with Yaxley's sentiments. "The boy's place is with the respected and esteem purebloods of the body," Dolohov asserted, his voice laced with contempt. Truthfully speaking Coroban, Anakin and Hideo did not care about what happened to the boy, if they could have their way he would be dead for leading to the defeat of their master and unnecessary arrests of their relatives, specifically their sons.

Lady Amelia Bones stoop up and addressed the entire body, "You know Lord Dolohov, do not be a bigot, Lady Euphemia is a pureblood herself and his grandmother, she was absent because she was in a coma for many years, not out of choice, she would be the best to raise Heir Potter."

As the debate raged on, Harry listened intently from the visitors' gallery, concealed beneath his invisibility cloak. The words of the members of the Wizengamot cut deep, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within him. He longed to be reunited with his grandmother, to find solace and belonging in her embrace.

But Dumbledore, rose from his seat with a solemn expression. "Minister Fudge, esteemed members of the Wizengamot," he addressed them with a respectful nod, "I believe it is in the best interests of both Hadrian Potter and the wizarding community to grant Lady Euphemia's petition for guardianship."

Fudge hesitated, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "But Chief Warlock Dumbledore," he began, "what of the boy's safety? Can we trust that Lady Euphemia will be able to protect him from the dangers that lurk in our world? again I repeat the Ministry would be a better and more neutral option. No offence to you but yours and the previous minister's lack of better judgement is what led us to a situation of Heirs Potter's abuse."

Dumbledore's gaze softened with regret as he met Fudge's eyes. "Minister Fudge, I must confess that I played a role in placing Hadrian with the Dursleys all those years ago," he admitted, his voice heavy with guilt. "I believed it was for the best, but now I see that I was wrong. Lady Euphemia is a powerful witch and a loving grandmother. I have no doubt that she will do everything in her power to ensure Harry's safety and well-being."

A sense of solemn understanding settled over the chamber as Dumbledore's words resonated with the members of the Wizengamot. Slowly but surely, the tide began to turn in Lady Euphemia's favour, the voices of dissent growing quieter as the realization dawned that Harry's place was with his family.

And as the Wizengamot reached its decision, Harry felt a sense of relief wash over him. Though the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and uncertainties, he knew that with his grandmother by his side, he would never be alone again.

As the Wizengamot reached its decision to grant Lady Euphemia Potter guardianship of her grandson, Harry felt a sense of gratitude welling up within him. With a deep breath, he stepped forward, casting aside his invisibility cloak and revealing himself to the assembly.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Wizengamot," Harry began, his voice steady and resolute, "I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your consideration and wisdom in reaching this decision. It means more to me than words can express to know that I will once again be reunited with my family."

All were shocked to see the boy whom they were searching for years without any result standing regally and nonchalantly, but soon people came over their shock and a wave of applause erupted throughout the chamber at Harry's words, the members of the Wizengamot rising to their feet in a show of respect and solidarity. Harry's heart swelled with pride as he surveyed the assembly, a sense of purpose driving him forward. Reporters were yelling and asking him about his whereabouts the previous years but Harry shut them down by a cold stare and told them he was simply present at his ancestral home. As the meeting was about to be adjourned Harry intervened and told

"But before we adjourn," Harry continued, his tone taking on a more sombre note, "there is one more matter that I wish to address."

The members of the Wizengamot listened intently as Harry spoke, his words carrying the weight of authority and determination. "It has come to my attention that the will of my parents, James and Lily Potter, remains sealed by the order of the Ministry," he explained, his voice echoing throughout the chamber. "As their heir and representative of the House of Potter, I believe it is my duty to request that this will be unsealed and its contents revealed."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the chamber at Harry's words, the members of the Wizengamot exchanging curious glances and whispered conversations. Dumbledore, recognizing the significance of Harry's request, nodded in solemn approval.

"Very well," Dumbledore declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority, "let us take a vote on the matter."

The members of the Wizengamot cast their votes with a sense of anticipation, their voices echoing throughout the chamber in a chorus of assent. With a solemn nod, Dumbledore announced the results of the vote, his gaze meeting Harry's with a look of quiet understanding.

"The will of James and Lily Potter shall be unsealed," Dumbledore declared, his voice resonating with finality.

A sense of anticipation filled the chamber as the members of the Wizengamot watched with bated breath as the seal on the will was broken. Hadrian then took the parchment with the orders to unseal the will and stored it in his pocket, he thanked the body and the meeting was adjourned.

As Harry and Lady Euphemia Potter made their way to Gringotts, the weight of anticipation hung heavy in the air. They were accompanied by members of the Order of the Phoenix, their solemn expressions reflecting the gravity of the task at hand.

Upon their arrival at the bank, they were ushered into the grand marble lobby by the teller, where Harry's account manager, Ragnok, awaited them with a grave expression. Without preamble, Ragnok led them to a private chamber deep within the bowels of the bank, where the will of James and Lily Potter lay sealed within a vault.

With a sense of reverence, Harry approached the vault, his heart pounding with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation. As Ragnok unlocked the vault and retrieved the parchment containing the will, Harry's hands trembled with emotion as he unfurled it before the assembly.

