Chapter 2

"Guards, guards!" Shouted one of the kings. Flare looked around to see where this yelling was coming from. She was left alone, not knowing what to do. Something else quickly caught her attention, and her eyes stared in horror at the tornado approaching the kingdom. Filled with electrical discharges and uprooted trees, it rushed straight towards them. Flare began to scream for everyone to move away from the palace as soon as possible. A gusty wind raged around them, rain soaked everything underneath. Flare had no idea what had happened, but she knew some dark forces must have been behind it. Flare suddenly fell to the ground covered by the body of one of the guards. A huge log from the stand covered them a moment later. Woman could feel the blood trickling down her chin as she felt something sharp piercing his side. The guardian's body above her went numb, and Flare knew the man had sacrificed his own life to save her. Eyphar with the last of her strength got out from under the pile of wood and her eyes glazed over as the image of the bloody courtyard, the burning gardens, and the hurricane-ravaged palace struck her eyes. Leivelie looked around and tried to find others, but she was alone among the graveyard of sharp wooden logs, benches, and broken stones. Ribbons and ornaments hung on broken sticks, reminding her that an hour earlier the capital was an example of health and luxury.

Flare began circling the palace trying to find living souls, however all she encountered were broken bones and crushed skins. Parts of the palace continued to fall to the ground with heavy thuds. Lightning bolts hitting the pavement made Flare's body tremble. Electricity surged through her, making her skin tingle unpleasantly. Her eyes blurred and her hair stood up as lightning struck too close to her. Leivelie tried to find shelter, but the storm was following her. The woman, with an astounded grimace on her face, began to circle the nearby areas. Through the mist, lightning, and screaming, she could see colourful discharges of energy, which brought her small comfort. The Guardians were nearby, chosen sorceresses whose job was to ensure that the balance between the worlds was maintained. Flare has heard about them many times, young women from good homes and good education. 

Their abilities developed thanks to the parts of the shards of antic crystal at incredible speed. But the girl, seeing how the battle between them and the creature hiding in the mist had no results, began to doubt that there was no threat to their safety. What if something came out of the Necrosolium? What if the Demons of the Apocalypse decided to teach the population a lesson for not respecting the principles of the feast? Anything was possible and Flare began to tremble. Her body ached from the inside out, as if something was burning her organs. Her heart was pounding like a bell, which made her chest ache mercilessly. As a resident, Flare felt like she was about to have a heart attack. However, everything that accompanied her called her to the fog. To step into danger. Flare, knowing that it was an unreasonable decision, started moving away from the place of danger. However, before she took a single step, her body was paralyzed as one of the lightning bolts pierced her and her body was sucked into the mist without realising it. 

Her insides and skin burned, but not a single whisper escaped her throat. Her body lay between danger and an escape route. Her body, surrounded by electrical discharges, could not get up from the ground. Her ears caught the whines and shouts, heard the whirr and the discharges. Flare gritted her teeth in pain as her body finally began to respond. Her body felt like it was on fire, like she was still in one of her dreams and unable to defend herself. Her body was suddenly surrounded by a ball of water, Flare opened her eyes wide and watched the scene unfolding above her as if through a dirty window. The Guardians fought the same beast that had attacked her in the underground vaults. But this one was massive, standing on two legs with bright lights instead of eyes. Flare hissed as the first drops of water hit her. The Water Guardian, trying to fight the beast, forgot that her energy was focused on protecting the young girl, and when the barrier will fall, Flare will be killed by combining the water with the electricity punishing her body.

Flare Leivelie was not ready for any of the things that happened to her.

The girl could only watch as larger and larger drops of water flowed down her body, making her skin sting as the water evaporated as it hit the lightning bolts surrounding her. She felt trapped, helplessly waiting for death. Her limbs lay next to her, the unpleasant trembling still enveloping her whole. When the beast soon stopped roaring, Flare thought the defeat was over. That someone would finally free her from this prison, from this slow, suffocating death. But a shock coursed through her body as huge claws tore through the shield and stopped an inch from her face. The mucus dripping from the claw ran down her cheek, but it quickly evaporated when struck by the lightning. Then her body was torn off the ground and floated upward. A shield of water hit her body and a roar escaped her throat. The beast made a similar sound as its claws loosened and Flare rushed to meet the ground. Her eyes closed involuntarily, but the shaking of her body and the buzzing in her ears was unstoppable. As her body hit the ground, a huge explosion resounded in the area. The air shivered as an electrical discharge pierced the oxygen. The creature thrashed as the energy did not give it a minute to notice what was happening before the burning stench flew with the ashes in the angry wind.

