Kings Cross and the Journey

The morning of September 1st dawned bright and clear, with the golden rays of the sun casting a warm glow over the bustling streets of London. The morning sun cast a golden hue over King's Cross Station, illuminating the excited faces of children and the proud smiles of their parents. Euphemia Potter, her demeanour, graceful and dignified, led her grandson Harry through the throngs of commuters at Platform 9¾,. They were accompanied by the Blacks, Bones, Longbottoms, Malfoys, Tonks and Lestranges.

Each family had come to see off their children to Hogwarts, and the air was filled with a mix of excitement and nostalgia.Harry's heart raced with excitement and a hint of nervousness, his journey to Hogwarts finally beginning. Phoebe, already in her second year, and Nymphadora, entering her fifth year in Slytherin and Hufflepuff respectively, were eagerly chatting with their friends, waiting for the train's arrival while also shooting the young group reassuring looks.

Euphemia, elegant as always, stood tall and regal beside Harry, her hand resting lightly on his shoulder and her eyes filled with pride as she looked at Harry. "Remember, Harry, the most important thing is to stay true to yourself. Hogwarts is a place of magic and wonder, but it's also where you will find out who you truly are. Be brave, be kind, and make the most of every moment."

Euphemia also handed Harry a small, velvet pouch. "Here, Harry. This should help you get started. Five hundred Galleons and some extra change, do not hesitate to ask if the need arises. Use it wisely, and remember, you have a family who loves you and supports you, always."

Harry took the pouch with gratitude, hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Grandmother. I will ensure that I uphold our family's name and honor, I will also write weekly as you had asked."

Euphemia hugged him again and they separated. "I am sure you will, Harry, do maintain good grades and do not forget to enjoy yourself."

Sirius Black, his godfather, ruffled Harry's hair. "You'll do great, Harry. Just remember, be yourself and have fun. Don't let anyone pressure you into anything."

Sirius, leaning casually against the brick wall, ruffled Harry's hair. "You'll do great, Harry. Just remember, be yourself and don't let anyone pressure you into doing anything you don't want to. You're going to have the time of your life, kiddo. Just remember to keep your heads up, stay out of trouble, and don't forget to have some fun. Your mum and dad would've wanted you to make the most of your time here."

Marlene McKinnon, Sirius's wife, added, "And don't forget to write. We want to hear all about all the fun adventures and activities you take part in." She then turned to her own children, Hydrus and Eleanor. "Listen, you two, I expect you to keep an eye on Harry. And remember, no matter what house you're in, always stick together, also Harry keep your eyes on them, these two have a flair and attraction to trouble."

Hydrus and Eleanor stood beside him. "We'll watch out for you, Harry," Hydrus said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "And don't worry, we've got some great pranks planned."

"And I have to step in to control the idiot from going to far with his pranks, you must help me Harry" Eleanor replied.

"Sure, you do know that you also have some shocking tendencies to cause chaos and mayhem don't you" Harry chuckled at Hydrus's undignified and betrayed look.

The Malfoys, with their usual aristocratic air, were a bit more reserved. Lucius Malfoy gave Valerie, Draco and Harry a warm but stiff nod. "Enjoy yourself, Harry. Make sure to uphold the Malfoy name with dignity." He turned to his own children, Draco and Valerie. "Draco, Valerie, remember the values we've taught you. Uphold the Malfoy family values, excellence and ambition are key, but so is loyalty to your family."

Narcissa Malfoy, elegant and composed, smiled softly. "Enjoy your time there, Harry. It's a wonderful place." Narcissa added, "Family is everything. Stay close to your friends, but always be wary. Valerie, look after your brother, and Draco, protect your sister."

All three of the new students gave their reassurances to them.

Frank and Alice Longbottom approached Harry with smiles. "We're so proud of you, Harry. Keep that brave heart of yours. Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough," Alice said softly. She also added, "And remember, your parents' spirit will always be with you. They'd be so proud no matter which house you are sorted into so don't fret and go with the flow"

Frank added, "Neville, be brave. You have more courage than you know. Look after your friends and stand up for what's right."

Alice Longbottom then hugged Harry warmly. "Look out for Neville, will you? He can be a bit forgetful."

Frank Longbottom gave a hearty laugh. "Just make sure you all stay out of too much trouble."

Both the boys agreed with them and they had one final group hug.

Amelia Bones gave Harry a firm handshake. "Best of luck, Harry. Hogwarts will be a wonderful experience. Learn as much as you can." To Susan, she said, "Susan, remember the importance of knowledge and fairness. Help each other to settle in, and don't be afraid to ask questions."

Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange nodded at Harry. Bellatrix's eyes softened as she looked at her daughter and Harry. "Phoebe, keep your wits about you. You have the potential for greatness, just like your father and I. Look after Harry and stay sharp. Harry do remember your duelling lessons and make me proud, we will discuss the upcoming ICW jr world duelling championship later."

Rodolphus added, "Harry, you've got a strong mind and a good heart. Don't let anyone sway you from your path. You all are destined for greatness, show the others what you are made of"

Andromeda Tonks, with Ted by her side, smiled warmly at Harry. "Harry, Hogwarts is a place of discovery. Embrace every opportunity to learn, but also remember to trust your instincts. You've got a good head on your shoulders. Remember the lessons you took and the hard work you did, all of it is going to pay off. You will do just fine"

Ted added, "And don't forget, if you ever need legal advice, you know where to find me. Just kidding, but seriously, enjoy your time there and make some great memories."

Andromeda then turned to her daughter, Nymphadora. "Tonks, dear, please try to keep your mischief in check. Hogwarts is a place for learning, not just pranks. Like I got almost one letter every week from one or the other professor"

Ted laughed, "And if you do get into trouble, make sure it's worth it."

Ted and Harry laughed at this and Tonks grinned mischievously. "I'll try, Mum. No promises, though."

The whistle of the Hogwarts Express pierced the air, signalling it was time for the students to board. Harry exchanged hugs and farewells with his family and friends, feeling a rush of excitement mixed with a tinge of nervousness.

"Take care, Harry," Euphemia said, her voice filled with warmth. "Remember, you are a Potter and with that comes great responsibility and honour. Make us proud."

Sirius gave him a final clap on the shoulder. "You've got this, Harry. And remember, if you ever need anything, you know how to reach me." All of them bid their farewells and boarded their compartment.

As the Hogwarts Express sped through the countryside, Harry and Phoebe found themselves deeply engrossed in a game of wizard's chess, the pieces animatedly strategizing on the board between them. Around them, their friends—Hydrus, Eleanor, Valerie, Draco, Susan, Neville, and Nymphadora—engaged in lively discussions about their expectations for Hogwarts.

Hydrus, leaning forward eagerly, spoke up amidst the chatter about houses. "You know, I've been thinking a lot about the houses lately. It's kind of expected that I'll be in Slytherin, you know, with my family history and all."

Eleanor glanced at her brother with a small smile. "But you've always talked about Gryffindor, Hydrus. Dad and mum were in Gryffindor, after all."

Hydrus nodded, his expression determined. "Exactly. They were in Gryffindor, and I've always admired that. I want to be brave like them, stand up for what's right. Maybe the Sorting Hat will see that."

Valerie, who had been quietly listening, chimed in with a supportive smile. "I think Gryffindor suits you, Hydrus. You're courageous and adventurous and you also charge headfirst into situations". They all shared a laugh at that.

Draco, shaking his head slightly, interjected with a hint of teasing in his voice. "But think about the Slytherin common room, Hydrus. It's got the best view of the lake, and you'd be with me."

Susan, chuckling softly, joined the conversation. "Maybe you'll surprise everyone, Hydrus. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account, too or so I have heard."

Neville, who had been observing quietly, offered his perspective. "My gran says the Sorting Hat looks deep into your heart. It'll put you where you'll grow the most."

Nymphadora, her hair briefly turning a playful shade of turquoise, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Hydrus, don't stress too much about it. You'll end up where you belong."

Their conversation was interrupted by the cheerful arrival of the trolley lady, pushing her cart laden with an assortment of magical treats. Harry quickly dug into his pouch and bought an array of goodies for everyone in the compartment—Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Cauldron Cakes, and Pumpkin Pasties.

"Thanks, Harry!" Susan exclaimed with a grin as she picked up a Chocolate Frog. "You're a lifesaver. These are way better than the snacks I packed."

Neville eagerly unwrapped a Cauldron Cake, savouring the sweet aroma. "Thanks, Harry. I've never tried these before."

As they enjoyed their treats, the compartment door slid open again, and Ron Weasley entered with an excited but nervous expression. His eyes immediately fixated on Harry.

"You're Harry Potter!" Ron blurted out, his voice loud in the suddenly tense compartment.

Phoebe sighed, exchanging an exasperated look with Nymphadora. "Here we go again."

Harry glanced up from the chessboard, his expression friendly but guarded. "Yeah, that's me. And you are?"

"I'm Ron Weasley," Ron said, trying to regain his composure. "I'm going to Hogwarts too. Can I see your scar?"

