The Legacies of the past and prophecies of the future

Harry awoke in an unknown place, filled with greenery and luster. He rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. As his vision cleared, he was struck by the breathtaking beauty of his surroundings. Lush green fields stretched out before him, framed by majestic mountains in the background. A sparkling river wound its way through the landscape, its waters shimmering in the sunlight.

In the distance, he spotted a magnificent twin manor, their towers reaching toward the sky like sentinels of an ancient world. Harry instinctively reached for his wand but found it missing. Panic surged within him, and he tried contacting Cosmos telepathically, but there was no response. He took a deep breath, calming himself, and decided to observe his surroundings more closely.

The land around him was alive with magical creatures. Forest elves darted between the trees, their laughter like music on the wind. Nymphs and spirits danced along the riverbanks, their ethereal forms glistening in the sunlight. Griffons and hippogriffs soared above, their powerful wings casting shadows on the ground.

A majestic white-scaled dragon, a species Harry didn't recognize but decided to call a "Luminous Dragon," lay sunbathing on a rocky outcrop. Its scales sparkled like gemstones, and its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. In the distance, Harry saw centaurs roaming in small groups, their bows slung across their backs. Unicorns grazed peacefully near the river, their silvery coats glistening. Far off, he could see a dwarven den nestled in the mountainside and, in the opposite direction, a goblin den carved into the earth. Merpeople swam gracefully in the river, their voices rising in hauntingly beautiful songs.

Some creatures appeared domesticated, adding to the sense of harmony in this magical realm. Harry recalled the lessons on magical creatures taught by Dahlia Potter's portrait at the Potter Manor. Her teachings flooded back to him, providing a sense of calm and familiarity.

Suddenly, a hippogriff and a griffon landed before him, their eyes locked onto his. Remembering Dahlia's lessons, Harry kept eye contact and bowed deeply. The creatures regarded him for a moment before allowing him to pet them, their feathers and fur surprisingly soft.

Feeling more confident, Harry moved forward, his eyes set on the twin manors. Just as he was about to reach them, the Luminous Dragon flew down and blocked his path. The dragon stared into Harry's emerald green eyes, its gaze intense and searching. Harry felt as though the dragon was probing his very soul, seeking something deep within him.

Time seemed to stretch on as they stared at each other, but in reality, only three minutes passed. Finally, the dragon moved away, satisfied with whatever it had found. Harry felt a strange sense of approval from the creature as it allowed him to continue on his path to the manors.

As he approached the grand entrance of the twin manors, Harry's mind raced with questions. Where was he? Why was he here? And what was the significance of this place filled with such magical wonder? Determined to find answers, he steeled himself and stepped forward, ready to uncover the mysteries of this place.

The twin manors stood proudly amidst the lush greenery, their stone facades adorned with intricate carvings and ivy-covered walls, giving them an air of ancient grandeur. Though not as large as the Potter Manor, these manors exuded a timeless elegance. They were mirror images of each other, connected by a grand archway that added to their symmetrical beauty. The windows were tall and narrow, each with stained glass that cast vibrant patterns on the ground as the sun shone through.

As Harry walked up to the majestic, beautiful, and ornate wooden doors, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by the intricate carvings. The doors depicted mythical creatures and enchanted forests so lifelike that they seemed to move under his gaze. Before he could knock or push them open, the doors swung inward of their own accord, inviting him inside.

Inside, Harry found himself in a grand hallway that led to a spacious living room in one of the larger manors. The room was elegantly furnished with plush armchairs, antique tables, and a roaring fireplace. The walls were lined with shelves filled with ancient tomes and artefacts, and the ceiling was adorned with a magnificent chandelier that sparkled like the night sky. Rich tapestries depicting historic battles and serene landscapes added a touch of regal opulence to the room.

As he entered, he was greeted by a relatively young-looking man and woman. The man had a regal bearing, with long, flowing dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and a neatly trimmed beard. His deep blue robe shimmered like the night sky, embroidered with silver runes that seemed to glow faintly. The woman beside him was equally striking, with long black hair that cascaded like a waterfall, green eyes that seemed to see right through Harry, and a gown of emerald green that changed shade with every movement, as if alive with magic.

