We Can Make This Work

Maya and Cole sat together at a small, quaint restaurant, surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sounds of nature.

The secluded spot was a far cry from the luxurious establishments Lucas usually took her to.

As they sipped their coffee and shared a plate of pasta, Maya turned to Cole.

"I've missed you." She said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Cole's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled. "I've missed you too, Maya. It's been a while."

Maya nodded, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her.

She had missed Cole's easygoing nature, his ability to make her laugh, and his unwavering support.

Maya's phone rang, shrill in the silence of the moment. She hesitated, her eyes darting to the screen, where Lucas's name flashed.

Cole followed her gaze, his expression questioning.

Maya's fingers hovered over the phone, her uncertainty etched on her face.

Cole's voice broke the silence.

"Why don't you want to pick up?"

Her eyes met with Cole's, a flash of guilt crossing her features.

"It's just work," she said softly.

Cole's gaze lingered, his eyes searching for the truth. Maya's hesitation had spoken volumes, and he knew she wasn't being entirely honest.

The phone continued to ring, the sound grating on Maya's nerves. She knew she had to make a choice - answer Lucas's call and risk revealing her true emotions, or ignore it and succumb to her feelings for Cole.

With a deep breath, Maya declined the call, her heart racing with the implications of her decision.

Cole's eyes never left hers, his expression a mix of understanding and curiosity.

Maya and Cole's day together was a whirlwind of laughter, adventure and connection.

They started with a visit to a local art museum, where they spent hours admiring the masterpieces and sharing their own interpretations.

Next, they headed to a nearby park, where they rented bikes and rode through the winding trails, feeling the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces.

They stopped at a picturesque lake where they shared a picnic lunch and fed the ducks.

They also visited the trampoline park, where they had a blast bouncing, flipping and playing games.

As the night fell, Maya and Cole settled into the car, the soft hum of engine and the quiet darkness wrapping around them.

Cole's hand reached across the console, his fingers brushing against Maya's as he sought out her hand.

Maya's heart fluttered as she felt his touch, her hand instinctively turning to meet his. Cole's fingers intertwined with hers in a gentle grasp.

"I really had a good time, Maya." Cole said, his voice low and sincere. "I feel like I have known you forever."

Maya smiled, her eyes meeting Cole's in the dim light.

"I know exactly what you mean."

Cole's thumb stroked the back of her hand, sending shivers down her spine.

"I don't want the night to end," he whispered, his eyes locked onto hers.

Maya's heart soared, her pulse pounding like a drum. She knew she should pull away.

But, she couldn't bring herself to break the connection.

The air was charged with tension, the possibility of what could happen next hanging precariously in the balance.

Cole's eyes sparkled with hope as he gazed at Maya, his voice filled with emotion.

"I think we should consider getting into a…relationship, Maya I really like you. And I feel we have something special."

Maya's heart skipped a beat as she hesitated, unsure of how to respond.

"I.. I don't know Cole," Maya stammered, her voice barely audible. "I mean, I like you too.. but I don't think I am ready to take that..leap."

Cole's face fell, but he didn't release her hand.

"I just want to explore the possibility of us being together, see where this connection takes us."

"We can make this work, Maya. Say you'll consider it. You'll consider the possibility of us being together."

Maya pulled her hand back, her mind racing with conflicting emotions.

Her mind was a jumble of emotions, her thoughts tangled in a web of confusion. She thought she was deeply in love with Lucas.

But now, being with Cole, she could not deny the lingering feelings she still had for him.

Her love for Lucas was strong, but her feelings for Cole, though faint, still simmered beneath her surface.

The confusion was suffocating, making it difficult for Maya to breathe. She had convinced herself that her feelings for Cole was a thing of the past, a distant memory.

She couldn't understand why she was feeling this way. She realized the feelings had never fully dissipated.

Maya knew she had to make a choice. But which path would she choose? The familiar comfort of her life with Lucas or the uncertain thrill of reexploring her feelings for Cole?

Cole's eyes locked onto Maya's, his gaze burning with intensity. He leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a soft, gentle kiss.

Maya's instincts told her to pull away but her body betrayed her.

Her thoughts swirled with a mix of guilt and justification. She knew that giving in to her feelings for Cole was wrong.

But she remembered the pain of Lucas's infidelity on their wedding night.

She couldn't help but feel that she was somehow justified in seeking comfort elsewhere.

'It's not right' she thought to herself, as she returned Cole's kisses. "But Lucas did the same to me, he threw away our vows the very night we made them. He only wanted me to bear his child."

The memory of that betrayal still stung, and Maya's heart hardened slightly as she thought of it. The memory still lingered, a constant reminder of Lucas's infidelity and disrespect.

It was a flawed justification, perhaps, but it was enough to silence the doubts that whispered in her ear. For tonight, at least, Maya would let go of her guilt and indulge in the passion that had been simmering between her and Cole.

Tomorrow, she would face the consequences of her actions, but for now, she just let herself feel.