Beyond Words

Meanwhile, back at San Diego, Lucas and Gia's relationship began to hit a rough patch. It seemed strained and tense, in a state of constant conflict.

As a maid pushed her cart down the hallway, she could not help but notice the tension that emanated from the room she was just about to clean.

She had worked at the Russo's luxurious hotel for some years now and had gotten used to the raised voices and slammed doors that seemed casual.

However, there was something different about this particular room.

"Housekeeping." her voice, gentle.

The argument inside stopped, and the door swung open to reveal a disorganized Lucas, his face twisted in anger.

The maid leaned in to get a glimpse. Rose's eyes met with Gia's as it flashed with tears.

"Rose, just leave us alone." Lucas rumbled, his voice menacing.

Rose's instincts told her to back out, but her professional training kept her rooted to the spot.

"I'm really sorry sir, but I need to clean up the room." She said with a firm but respectful voice.

Lucas lets her in hesitantly, her ears burning as the arguments resumed, the words subdued but the anger evident.

Gia feels Lucas has been distant and has appeared totally uninterested.

He accused her of having a relationship with her close friend, urging her to call him a possessive and controlling man.

As the argument escalated, it revealed deeper fears and insecurities. Lucas feared she didn't love him enough.

He knew deep down, she lacked a genuine love for him. He longed for someone to know the real him, beyond the surface level.

Rose couldn't help but wonder what had gone wrong, their relationship appeared to be unraveling right before her eyes.


As Maya entered the board room, she is strucked by the sleek and modern decor like a shot.

The room is filled with a mix of seasoned professionals and entrepreneurs, all dressed formally.

The ambiance was tense, an indicator of expectancy. The air was laden with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked cookies.

She adjusted her tailored blazer as she takes her seat. Maya is greeted by a few familiar faces from the industry, she also spots unfamiliar faces, likely representatives from other firms.

The room falls silent as the Manager of the company welcomes everyone and begins to discuss the abstract key points of the meeting

Maya listened raptly, her mind racing. Her eyes widen with shock as she pieced the subtle details and hints.

She figured the Russo Technologies proposal was not going to be approved, she tried to hide her disappointment and was recalled by the manger's words.

"Mrs Maya Russo, we appreciate your company's commitment, but unfortunately, our CEO has declined your proposal this time."

"But, I am deeply impressed by your commitment as the financial strategist." He said in a calm tone.

Maya's eyes wandered around the room, as if searching for a glimmer of hope. A wave of disappointment swept over her, but she was driven not to let it defeat her.

"Can I know the reason behind this decision?" She asked, as her eyes sparkled with interest.

"The CEO made the decision to give more importance to initiatives that coordinate with our company's current strategic plans."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "It is simply a matter of preference and priority, there's nothing I can do. However, you can still discuss this with the CEO, for a profound revelation of facts."

Maya made her way to the office moments after the meeting, her eyes widened in suprise as she walked into the office and saw Cole, the CEO.

A wave of emotions erupted in her. He looked up from the newspapers on his desk, his lips curled into a smile.

"Maya? It's nice to see you again, what brings you here?" His eyes narrowed, a flicker of realization crossing his face. "Are you a representative from Russo Technologies?"

"That's right, I am." Maya's expression turned businesslike as she composed herself.

"I was told to meet the CEO, we are seeking approval for our project."

Cole figured her professional instincts had kicked in, his professional demeanor took over as well, as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes locked onto hers.

"Well, I am the CEO and I will be making the decision on your proposal."

Maya became all business, she couldn't allow her relationship influence her pitch.

The awkwardness of the situation was undeniable, as she had constant flashbacks of their intimacy.

And as she began her presentation, Cole couldn't help but steal glances at her.

Some moments later -

The rhythmic clatter of her heels filled the hallway as she hurriedly made her way out of the office, her bag in hand.

She had done it, she managed to secure the deal for Russo Technologies.

Her triumph was short-lived, her eyes blazed with anger and hurt.

Just as she reached the door, Cole's fingers wrapped around her arm, his clasp firm but not harsh.

Their eyes held a silent conversation, conveying the emotions they felt.

"Maya, I can —"

"You didn't think it was important to tell me you were the CEO here?"

"You didn't tell me you worked for the Russo's either." Cole responded, defensively.

The tension between them was apparent, the air charged with unspoken words.

Maya's eyes widened in disbelief, but as she turned to walk away, she is pulled into a warm embrace by Cole.

His lips claiming hers in a passionate kiss that left her breathless.

Maya broke the kiss as her piercing gaze seemed to bore into his soul, awakening a deep yearning, a feeling he could not really understand or deny either.

With a deep sigh, Cole realized the weight of his secrets.

As they stood there, vulnerable, he let out an apology.

"I'm sorry for not being truthful and sincere with you, I - "

Maya's finger traced his lips thereby silencing his words. "It's okay" she mouthed.

"There's a new restaurant just around the block, wanna try it out?" He said with a grin. "You'll love it, I promise." his finger played on her chin.

Maya's face beamed with delight as she planted a small kiss on his cheek. He was her first kiss, first love - her first everything.