"Welcome, Harry Potter," the man said with a warm smile, his voice carrying a sense of authority and kindness. "I am Myrddin Emrys, though you may know me as Merlin."

"And I am Morgana of House Le Fay," the woman added, her voice melodic and soothing, like a gentle breeze.

Harry was taken aback, his mind reeling. "But you both look so young. And according to history, you were supposed to be enemies—Merlin, the champion of light, and Morgana, the mistress of dark magic."

Merlin chuckled, a sound that was both comforting and profound. "We understand your confusion, Harry. This enchantment preserves our appearance as it was in our prime. But we are indeed who we say we are."

Morgana nodded, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and wisdom. "The stories of our enmity were greatly exaggerated. We are half-siblings, sharing the same father but different mothers."

Harry's eyes widened in astonishment. "But why would history paint you as enemies?"

"It was all part of a grand plan," Merlin explained, his expression turning serious. "King Arthur Pendragon, the only king receptive and positive towards magic, needed to be convinced that wizards should have their own autonomy. By playing the roles of enemies, we were able to show him the necessity of a separate magical government to ensure the safety of both muggles and magical kind."

Morgana continued, her voice taking on a reflective tone. "Merlin acted as though he defeated me, faking my death. Together, we performed a powerful 13-hour ritual that made muggles forget about the existence of magic and magical creatures. This led to the establishment of the Statute of Secrecy and the formation of the Ministry of Magic, the International Confederation of Wizards, and the Wizengamot."

Harry was astounded, his mind racing to comprehend the enormity of their revelations. "So, you weren't really enemies?"

"Not at all," Merlin replied, his eyes twinkling with a blend of ancient wisdom and youthful exuberance. "We were close siblings working towards a common goal—to protect our world and ensure its survival. The tales of our enmity were merely a means to an end."

Morgana smiled, a touch of pride in her expression. "Our ruse was necessary to convince Arthur and to set the foundations for a world where magical and non-magical people could coexist peacefully, even if it meant living apart."

Harry absorbed their words, the magnitude of their revelations sinking in. He now stood before two of the greatest figures in wizarding history, their true story far more complex and fascinating than the legends he had read. The realization filled him with a sense of awe and a deeper understanding of the sacrifices and wisdom that had shaped the magical world. He also understood the history as stated in the books might not always be right, hence he should keep an open mind about studying history.

Feeling the weight of the knowledge he had gained, Harry asked, "Why reveal this to me? What is the purpose of this revelation?"

Merlin and Morgana shared a knowing glance before Merlin began to speak. "You are at the beginning of a journey, Harry, one that will shape the future. Understanding the past, especially the truths that have been hidden, will help you navigate the challenges ahead. You are a key figure in the magical world, just as we were in our time."

Morgana added, "We see great potential in you, Harry. Your courage, your thirst for knowledge, and your innate sense of justice will serve you well. We wanted you to know the truth, to understand the legacy you are part of, and to inspire you to forge your own path with wisdom and integrity."

Merlin then said, "Allow us to share more about our time at Hogwarts and the events that shaped us. Both Morgana and I started at Hogwarts at the same time. Back then, there was no Sorting Hat as the founders were still alive. Salazar Slytherin himself picked me to be in Slytherin, while Rowena Ravenclaw chose Morgana for her house."

Morgana continued, "In our fourth year, we witnessed a group of first-year students jump out of the Hogwarts carriages due to a malfunction. They ran far enough outside the wards, stopping the muggles from noticing the magical presence. The muggles saw one of the little girls swirl her wand, and they surrounded the eight first years, ready to burn them at the stake."

Merlin's expression darkened as he recounted the harrowing event. "Morgana and I, at great personal risk, saved them and dragged them back into the wards while the muggles were on their trail. I almost died that day, as an axe was jabbed into me very close to my heart. Thankfully, the founders arrived in time to save us and deal with the muggles, killing three of them in the process and Helga could heal us both from the injuries we suffered, if not for her I would have died."

"The founders recognized our potential and moral values," Morgana said, her voice filled with pride. "They began providing us with personal lessons from all four of them, leading us to reach the levels we did. We were, after all, called the literal titans of magic."