Draco scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Seriously, do you think you are smooth Weasley?"

Ron ignored Draco, still focused on Harry. "You are a Malfoy, the platinum blonde hair is a dead giveaway. My brothers say all Slytherins are evil. Are you sure you want to hang out with them?" He asked Harry.

Hydrus bristled at the implication, his voice firm. "That's not true. My dad was in Gryffindor, and I want to be there too. House doesn't determine who you are."

Eleanor nodded in agreement. "Exactly, Hydrus. You choose your own path."

Ron shifted uncomfortably under their collective gaze, realising he had made a misstep. "I-I didn't mean it like that. Sorry, I just..."

Before Ron could finish his apology, Phoebe stood up, his tone cold and commanding. "You should leave. We don't need your ignorance ruining our journey."

Ron hesitated, looking around at the united front of students glaring at him. He mumbled an apology and quickly left the compartment, leaving behind a tense silence.

As the atmosphere somewhat settled, they were rudely interrupted by a bushy haired girl who introduced herself as Hermione Granger burst into the compartment, her bushy hair flying as she looked around urgently. "Has anyone seen Lavender Brown's missing bunny? We have to find it!"

Valerie raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by Hermione's abrupt entrance. "No, we haven't seen any bunnies. Maybe you should check somewhere else."

Hermione frowned, her eyes narrowing as they landed on Harry, who was showing Phoebe and Nymphadora his wand, explaining its unique properties.

"What are you doing with your wand out?" Hermione demanded, her tone accusatory. "Are you practising spells already? That's against the rules!"

Harry sighed, holding up his wand to show Hermione the intricate design of the mithril-infused emerald at its core. "I'm not practising spells, Granger. Just showing them my wand."

Nymphadora rolled her eyes dramatically. "Honestly, can't you mind your own business for once?"

Hermione bristled at the comment, crossing her arms defensively. "I'm just trying to make sure everyone follows the rules. It's important."

Eleanor snorted. "Yeah, because showing someone your wand is a crime."

Hermione just huffed and left the compartment muttering quietly, though they could hear the words arrogant rulebreakers and show offs.

As the Hogwarts Express continued its journey, the atmosphere in the compartment lightened once more after Ron's departure and Hermione's somewhat abrupt entrance and exit. Harry and Phoebe resumed their game of wizard's chess, the pieces moving with animated determination across the board. Around them, their friends settled in, and conversation soon turned back to the topic of Hogwarts houses.

"I'm still torn between Gryffindor and Slytherin," Hydrus admitted, his brow furrowed in thought. "I mean, Gryffindor sounds exciting, but Slytherin has its own appeal too."

Susan nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "I think you'd do well in either, Hydrus. Gryffindor for its bravery and Slytherin for its ambition. Me personally, I would like to continue the family tradition of landing in Hufflepuff"

Valerie, who had been quietly observing, chimed in with a smile. "I've always thought Gryffindor suits you, Hydrus. You're brave and adventurous, just like Uncle Siri."

Draco smirked slightly, teasing Hydrus gently. "Well, if you end up in Gryffindor, at least you won't be alone with all the Weasleys."

Eleanor laughed, shaking her head. "Gryffindor sounds exciting, but I'm hoping for Ravenclaw. I love reading and learning new things."

Neville, who had been quietly listening, spoke up next. "I've always thought Hufflepuff sounded nice. Loyalty and hard work seem like good traits to have. But Grfyndorr also sounds good to me"

Nymphadora, her hair briefly turning a vibrant shade of purple, grinned mischievously. "I'm happy in Hufflepuff. It's like a big family, and we get to learn some cool stuff too."

Harry, making his move on the chessboard, glanced up with a smile. "I think I'll be happy wherever the Sorting Hat puts me. Gryffindor would be cool because of my dad, but Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin sound great too."

Phoebe nodded, her gaze flickering between the players on the chessboard. "I've heard each house has its own unique qualities though slytherin has treated me well. I'm curious to see where you all end up."

Their discussion was interrupted once again by the arrival of Daphne Greengrass, Tracy Davis, and Blaise Zabini, who entered the compartment with easy smiles and settled into the remaining seats.

"Hey, everyone," Daphne greeted warmly. "Mind if we join you?"

Phoebe gestured to the empty seats with a welcoming smile. "Of course! We were just talking about our house preferences for Hogwarts. What about you three?"

Tracy grinned as she adjusted her position comfortably. "I've always wanted to be in Slytherin. I love being ambitious and cunning."

Blaise nodded in agreement, his expression relaxed. "I'm leaning towards Slytherin. It's where my family has always been, and I'm proud of that."

