The Samurai's New Battle

The Samurai's New Battle


King Hellius sighed for a moment before his gaze quickly turned toward me. We both paused as we exchanged a long stare with each other. Fervis looked between me and King Hellius as over and over as her face was filled with confusion.

However, it was King Hellius who finally broke the silence.

"Lady Fervis and Lady Mimi, we received a letter from the King of Altervia right after the escape of my foolish son and the Altervian Princess."

Fervis and I remained silent as he pulled out a piece of paper from his golden robe and appeared to read it aloud.

"King Hellius, I declare war on you and the Royal Capital."

I looked over to Fervis, whose fist had been tightly curled into a fist. 'Altervia is the nation famous for Dragon Hunting and the same nation who killed Fervis's entire tribe.'