Merlin's expression softened as he continued his tale. "In our older years, I was blessed with a lovely wife, Grace Karlson, a half-blood witch, but she tragically passed away due to incurable Nundu poisoning while saving the townspeople from it. It was a devastating blow, and without the prospect of curing her, I remained childless. Morgana, however, found love with a remarkable man named Edwin, a descendant of Cadmus Peverell and a formidable battle mage. Together, they had a son named Anakin."

Morgana's eyes sparkled with fond memories. "Anakin inherited the legacies of both House Emrys and House Le Fay. His magical prowess was unmatched by many, and he was a beacon of hope and strength and he was rather close with his uncle, Myrddin saw Anakin as his own child. Almost five centuries later, one of his descendants, Aurelius, emerged as a master of necromantic and healing magic. Aurelius saw the potential in unifying our two houses and, through his profound understanding of life and death, merged them into a single house called Mortem. This unification was legal at that time, and thus Mortem was said to be blessed by Death itself. Aurelius also had the abilities to bend dementors and lethifolds to his will, hence cementing the common peoples belief that Mortem House was blessed by Death itself."

Harry listened intently, the weight of this profound history settling on his shoulders. "So, House Mortem was formed as a tribute to death and the powerful magic it encompasses?"

"Precisely," Merlin said with a nod. "Aurelius's mastery over death-related magic was unparalleled. His healing abilities complemented his necromantic knowledge, allowing him to walk the fine line between life and death. This unique balance brought great respect and reverence to House Mortem."

Morgana added, "Later, one of Mortem's descendants, Ambrosius Mortem, married Rose Evangeline Slytherin. This union brought together the legacies of House Mortem and House Slytherin, though the houses did not merge as it became illegal at that time, and through this lineage, you, Harry, are their descendants. You carry the bloodlines of both Mortem and Slytherin, alongside the legacies of the four founders."

Harry felt a profound connection to the past, his heritage weaving a complex tapestry that spanned centuries. "So, in a way, I am a descendant of you both, as well as the four founders of Hogwarts?"

"Indeed," Merlin confirmed, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the revelation. "Your lineage is rich with history, magic, and power. This heritage carries great responsibility, but it also provides you with strength and wisdom from generations past."

Morgana smiled gently. "Embrace this heritage, Harry. It is a part of who you are, and it will guide you on your journey. Remember, you are not alone. The magic and wisdom of your ancestors are with you, supporting you every step of the way."

Harry absorbed their words, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and connection to his heritage. The revelations about his lineage and the profound history of his ancestors gave him a deeper understanding of his place in the magical world. He realized that he was part of a legacy that transcended time.

Merlin and Morgana then exchanged a somber glance before Merlin raised his wand. The air around them shimmered, and Harry felt a tingling sensation as a vision unfolded before his eyes.

The serene beauty of the land was replaced by a scene of utter devastation. Cities lay in ruins, their buildings reduced to rubble and ashes. The sky was filled with thick, black smoke, blotting out the sun and casting an eerie, perpetual twilight over the world. Explosions echoed in the distance, their fiery bursts lighting up the horizon like hellish fireworks. The ground trembled beneath the onslaught, and the air was thick with the acrid scent of burning and death.

People were running in all directions, screaming in terror as spells and bullets flew around them. Witches and wizards fought desperately against the onslaught of the muggle military, their wands clashing with guns and bombs. Magical creatures, driven mad by the chaos, rampaged through the streets, adding to the carnage. The muggle army, navy, and air force were engaged in a desperate battle, their might proving futile against the relentless magical attacks.

In the midst of this chaos, Harry saw scenes of unimaginable horror. Families torn apart, children crying for their parents, and countless bodies littering the streets. Hospitals were overwhelmed, their corridors filled with the wounded and dying. The world was engulfed in a brutal, all-encompassing war, and the muggles, realizing they were losing, made a terrifying decision.

The vision shifted to the Oval Office, where the President of the United States, alongside leaders from other nations, sat around a table. Their faces were grim, their eyes hollow with despair. Harry watched as they discussed their last, desperate option: nuclear annihilation. With shaking hands, they agreed that if they could not win, no one would. They authorized the launch of nuclear missiles, condemning the world to total destruction.