Daphne considered for a moment before speaking. "I think I'd like to be in Ravenclaw even though most of my family was sorted into Slytherin. Knowledge is power, after all. Though I think my cunningness outweighs my thirst for knowledge hence I might land in Slytherin afterall."

Harry leaned back, intrigued by their choices. "It's interesting how we all have different reasons for wanting certain houses. I wonder how the Sorting Hat decides."

Phoebe shrugged, her attention returning to the chessboard as she made her move. "I've heard it takes your preferences into account, but ultimately, it knows where you'll thrive best."

As they settled into a comfortable rhythm of conversation, the topic shifted to Hogwarts subjects and professors. They eagerly discussed which classes they were looking forward to and what they hoped to learn.

"I'm excited for Charms and Transfiguration," Harry said thoughtfully. "And Defense Against the Dark Arts sounds fascinating."

Draco nodded in agreement. "I want to learn more about potions. My mother has been teaching me some basics, but I can't wait to see what Snape has to offer."

Neville chimed in with a grin. "Herbology is supposed to be really interesting. I've always loved plants and magical flora."

Phoebe, her eyes lighting up, added eagerly, "I can't wait till next year, I hope we get to study magical creatures in Care of Magical Creatures. Mom says it's a fascinating subject."

Valerie nodded enthusiastically. "I'm looking forward to Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall is supposed to be one of the best."

Their conversation continued, filled with anticipation and excitement for the magical education that awaited them at Hogwarts. As the Hogwarts Express pulled into Hogsmeade Station, the students eagerly disembarked, their excitement palpable as they gathered around Hagrid. The giant of a man greeted them with a wide grin, his voice booming with warmth.

"Right then, follow me," Hagrid said, leading the group of first-years towards a fleet of small boats by the edge of the lake. "No more than four to a boat now."

Harry, Phoebe, Hydrus, Eleanor, Valerie, Draco, Susan, Neville, Nymphadora, Daphne, Tracy, and Blaise climbed into three boats, feeling a mixture of anticipation and awe as they sailed across the dark, glittering waters of the Black Lake. The castle loomed ahead of them, its towers reaching towards the starry sky, illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns lining its walls.

"Wow," Susan breathed, her eyes wide with wonder. "It's even more amazing than I imagined."

Neville nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the castle's turrets and spires. "It's like something out of a fairy tale."

As the first-years approached Hogwarts Castle, its grandeur and majesty became even more apparent against the backdrop of the surrounding landscape. Perched atop a rugged cliff overlooking the Black Lake, the castle commanded a breathtaking view of the sprawling grounds below.The castle itself was a sprawling structure of towering spires, crenellated walls, and majestic towers that reached towards the sky. Its stone walls, weathered by centuries of wind and rain, glowed warmly in the golden light of the setting sun. Gargoyles perched on the edges of the highest towers, their stone forms silhouetted against the deepening hues of the evening sky.

The windows of the castle reflected the last rays of sunlight, casting a warm glow over the surrounding lawns and gardens. Lush greenery surrounded the castle, punctuated by ancient trees whose branches whispered in the evening breeze. A network of cobblestone pathways wound through the grounds, leading to hidden gardens, courtyards, and outbuildings that dotted the landscape.

At the edge of the grounds, the Black Lake shimmered like a dark mirror, its surface reflecting the colours of the sky above. The Forbidden Forest loomed in the distance, its dense canopy of ancient trees stretching as far as the eye could see. From this vantage point, Hogwarts Castle seemed to embody both the natural beauty of its surroundings and the timeless magic that permeated its walls.

As the first-years stood in awe of the castle before them, Hagrid led them down a winding path that ascended towards the castle. Along the shore, a fleet of small boats were left behind. The boats bobbed gently, their reflections dancing on the lake's surface.

As the first-years followed Hagrid into the castle through the winding corridors and up the moving staircases of Hogwarts Castle, they found themselves immersed in a world of ancient grandeur and magical wonder. The castle itself seemed alive, with its towering walls adorned with centuries-old tapestries that depicted scenes of wizarding history and myth.

The corridors were lined with suits of armour that stood at attention, their visors gleaming in the torchlight that flickered from wall sconces. Paintings hung on the walls, their subjects often moving and interacting with passersby, some even offering cryptic advice or engaging in lively conversations.

The windows, tall and narrow, offered glimpses of the expansive grounds surrounding the castle. From some vantage points, students could see the Black Lake shimmering in the moonlight, its surface reflecting the stars above. Other windows overlooked the Forbidden Forest, its dense canopy casting shadows that danced eerily on the castle walls.