Flare had no idea how she had survived, but she could feel the chill on her bare skin and the stench of burning flesh. Her body froze, as if each bone were bent in a different direction, as if her body had melted into a mush and her mind was still struggling to stay alive. Flare Leivelie had no idea that the moment before death could be so cruel.

Sounds came from all directions, and soon warm hands settled over her burned body, followed by a light sheet. Flare didn't know what was happening to her, but she allowed her body to be taken and prepared for burial. Her thoughts began to buzz and her vision began to darken. This was the moment Flare had been waiting for? The moment of relief? Why, then, were the pain and the noise so vivid?


Flare turned her head towards the door as it swung open. Her tired eyes widened, Flare could see as her father crossed the bedroom in a few quick steps only for her to rest in the warm embrace of Nesrin a moments later. They remained silent for several minutes. Neither of them spoke a word, enjoying each other's presence.

"I thought you were dead." Suddenly, a blond man whispered, brushing hair from his daughter's forehead. Flare allowed herself to stay in a warm embrace where her body felt relaxed and safe. She had no idea where she was or how she could still feel. Every memory of her before she woke up was full of agony and fear. Nestling tighter into her father's body and seeking solace, her heart beat faster as the dark energy hit her.

"Dad?" The brunette asked, Nesrin only muttered. "Yes?"

"Something happened?" Flare asked inquiringly, Nesrin looked at the younger Aurenil and laughed sadly. His cheeks were full of dried tears. Quinar swallowed and replied. "No, why are you asking?"

Flare leaned back and with reproach on her young face, said.

"Why are you lying? I can feel it. Something happened to your energy."

Nesrin smiled sadly, then ran a protective hand through his daughter's hair. Young Leivelie would not have commented on this tender gesture if fear had not prevailed within her. Her father was hiding something. And it must have been serious if he wouldn't tell her.

"The Quinar agreed to let us stay here." Nesrin informed her, at which the young girl murmured in surprise. It was known that Quinar and Eyphar were not kind to each other. They may be similar in looks, but differences in beliefs separated them into two separate kins due to what had happened in the past. "You will be safe here."

"I want to know the truth." Demanded the young woman, at which the man folded his hands in his lap and only sighed. The room smelled of rot and herbs which made Flare dizzy. However, she noted that her father did not even react.

"I'm dying."

"I beg you, pardon?" Flare looked at her father as he growed a second head. Nesrin rolled his eyes, but his brown irises were filled with a shadow that had not been there before. "I am dying, Flare. Therefore, I ask you to obey to everything that will happen to you from now on."



"No. It's impossible. How?" Flare raised in alarm, older Leivelie had never seen her so concerned before. "I was stabbed in an attack during the festival. I was stabbed by one of the Yokai." The man whispered, his voice was so soft that the younger Leivelie had to make sure she heard it right. Her heart beat relentlessly fast and painfully as her father continued. "That is why I am asking you to listen to me and do as you are told."

"Are you really exercising your power on me?" Flare whispered bitterly, her heart squeezed painfully. Her father ran a hand over her head and said. "Only if you make me do it."

"What do you expect?" Asked the girl, her stomach moving unpleasantly. Her body craved food, sleep, and probably a new dressing. Her head and body still throbbed unpleasantly.

"His Majesty King Aureat allowed all of the victims to stay in his kingdom until there will be a strength to rebuild the capital and Aravamora" Nesrin said calmly, but there was a sadness in his voice. "When the time has come, you will listen to the guardians and the king. You'll do what they ask, it's the only way I can keep you safe. If you are under the protection of one of the kings, no one will ever threaten you."

"No." Young Leivelie gasped.

"Huh?" Nesrin asked, but the younger brunette quickly continued. "I'm not going anywhere without you, do you understand? We can go back to Adiscone together. There are many amazing healers in Aurenil's lands, we will be able to heal you. Understand?"

