Chapter 1: So it begins...

In a city somewhere on earth


Caleb woke up as he usually does and went to the bathroom to get himself ready for work. However, he is not quite awake as he spent last night indulging in one of his favourite hobbies, novel reading. " head..." he groans as he slowly goes inside to wash. Someway-somehow, he gets ready for work and descends into his car. 

Making his way through the busy city, he decides to make a quick turn to get a cup of coffee on the go. "Hello, I'll take one regular coffee". After paying for his coffee, he made his way back to his car. 'Hopefully, this coffee helps me get my mojo back'. Although a brilliant geneticist, he sometimes finds everything repetitive. 

Back in his car and on the road, Caleb takes a sip of his coffee when he gets a text from one of his work colleagues. 'Hurry up and get your ass down here. We have to go over the presentation before the guests arrive'. Putting his cup down, he picks his phone and attempts to reply. In that short time he picks up his phone reply, he takes his eyes off the road and misses the red light. Fortunately or unfortunately, there was no car in front of him as he went on ahead. 



Caleb loses his sense of pain as he becomes disoriented. "Hey, are you okay?! Stay with us, the ambulance is on its way!", he heard someone say. From his current condition, Caleb could tell he was severely injured. Everything around him became blurry and the sound faded into the background. 'Looks like this is it for me. At least no one is going to miss me very much. Ah...I didn't even have a girlfriend. Not that I needed one anywhere. ' His eyelids started getting heavy as he felt sleep slowly overwhelm him. 'Maybe I get to reincarnated or something. That would be nice....' As this thought drifted through his head, his eyelids closed as he took his last breath on earth.


" head..."

Caleb slowly awakens from his slumber and looks around. Memories of what had transpired moments ago came rushing, making his pain increase. 'Am I in the hospital?', he asks himself as he looks around the room. "The last time I checked, hospital rooms don't look like this," he muttered. 

Caleb sits upright on the bed to take a closer look. The room he lay in was quite spacious with a bed large enough for three people, a table close by the bedside with books neatly arranged vertically at the head. To his right was a door that looked like it was made for royalty and the floor was laid with polished granite that subtly reflected the light that entered the room from the windows.

"Yeah, this is definitely not the hospital", Caleb affirmed once more and stood up to take a look around the room. To the left was another door that looked like it led to the bathroom. He opens that door and takes a look inside. He spotted a large bath in one section of the room and something that he assumed was the toilet, hopefully. Just like the bedroom, the floors were made of granite and the wall at the end was graced with a large mirror with its essentials.

Closing the door to the bathroom, he goes to the window at the edge of the bed and looks outside. 'Wow.... Just where am I?' Outside his room was a large field of neatly cut grass and trees blooming with flowers of different colours. He saw people moving around the field wearing matching clothes. They appeared rather young-looking, around the ages of 18-20 years. 'This must be some kind of school', he thought to himself.

Suddenly the door opens as a woman walks in. "Oh, looks like you are awake. You got us worried there, you know?" The woman who had just walked in was quite the looker. She had a height of about 1.7m with a slim build with all the curves at the right places. She had black curly hair and hazel eyes. "How are you feeling?" asked the woman. 

"I am fine... I think?" Caleb replied as he looked at himself. He noticed the clothes he was wearing were different. However, his mind was interested in something else. "Who are you and where am I?" As of now, Caleb was certain he was nowhere near his city and this place wasn't the hospital. "Errm.. don't you remember, Prof. Zane? You were on a mission for the school when we received word that you were seriously injured. So the administration made efforts to bring you back to receive treatment."

'Prof. Zane? Is she referring to me, and a mission? Wait...' Caleb suddenly felt his heart skip a beat and looked around again. 'No way! No, let's first understand what's happening then we can deduce what's happening' As this thought came to mind, Caleb asked the woman still staring at him with a bewildered look, "What is my name and where am I?"

Still confused, the lady answered, "You're Prof. Caleb Zane and this is Newdawn Academy." Though she found it weird that he asked for his name, she still replied. "Prof. Zane, are you sure you are alright". 

"No, I'm not sure. I think I have lost my memories." Caleb feigned a troubled look and looked out the window once again. He felt his heart race as the realization was setting in. 'It can't be, right? Surely it must be some trick but how do I explain what I am seeing aside from being transmigrated?!'