Throughout the castle, the architecture blended mediaeval fortifications with magical enhancements. Towers soared into the sky, capped with conical roofs and turrets that provided vantage points for observing the grounds and beyond. Hidden passages wound through the castle, connecting different parts of the school and occasionally revealing secret rooms or forgotten chambers.

As they ascended to higher floors, the corridors narrowed and branched off into smaller passages leading to classrooms, libraries, and common rooms. The walls were lined with portraits of past headmasters and headmistresses and other benefactors of the school, their eyes following the students as they passed by.

Everywhere they turned, Hogwarts Castle exuded an aura of history, mystery, and magic. It was not just a school but a home for wizards and witches, a place where generations had studied, learned, and grown in their magical abilities.

Finally, they reached the Great Hall, where the four long tables were filled with students chatting excitedly and the teachers seated at the high table. The Great Hall, where they would soon be sorted, was a masterpiece of enchanted architecture. Its enchanted ceiling mimicked the current weather outside, whether it was a clear starry night, a thunderstorm, or a peaceful sunset. The four longhouse tables stretched the length of the hall, each adorned with silver candlesticks and goblets that sparkled in the candlelight.

As the first-years gathered in the entrance hall of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall stood before them, her stern yet kind gaze surveying each eager face. Her voice, clear and commanding, echoed through the grand hall, filled with anticipation and excitement.

"Welcome, students, to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," she began, her voice carrying effortlessly to every corner of the hall. "For over a thousand years, this castle has been home to countless witches and wizards, each of whom has left their mark on its storied halls." She paused, allowing her words to sink in as the students listened intently. The flickering torches on the walls cast shifting shadows, adding to the atmosphere of solemnity and awe."You are about to embark on a journey of magical discovery, where you will learn to harness the power that lies within you," McGonagall continued, her eyes twinkling with pride. "But before we begin, it is tradition to be sorted into your respective houses."

She gestured towards a small wooden stool placed in front of the students, upon which sat a worn and patched hat—a hat unlike any other, with a wide brim and a tall crown. The Sorting Hat, a relic from the school's founders, awaited its role in determining where each student would belong.

"The four houses of Hogwarts—Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin—each embody unique qualities and virtues," McGonagall explained. "Whether you value bravery like Gryffindor, loyalty like Hufflepuff, wisdom like Ravenclaw, or ambition like Slytherin, the Sorting Hat will take into account your preferences and qualities to decide the best fit for you."

She scanned the faces before her, her expression grave yet encouraging. "Remember, When at Hogwarts your house is like your secondary family, they will have your back. Keep this in mind your house will determine where you stay for the next 7 years of your magical education. They will support you, challenge you, and become your closest companions throughout your time at school."

The students exchanged nervous glances and excited whispers, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The legends and stories about the Sorting Hat and the houses had fueled their imaginations for years, and now they stood on the brink of discovering their fate.

"Now, when I call your name, you will come forward, sit on the stool, and the Sorting Hat will be placed on your head," McGonagall instructed. "It will then announce your house, and you will join your new housemates at the respective tables."

With that, McGonagall stepped back, and a hush fell over the hall as the sorting ceremony was about to begin. The students awaited eagerly, their minds racing with thoughts of where they might be placed and the adventures that awaited them in their chosen houses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Suddenly, a musty voice echoed in the hall, emanating from the old Sorting Hat:

Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

The Sorting Hat's song echoed through the hall, its verses capturing the attention of every student and teacher present. McGonagall watched with a slight smile as the hat continued its melodic proclamation.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

As the Sorting Hat sang, the torchlight flickered, casting shifting shadows across the faces of the students awaiting their turn. McGonagall's eyes scanned the eager faces, knowing that soon each student would learn which house would become their home.

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

The hat's voice grew more contemplative as it approached the final stanza, its words resonating with the hopeful hearts of the young witches and wizards.

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!

With the final note of its song, the Sorting Hat fell silent, its brim drooping slightly as if exhausted from its lyrical performance. The hall remained still, the students absorbing the Hat's words and awaiting their turn to discover their fate.

Professor McGonagall stepped forward once more, her gaze now focused and determined. "When I call your name, please come forward and put on the Sorting Hat," she announced, her voice carrying the weight of centuries of tradition and anticipation. "Your house will be your home for the duration of your time at Hogwarts. Do not rush, for the Hat will take its time to make the best decision for you."

The students nodded in understanding, their eyes fixed on McGonagall as she unfurled a long parchment scroll, ready to begin the sorting ceremony that would determine their paths at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.