"Flare..." Older Leivelie whispered pleadingly. Nesrin tried to reason with his daughter, but the young woman, as usual, was stubborn. "I won't survive until then."

"There must be medicine!" Flare never raised her voice at home, so when her father heard the expression, he laughed brightly and replied. "In the world, there is one antidote to the cause that compelled to create it. But there is no medicine to cure Yokai poison. Please, hear me out. You need to know what will happen to you starting today."

"I do not care and you are lying." Flare said sharply, at which man merely let the heavy air out, then stroked his daughter's hand a moment later. "There is one thing that can handle anything. But only fools decide to take this option."

"What are you talking about?" The brunette asked, and the older man began his story. "In the stories and legends, there was always talk of an Abyss of Necrosolium. A powerful and unexplored force that controls everything in their world, there are myths that it was created by one of fallen gods and made their home.''

"Is this the abyss created by Ersaryn?" Flare asked. Blond Aurenil only laughed, and continued. "To this day, we don't know. The demons of the Apocalypse hid all the clues about this event in order to stop the expedition of stupid people.''

"Has anyone been to Necrosolium before?!" Flare let out a shocked sound, the realm of the undead was a haven where the Demon Kings welcomed dead Blessed Creatures and judged their silver cores. It was believed that no one who entered the kingdom's gates could leave it. The souls of the creatures endowed by the Guardian Deities were not strong enough to break the barriers. It has always been in the stories told to naughty children that your soul core would shatter into millions of little pieces and not even the gods could collect them all.

''There have been cases. However, none of them came back." Nesrin muttered, giving the young woman a meaningful look. ''Yokai guard their lands and will not allow anyone to hang around there for long. They are dangerous creatures that feed on spiritual cores and blood.

"How do we know all this when no one has returned?" The woman asked sarcastically, to which her father rolled his eyes, amused as usual by young Leivelie's curiosity. ''No one has returned, but the Demon Kings can make themselves known bluntly. All these festivities are just a fairy tale to ease people's minds. Do you think that kings of the undying lands have hearts that prayers, songs, and food can soften?"

"You saw one." It was a bold statement, Flare knew her father well enough to know when his story and biting comments were true. Nesrin Leivelie sighed, then finished. "Yes, that's why I know there's no help."

"You know I don't believe you, right?" The girl got out of bed and looked at her father with an appraising look. Aside from the sweat dripping down his temples and his amber eyes dimming, Flare wouldn't say there was anything wrong with the man. However, the pain that her father tried to hide under warm smiles didn't let the girl fall for it. Nesrin decided to change the subject, realising that his daughter was not in the best shape to come to terms with the impending loss of her parent.

"How are you feeling?" Flare looked at the man with a raised eyebrow, then, deciding to appease his willingness to change the subject, replied. ''All right. I'm fine, we can go home."

"Dear, have you seen yourself?" The man asked with concern, then, getting up from the furniture, he approached the young woman and stroked her cheek. His hand stung as the first streams of pain began to seep into it. The brunette sighed and let the pain go away. However, realising that taking pain was incredibly exhausting on the body, she pushed her father's hand away.

''What are you doing? Don't you ever dare to do it again!'' The girl gave a command, her voice trembling at the end. Nesrin, trying to get closer to his daughter, replied. ''Flare, I'll be fine. I don't want you to suffer."

"See?" The girl muttered sardonically. ''There are two of us. Go rest. I can handle it.''

"Don't you want to hear what happened?" Nesrin asked, deciding to steer the conversation on the right track himself. Fatigue began to settle on him, making itself felt by an unpleasant throbbing in his temples. Flare raised an eyebrow, not quite convinced yet. "You must know what happened during the attack."

"You're talking about the Demon Coyotes that started appearing in our lands out of nowhere?" Eyphar began to list. ''Or maybe that everybody try to eavesdrop on us?''

Nesrin smiled to himself, then motioned for Flare to sit down next to a carved table. A pair of chairs were upholstered in expensive turquoise fabric, and the woman guessed that she was now in one of the guest rooms in the house of the king of Ilorathan - land inhabited by the Quinar, also known as the tall, fair-haired Sun Messengers. Her father perfectly matched the decorations and colours. He fit in with the lush landscapes that melted outside the windows. The girl had no idea that one day she would be located in the chambers of ancient creatures, older than her own father. Flare didn't know many members of her own bloodline, raised from a young age in the lands of Rezachil, her father barred her from friendship with her kind. However, considered a Mixture, Flare did not have an easy childhood, even in the lands of Fae.