The vision ended abruptly, and Harry was back in the grand room of the manor, his heart pounding in his chest. He was breathing heavily, the horror of what he had seen etched into his mind. Merlin and Morgana looked at him with grave expressions.

Merlin spoke first, his voice heavy with sorrow. "What you have seen is a prophecy, a vision of what could come to pass if the Statute of Secrecy is broken. Voldemort's actions, if unchecked, could lead to this catastrophic future. The delicate balance between the magical and non-magical worlds must be maintained to prevent this apocalypse."

Morgana added, her voice filled with urgency, "We have come to warn you, Harry. The fate of the world rests on your shoulders. You must prevent this vision from becoming reality. There is a way, a path that can guide you."

Harry, still reeling from the vision, asked, "What must I do?"

Merlin and Morgana shared a knowing look before Merlin continued, "In your common room at Hogwarts, behind the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, lies an ancient secret. You must go there and say the phrase, 'Per matrem magicam gratia omnia prosperabuntur'—'By Mother Magic's Grace, all shall prosper.' This will reveal an underground chamber built by Salazar Slytherin. Inside, you will find the means to thwart Voldemort and prevent this future, and help you to reach and fulfill your destiny."

Merlin and Morgana looked at Harry, their expressions a mix of encouragement and urgency.

"Once you enter the chamber," Merlin began, "head to the left corner next to Salazar's statue. There, you will find an ornate door lined with emeralds. This door is special—it will only be visible to a worthy individual, a sentient, once-in-a-generation type wizard."

Morgana continued, "To open the door, you must make a small cut on your finger and place it on the door. Then, recite the Hogwarts motto, 'Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus'—'Never tickle a sleeping dragon.' This will unlock the door, allowing you to enter the hidden chamber."

Harry nodded, committing the instructions to memory.

Merlin added, "Inside, you will find portraits of all four founders. Unfortunately, these are not magical portraits, as the enchantment for living portraits had not been invented at that time. However, their presence is still significant."

Morgana explained further, "The chamber, often referred to as the Chamber of Secrets, has seven entrances. The most well-known one is in the out-of-order ladies' washroom, but there are also entrances in each of the common rooms, the headmaster's office, and the main ward control room of Hogwarts."

Harry was surprised to learn of the multiple entrances. "Why so many?"

Merlin and Morgana exchanged a glance before Merlin continued, "Salazar Slytherin intended the chamber to be accessible for those who were worthy and in need of its secrets. Each entrance is hidden and protected by various enchantments to ensure that only those truly worthy can find and use them. Another reason for this was to ensure students' safety when the castle was under attack or under siege. The head house elf knows of the location of the chamber and is instructed to lead the students to the chamber incase of an attack as that time muggles hunted our kind rather ferociously, The multiple entrances allowed for a secure means of escape or a place of refuge. That is also the reason why the chamber is so big"

Morgana added, "There is something else you need to be aware of, Harry. Inside the chamber, to the right of Salazar's statue, there is another entrance. Behind this entrance lies a hibernating basilisk. This creature was placed there by Salazar Slytherin himself, meant to be a guardian of the chamber and its secrets."

Harry's eyes widened in shock. "A basilisk? Isn't that incredibly dangerous?"

"It is," Merlin replied solemnly. "But the basilisk is in a deep hibernation, only to be awakened in dire circumstances. It is a last line of defense to protect the castle in case of an attack. You must be cautious and ensure you do not disturb it."

Morgana nodded. "The basilisk is there to safeguard the chamber and its contents. As long as you follow our instructions and remain respectful of the chamber, you should not encounter any danger from the creature. Also keep in mind that around 50 years ago Voldemort put many mind controlling compulsions on the basilisk and caused the death of Elizabeth Warren, but then she was freed from it due to her sheer will and Voldemort's apparent demise, now she is hibernating, in due time you will contact with her as you are the Heir of Slytherin"

Harry felt a mix of awe, apprehension and fear to face the basilisk. "I understand. I'll be careful and do the needful, are you sure the basilisk wont hurt me though."

Morgana shook her head. "Salazar performed a blood bound familiar ritual that prevented the Basilisk from killing his descendants by mistake." Harry then let out a sigh of relief.