The parchment was aged and weathered, bearing the weight of years of secrecy and sorrow. As Harry began to read aloud the contents of the will, the room fell silent, each word carrying the weight of his parents' love and sacrifice.

As he began to read aloud the contents of the will, Harry's voice rang out with clarity and conviction, his words carrying the weight of his parents' legacy, his voice filled with emotion as he spoke of their love and sacrifice.


"My dearest Harry," the will began, in Lily's graceful script, "if you are reading this, it means that your father and I have passed on from this world. Know that our love for you knows no bounds, and that we will always be with you in spirit."

James' bold handwriting followed, his words infused with warmth and affection. "Harry, my son, you are the light of our lives and the greatest joy we have ever known. We may not be there to see you grow, but know that you are loved beyond measure."

Tears welled up in Harry's eyes as he read on, the words of his parents filling him with a bittersweet mix of longing and love. Lily's voice continued, detailing the personal bequests they wished to bestow upon their friends and loved ones.

To our dear friend Sirius Orion Black, we leave our cherished artefacts and 100000 galleons, along with our heartfelt gratitude for his unwavering loyalty and friendship. Sirius, you have been like a brother to us, and we are eternally grateful for your unwavering support.

To Remus John Lupin, our loyal friend and confidant, we leave our collection of magical tomes and journals, 100000 galleons (ps accept it), a lifetime supply of Wolfs bane potion, along with our deepest apologies for the burden you have borne on our behalf and sorry for suspecting you to be the traitor. Remus, you have always been a source of strength and wisdom, and we are forever grateful for your friendship.

To Marlene McKinnon, Frank and Alice Longbottom, and Andromeda Tonks, Amelia Bones, Minerva McGonagall we leave tokens of our appreciation and 50000 galleons each for your unwavering friendship and support. May these gifts serve as a reminder of the love and camaraderie that bound us together as a family.

To you, Harry, we bequeath the entirety of our estate of all the Houses we were Heir and Heiresses to, along with our most cherished possessions and memories. May they serve as a reminder of the love and sacrifices that brought you into this world, and the countless moments of joy and laughter that we shared as a family.

But our gifts to you extend far beyond material wealth. We leave you our personal journals and diaries, filled with the stories of our lives and the lessons we learned along the way. May they serve as a guide and inspiration to you as you navigate the complexities of the world.

Lastly, we must address the circumstances of our passing. If our death was natural the we bequeath Peter Pettigrew with 100000 galleon, if we died due to attacks by Voldemort and his band of hooligan death eaters, Peter receives nothing. It grieves us deeply to know that our lives were cut short by the treachery of one whom we once considered a friend. Peter Pettigrew, by betraying us to Voldemort, you have caused immeasurable pain and suffering to those who loved us most. Though we may never understand your motives, we forgive you, in the hope that you may one day find redemption.

In closing, Harry, we want you to know that you are the light of our lives, the greatest joy we have ever known. We may not be there to see you grow, but know that you are loved beyond measure, and that our spirits will always be with you, guiding you and protecting you as you embark on the journey ahead.

With all our love,

James Potter and Lily Potter nee Evans.

As Harry finished reading the heartfelt words penned by his parents, a profound silence settled over the chamber, broken only by the soft rustle of parchment as the will unfurled in his hands. He could feel the weight of his parents' love and sacrifice imbued within each word, and a swell of emotion threatened to overwhelm him.

Euphemia, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, reached out a trembling hand to clasp Harry's shoulder, offering him silent comfort and support in his moment of grief. She understood the depth of the bond between parent and child, having experienced it herself with her own son, James.

Harry turned to Euphemia, his own eyes shining with unshed tears, and found solace in the understanding gaze she offered him. In that moment, they were not just grandmother and grandson, but kindred spirits bound together by the shared pain of loss and the enduring strength of family.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Harry folded the parchment with care, cradling it gently in his hands as if it were a precious treasure to be cherished for all eternity. With a determined resolve, he turned to face Ragnok, his account manager, and nodded solemnly.

"Thank you, Ragnok," Harry said, his voice steady despite the emotions swirling within him. "Please ensure that the wishes outlined in my parents' will are carried out without delay."

Ragnok inclined his head in acknowledgment, his eyes reflecting a rare glimmer of respect for the young wizard standing before him. "Of course, Heir Potter," he replied, his tone tinged with a hint of solemnity. "It will be done. May your coffers be filled with gold"

"Thank you Ragnok and may your enemies befall a painful death", Harry replied and they left Ragnok's room

As they made their way out of the chamber and back into the bustling corridors of Gringotts, Harry felt a sense of closure wash over him, tempered by the knowledge that his parents' love would always be with him, guiding him and protecting him as he journeyed through life.

With Euphemia by his side, Harry knew that he was not alone in his grief, and that together, they would carry on the legacy of the Potter family with pride and honor. And as they stepped out into the golden light of the midday sun, Harry felt a glimmer of hope stir within him, buoyed by the knowledge that love was the strongest magic of all.