"Flare, are you aware of what happened yesterday?" Her father asked again, to which the woman nodded. She wasn't stupid, she grew up in a land where every young person went through such chaos. However, her body refused to understand and accept something that had hurt it so much.

"Don't change the subject." The woman admonished the man, then, looking from the huge painting to her father, asked him a firm question. "Tell me about the Demon Kings."


''Tell me about the Yokai then? About the Abyss?" She continued. ''You think I don't know there's an answer to the cure behind this? You can't stop me from searching for answers, it's in our genes."

"Flare seeking a cure and seeking death are two different things!" Nesrin corrected, the two cold glances crossing each other. Nesrin Leivelie knew that beneath the thick curls was the brain of a genius, and he couldn't let his daughter abandon herself and all her resolve to save someone who had seen the universe of Ebraxas crumble twice.

"You found the cure in death." Flare said, and her tone of voice hit the elder Leivelie with such force that the doctor knew he would never see his daughter again. "Let me go, even if I find death in searching for a cure."

Nesrin opened his mouth, but his throat was so violently constricted that he didn't dare say anything. Flare disappeared from his eyes and was replaced by a wallpaper that made fun of him with a million little ornaments.

When the young woman was finally found by servants and medics. Treated, loaded with drugs and then led back to the guest bedroom where she could take a bath. The warm water worked wonders for the ossified muscles and shaky mind. Flare had to find a way to help her father, she could not imagine staying forever among the Aurenil. Her father was quite convinced that safety awaited her if she would stay under the care of King Aureat, however, her father, despite the mixed feeling that he created, was welcomed in the land of Quinar due to his distinctive appearance. Flare saw only uncertain looks and fear in the eyes of every Sun Envoy she met. People feared her, unexplored creation of a powerful connection.

Tilting her head, she allowed the pleasant scents to fill her entire interior. She could hear a bed and new clothes being prepared for her in the next chamber. There, too, an incoming conversation was waiting for her. The Guardian Enchantresses stubbornly insisted on talking to her as soon as possible, but Flare did not want to see any of their faces. All she wanted was a map, comfortable shoes and clear direction. 

Putting on new clothes, the girl smiled under her breath as silk cloth flowed through her hands. While both Arevamora and Ilorathan wore ornate outfits of various shades, the clothes that servants opted for were just plain pants and warm, flowing tunic. The young Leivelie quickly associated the robes with those similar to traditional robes of the Eyphar. It was fascinating and hilarious at the same time, that someone would think that a person raised far from the lands of Aurelin could pay attention to the cut and colour of the clothing. Despite their dislike for each other, both of the kins, tried to behave respectfully and honour a culture that, despite being terrifying, tempted with its knowledge. Flare often buried her ears in the locks of her hair, however, these could not remain hidden for long in lands where this body element was deeply adorned and worn with pride to signify that only they possessed such detail.

The girl put her hair in a long braid, then looked out of the room. It was her only chance, if she managed to escape the palace unnoticed, maybe her plan would be successful. Sneaking out of the room, the brunette ran down the stairs. Her good memory quickly allowed her to get out of the palace. The night was warm and the moon cast a terrifying glow on everything. Flare felt like a thief when she crept around. She heard a horse neighing nearby and stopped. Glancing to the left, she found a stable full of dignified steeds. The black stallions were quietly chewing the hay. The girl knew that the disappearance of one of the king's horses would quickly notify the guards, and on the other hand, summoning Varvar would be swift, but would cause a huge havoc.

The havoc she needed.

The girl took the reins and then tamed the animal, which only looked at her with its dark eyes. The wise animal moved briskly behind young Eyphar, and as the woman mounted his back and the familiar whistling sounded in the animal's ears, the horse took off. Moments later, shouts and calls could be heard. Flare didn't have much time, it wasn't long until morning. A bright flash hit her eyes, then the wind hit her face. Varvar was a dignified creature, almost glassed and delicate in appearance. Spirit Animals often assumed an appearance similar to that which their master preferred. However, Varvar, as an ancient creature, refused to humiliate himself in this way before humanity. Flare was grateful as her body mounted the deer. Its glass antlers reflected the light of the setting blood moon, letting them know how little time they had before the gates closed for another year.