Morgana then continued, "Behind the founders' portraits, you will find a box-like structure and a note. The note contains instructions on how to use the instrument within the box. This instrument was enchanted by us to help train future wizards and witches, providing guidance and wisdom for those who seek it."

Harry felt a sense of awe and responsibility. "What kind of guidance and wisdom?"

Morgana then continued, "The instrument we mentioned contains a wealth of knowledge. It will teach you advanced magic, provide strategic insights, and offer the wisdom of the founders. This is not just through books or scrolls, but through semi-solid projections of us both. These projections can interact with you, demonstrate spells, and provide real-time guidance and specifically aid you in improving yourself, and if you put in the effort, you might surpass us to become the strongest known wizard"

Harry's eyes widened in amazement. "Semi-solid projections? You mean they can actually teach me directly?"

"Yes," Merlin confirmed. "The projections are enchanted to have a degree of sentience, capable of adapting their teaching methods to your learning style and needs. They will guide you through complex spells, share their vast knowledge, and help you hone your abilities."

Morgana continued, "This tool was created to ensure that future generations could benefit from the wisdom and experience of the founders. It is designed to help you grow stronger and more knowledgeable, preparing you for the challenges ahead."

Harry, still grappling with the weight of their revelations, asked, "Is this real? Is there truly an instrument in Hogwarts that can provide such guidance and does the chamber really exist, or is this just a dream?"

Merlin and Morgana exchanged a knowing look before Merlin spoke, his voice steady and reassuring. "This is not a dream, Harry. The instrument we spoke of is real and exists within the chamber. It was created with powerful enchantments to ensure its preservation and utility for those worthy of its knowledge."

Morgana added, "What you are experiencing now is a form of astral projection, allowing us to communicate with you and impart this knowledge. When you awaken, you will remember everything we have told you, and you will be able to find the chamber and the instrument as we described."

Harry nodded, feeling a mix of relief and determination. "Thank you, Merlin, Morgana. I will find the chamber and use the instrument to prepare for what's to come."

Merlin smiled warmly. "We have faith in you, Harry. Your courage and integrity will guide you through the challenges ahead."

Morgana's eyes sparkled with encouragement. "Remember, you are never truly alone. The legacy of your ancestors and the wisdom of the past will be with you every step of the way."

With a final nod of gratitude, Harry felt the world around him begin to fade. As the vision dissolved, he found himself waking up, the vividness of the experience lingering in his mind.

Cosmos, concerned by the disturbed emotions he sensed from Harry, materialized in his room with a gentle shimmer. "Harry, what happened? I felt a surge of very disturbing emotions coming from you."

Harry looked up from the book he was engrossed in, his mind still processing the vivid dream he had just experienced. "Cosmos, I had a dream... more like a vision. It felt so real." He proceeded to recount everything he saw and heard from Merlin and Morgana, showing Cosmos the memories through their mind connection.

Cosmos listened attentively, his expression thoughtful as he processed the information. "Merlin and Morgana... They spoke to you? This is remarkable, Harry. If what they said is true, it could change everything we know about the magical world's history and will aid you in becoming a strong wizard."

Harry nodded, still feeling the weight of the revelation. "They mentioned an instrument in a hidden chamber at Hogwarts. They said it could provide guidance and wisdom, even teach advanced magic."

Cosmos placed a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder. "We'll find out if it's real, Harry. Let's plan to investigate the chamber during the upcoming weekend. Until then, try to stay calm. Let me help you relax." With that, he gently thrilled and a very pleasant music filled Harry's mid, soothing his troubled thoughts.

Feeling more composed, Harry glanced at his watch and realized it was only 4:30 in the morning. "I don't think I can sleep anymore today," he admitted. "But I've got this fascinating book on wards." He held up the thick volume with a smile. "I think I'll lose myself in this until morning."

Cosmos chuckled softly. "That sounds like a good plan. Knowledge is always a comforting companion." He settled into a chair nearby, keeping a watchful eye on Harry as he delved back into his reading.

As Harry immersed himself in the intricate world of magical wards, the room filled with a quiet sense of purpose. Cosmos remained nearby, ready to offer guidance or assistance whenever Harry might need it.