Her Decision

"I..I think..it's just me, Alice, Madam Rochelle." Maya stuttered, trying to sound like one of the staff members.

"I was just, uh, looking for something."

Madam Rochelle's gaze narrowed, her eyes straining to see.

"Come closer, let me see your face."

Maya hesitated, knowing she couldn't let Madam Rochelle get a good look at her. She slowly backed away, trying not to make any sudden movements.

"I-I'm sorry Madam Rochelle. I'll come back later."

Madam Rochelle harrumphed, her expression skeptical. "Fine, but be quick about it."

Maya turned and swiftly made her way down the hall. She had managed to slip past Madam Rochelle undetected.

Maya reached her room, her hand hesitated on the door handle, her mind racing with uncertainty. Her mind suddenly changing direction.

She thought of seeing Lucas but the memories of her incident with Cole earlier, rushed back.

She felt a wave of guilt wash over her, as if she was somehow betraying Lucas by even thinking of Cole.

But wasn't it Lucas that betrayed her first? Didn't he deserve to face the pain he had caused her? Maya's emotions were so tangled.

Her thoughts swirled in confusion.

She didn't know what to do, or how to feel. Part of her wanted to see Lucas, hold his hands and stroke his hair.

But, another part of her wanted to leave him in the past, not wanting to have anything to do with him.

Maya decided to see Lucas, to confront him and tell him how he made her feel.

Her footsteps slowed as she approached Lucas's room. She hadn't intended to check on him, but something compelled her to see how he was doing.

She gently turned the handle and pushed the door open slightly, wincing at the creaky noise that seemed to echo through the silent hallway.

She peeked inside, the room was dimly lit, the only sound the soft rum of the air conditioning, with only a silver of moonlight illuminating the space.

Maya's eyes adjusted slowly, taking in the contours of Lucas's room. And then, her gaze landed on him.

Lucas lay on his bed, his chest rising and falling with slow, heavy breaths. He was asleep, oblivious to her presence.

Maya's gaze roamed over him, taking in the dark circles under his eyes and the tangled mess of his hair.

He looked troubled even in his sleep.

Her emotions swirling in a tangled mix of love, anger and hurt. She felt guilty, sad and concerned.

He was struggling, just like she was.

She reached out a hand, hesitating for a moment before gently stroking his hair, she felt a pang of tenderness towards him.

Her touch was gentle, her fingers tracing the contours of Lucas's face. She planted soft kisses on his forehead, her lips barely grazing his skin. She was careful not to wake him.

As she gazed at Lucas, Maya's heart swelled with emotions. Deep inside, she knew she still loved him.

Despite his betrayal, his lies and disrespect, she loved him for who he was, for the good times they shared, for the memories they created together.

Lucas stirred, his eyes fluttering open. He gazed up at Maya. Her heart skipped a beat as they locked eyes.

They just looked at each other, the tension evident.

Then, Lucas's face softened, and he reached up, his hands covering Maya's face.

"Maya.." he whispered, his voice low and husky.

Maya's throat constricted, as she tried to find her voice.

"Shh," she whispered back, her lips brushing against his ear. "Go back to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."

Maya's gaze lingered on Lucas's face, his eyes drifting closed as he returned to sleep.

Her hand instinctively reached out to tuck the blankets around him.

She gently pulled the covers up to his chin, her fingers brushing against his skin.

As she tucked him in, Maya's thoughts turned to the past, to the memories they shared, and her heart ached with longing.

But for now, she just wanted to take care of him, to make sure he was comfortable. Her hand lingered on his forehead, her thumb tracing the curve of his eyebrow.

Then, she turned and quietly left the room, closing the door behind her. She took a deep breath, trying to shake off the feelings that welled up in her.

As she walked back to her room, Maya felt a sense of relief wash over her.

The warm water cascaded down Maya's skin, washing away the stress and tension of the day.

The peacefulness of the moment enveloped her, and she felt her worries slowly drifting away.

As she emerged from the shower, she wrapped herself in a plush towel, feeling the softness against her skin.

Reaching her bed, she slipped under the covers, feeling the cool sheets envelop her.

She closed her eyes, letting out a contented sigh as her head sank into the pillow.

The silence of the room was a balm to her soul.

Maya's mind began to wander, and she found herself reflecting on the events of her life.

She thought about her marriage and her choices. She had cheated on her husband, not once, but twice.

The realization struck a chord within her, as it went against everything she believed in.

Maya had always prided herself on being a person of integrity, she had grown up with strong values and principles, and had always tried to live by them.

But now, as she looked back on her actions, she felt a deep sense of regret and shame. Her thoughts weighed heavily on her mind as she considered the two paths before her.

She could leave her husband, Lucas, and start a new life with Cole, the man who awakened her feelings and go somewhere far away where she would be unreachable.

Or she could stay with Lucas, the man she deeply and truly cares for and try to repair their relationship.

Both options came with their own set of challenges and uncertainties.

If she left Lucas, she would be taking a chance on new love, with no guarantees of happiness.

On the other hand, if she stayed with Lucas, she would be committing to work through their issues, to rebuild intimacy and trust.

The decision was hers alone, she knew she had to make it with her heart and mind.