''Ride!" Flare didn't have to give orders, but the adrenaline pumping through her veins was leaking out in any form it could. The wind whipped her face as she rode out onto the main bridge leading out of the palace, she did not turn. There was no question of turning back. Her name was called out from all sides, but the wind humming in her ears skillfully masked every little noise. Varvar was an excellent creature, avoiding every trap and colourful bursts of energy that were supposed to stop them. Riding up the familiar cliff, they rushed towards the waterfall. Right behind them were Enchantresses, whose task was to bring her home safely. Not punishing, not killing, just bringing home safely. Flare hated them and owed them nothing. Callings of her name out of their mouths meant absolutely nothing to her. No matter how valuable their mission was, hers was more important. 

Her lack of submission brought this situation upon her, lack of help and understanding caused Flare to race through the rushing wind and cutting rain. The storm that destroyed her beloved kingdom continued. Flare's dream of hiding in the depths of the kingdom and living there peacefully, without judgmental glances and demanding Guardians disappeared in the roar of the storm above her head.The fire was slowly dying out, the broken stalls were hiding the corpses of the subjects beneath them. She had to find the gate. She had to find the gate!

"Flare!" A familiar voice made her body go numb. But Varvar knew that couldn't stop her. ''Flare! Stop!''

Galloping through the nearby area, Brunette was looking around. The city looked identical to the palace. Bloodied, apocalyptic, lifeless. Flare hurried the animal. There had to be a passage near, the electrical discharges seemed much stronger. 

Her skin burned and wounds were showing first drops of blood, but if the pain was going to make the voice from her nightmares go away, Flare persevered.

The moon was hiding behind the horizon when the girl entered unknown clearings, but the ash and the stench of burnt flesh made her understand that she was going in the right direction. With every minute she was approaching the portal, the wind and rain were heavier, and the transition to the demonic realm filled her with indescribable happiness and unspeakable horror. Flare's body caught a feeling of fire as a gentle hand touched her shoulder. Her body, energised with power, let go of the reins and Varvar howled as lightning passed through his body. Leivelie fell to the ground with a thud, but this time she didn't give herself time to feel the pain and check if everything was okay. The Brunette, jumping up from the wet soil, moved forward, but this time the Guardians had the advantage. If she accelerates correctly after she manages to jump into the portal, it will close behind her. 

"Flare, stop!" The girl ran forward like she was deaf, the only task of the Guardians was to catch her. However, Flare skillfully avoided each of the traps. Her escape came to an end when a ray of sunlight hit her eyes, blinding her. Flare growled under her breath, then covered her eyes and moved forward. Suddenly, her face was covered in hands and an unpleasant warmth spread through her body. The girl threw away the hands of the Sorceress of Light like the greatest of the curses. The woman, wrapped in white hair like a bright light, looked at her and tried to speak, but Flare cut off her chance to talk.

"Go away, Sigrid."

"Flare, what you're doing is unreasonable!" The guardian admonished her, her huge wings shining like a beacon in the chaos of darkness. The young girl knew that the other Guardians surrounded them, but their glow was not as visible as that of the Guardian of Light. ''Come back with us. You'll be safe.''

Something inside Flare boiled, like a small voice killing all her nerves. Leivelie looked at the Princess of Rezachil's outstretched hand. Familiar fingerprints, so harmful.

"I will not be imprisoned." Flare said firmly, but her hand flew to meet the Warden's tanned hand. Sigrid merely smiled as she saw the young woman beginning to realise the danger. ''Come back with us, Flare. Everything can be as before.'

The darkness was the first thing that greeted her, and moments later she hit something hard. The girl opened her eyes slowly and pushed herself away from the trunk on which she smashed her head as she jumped into the portal with all of her forces. Compared to their world, there was a deathly silence here. Flare jumped up nervously at the last moment and hid in a tree trunk when she heard the sound of an animal's hooves. 

An unknown creature looked at her hideout, but all she could see was a pile of bones that looked like a horse.