A Friend’s Joy

Sophie and Maya meet up at a fancy restaurant in the city. Sophie gazed around the opulent restaurant, her eyes widening at the expensive decor.

"Wow, this is quite a place." She said.

Maya smiled, her expression serene. "Yes, it's one of my favourites, the food is exquisite."

As they sat down, Sophie noticed the guards stationed discreetly around them.

"Maya, I have to say, I find this.." She gestured to the guards. "Quite intimidating."

Maya's smile never wavered. "Oh, do not mind them Sophie, they are just a precaution. I'm afraid I can't go anywhere without them."

Sophie's eyes filled with sympathy. "That's..sad. You are paying such a high price for..what..exactly?"

Maya's gaze dropped, her voice barely above a whisper.

"For my family's wellbeing and for my safety. It is a small price to pay really. I know there's more to life than just.. survival. There is living, true living, and I deserve that..but if I don't do this…there will be no life to live."

Sophie reached out, placing a hand on her arm. Maya turned stoic, her mask slipping back into place.

"I'm happy Sophie, do not worry about me."

Sophie gave her a warm smile. Both sitting in silence for a moment, taking in the ambiance. Sophie's face lit up with excitement, suddenly.

"There's something I want to share with you, Maya."

Maya raised an eyebrow. "Sure, I'm all ears."

"I don't know if this is the right time to share this amazing news, but I have been awarded a scholarship to study in Australia."

Maya's eyes sparkled with genuine delight.

"That's incredible, Sophie, congratulations."

Sophie beamed, her joy infectious. This was a dream come true, a dream they both shared. Maya had always wanted to further her education.

For a moment, Maya's smile faltered, a pang of wistfulness flicking across her face.

She gazed at Sophie, her eyes filled with a mix of happiness and longing. Maya had allowed herself feel the weight of her sacrifices.

She traded her freedom and her dreams to become a mere spectator in her own life.

Sophie's words brought her back to the present.

"You are going to do amazing things, Sophie. Do not forget to stay in touch and share your adventures with me."

"I won't, I promise." Sophie said, as they raised a toast to more adventures.